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   Harry Potter Slash Fics

Who la hoop

A Tale of Two Tents
When Scorpius and Al take their parent's rivalry to a whole new level, Hogwarts is forced to intervene. Word count: ~10,350

How to Handle an Enemy
Everyone knows that it’s no fun playing truth or dare with a Slytherin. But add a little Veritaserum, a scheming duo of Slytherin girls and surprising things can be revealed. Particularly about the fine line between love and hate… 7,500 + 11,000

101 Ways to Heal Your Wizarding Woes
Harry is a trainee Auror, and Draco is living at Malfoy Manor, bored and petulant with nothing to do, and no career prospects. Draco’s attempt to heal himself via Muggle psychology – including writing a series of ‘why I hate you’ letters to Harry – backfires when an overanxious house elf delivers the results to Harry. Harry is bemused, Draco is angry and together they have a lot of issues to work out.

The Potter-Malfoy Problem
The room of requirement's gone mad — at least, that's what Harry thinks. There's no way that Draco Malfoy 'requires' him, of all people, but why does it keep dragging Harry there like he's some kind of furniture, every time Malfoy enters it? Throw in Pansy the pervert and a clipboard-wielding Hermione, and things can only go from bad to worse. And that's not even mentioning the pirates . .

The Rabbit and the God
When Draco Malfoy goes missing, in the most peculiar of ways, frustrated Auror-in-training Harry Potter goes on a search for his absentee enemy that leads him to Muggle Japan – and to a mystery that will take more than magic to solve.

The Evil Devil Child and the Perfect Gift
When Scorpius Malfoy – Legilimens-extraordinaire, perfect son and all-round kinky little bastard – discovers that his father harbours a certain fantasy involving Harry Potter, a submissive attitude and a priceless antique dining table, he sets out to make his father’s dreams come true. And if succeeding in his mission involves putting up with a naked, willing Albus Severus? Well, that’s a price that Scorpius will just have to pay. Word Count: ~16,500

Never Trust a Slytherin
Al grinned. It would be the crowning glory of his final year – the one thing that would prove, once and for all, that he was not his dad in any way, shape or form. He would seduce a Slytherin – the son of his father's great enemy – and prove to Scorpius Malfoy his perfect trust in him. How hard could it be? AS/S -- 12,500

The Unicorn Incident
Growing up is hard to do, especially in the shadow of your father’s reputation. Scorpius Malfoy has a tough time keeping his resolution to be the best Slytherin he can be when schoolboy games, unicorns, incompetent friends and a beloved enemy all conspire to teach him something different – and rather wonderful – about himself. Word Count: 18,000

some story outline

some story outline

some story outline


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- John Doe, US -