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   Harry Potter Slash Fics

The Plan by Alaana Fair

1  Phase I

Harry was glad when they finally got to the club. At least the music would drown out Hermione’s incessant whining.

“Harry, I just want you to be happy.” Well, Harry thought, apparently even a noisy club isn’t enough to drown her out completely.

“I am happy, guys,” Harry said for the 329th time that night. “Look, see this smile? It means I’m happy. Gloriously happy!”

“But, Harry,” Hermione continued, “I know you want a family and you can’t have that if you don’t settle down.”

It was the same conversation that they had every time the Trio got together lately. Ron and Hermione had married years before and were trying to have baby number one, the first of many Harry suspected, and therefore thought Harry should be considering the same.

“You can’t keep up this playboy lifestyle forever,” Hermione said, looking exasperated.

“Hermione, I’m alright, I’m just enjoying being a free spirit for a while. I think I deserve that after spending so many years with a target on my back.”

“Yeah, mate, but Voldemort’s been dead for eight years now. It won’t be that long until you’re staring thirty in the eyes and then you’ll look back to see you’ve wasted the best years of your life.”

“Ron, I’m not wasting anything. I’m having fun. F. U. N. Remember what that is?”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Being in a relationship for more than two weeks could be fun too, Harry. Why can’t you just try it?”

Harry sighed and tried to tune her out as they ordered drinks and found a table near the dance floor.

Ron sat across from him and took over the nagging where Hermione had left off. “You’d think you and Malfoy have some kind of bet going to see who can shag the most people before your 30th birthday.”

Harry, finally reaching the end of his rope, snapped at him. “Well maybe Malfoy and I have more in common than you think.”

Hermione and Ron both looked at him with disgust. “How can you even say that, mate?” Ron practically howled, sounding more like an injured dog than his best friend.

“Just… never mind. I’m going to dance and if the subject hasn’t changed by the time I come back I’m finding new friends.” Harry stomped off toward the dance floor.

“Well, that didn’t go over as well as I’d hoped,” Hermione grumbled.

“Yeah, and speak of the devil, look who just walked in.” Ron pointed to the door where Draco Malfoy was walking in with an entourage of the wizarding world’s ‘most beautiful people’.

“God, could this night get any worse?” Hermione slammed her head to the table and groaned.

“Come on, Hermione, let’s dance and forget about Harry. He’s a big boy; if he wants to throw his life away on mindless dumb blondes then maybe we should just let him.”

Ron stood up and held out a hand to Hermione who reluctantly took it and smiled. “For now anyway, I guess.”

Harry was on the dance floor and, as usual, was surrounded by adoring fans clamouring for his attention. As Hermione watched she longed for the days when Harry used to shy away from such attention. Those days seemed to have died right along with Voldemort. And she did have to admit Harry had definitely grown into his reputation as the sexiest wizard alive. Tonight he was dressed casually in tight faded jeans and a snug-fitting green T-shirt that brought out the sparkle in his eyes and showed off every muscle in his well-toned body. If he wasn’t like a brother to her, and if she wasn’t totally in love with Ron, she would probably fancy a good shag just like everyone else. Because that’s all you ever got from Harry Potter – a good shag and an empty promise of ‘I’ll owl you’.

After a few songs Harry came back to the table to sit and watch the crowd, checking out his prospects for the evening. He really was quite happy with his life at the moment. After he’d finally killed Voldemort he had taken the motto of Carpe Diem to the extreme, trying to fit in as much fun as he possibly could. Why his friends couldn’t seem to accept that was beyond his comprehension.

As he downed the last of his Firewhisky, he saw Malfoy coming from the dance floor and heading in his direction. Malfoy had fled the country with his mother during the war – deciding it was safer to not choose sides until he found out who was going to win. Nowadays though, it seemed mandatory for the Daily Prophet to have a photo of either one or the other of them on the front page.

“Potter,” Malfoy said smoothly, nodding as he reached Harry’s table.

“Malfoy.” Harry returned the nod, giving no other reaction to the surprise visit from his oldest and most intense rival.

“I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation between Granger and the Weasel and it seems we have a similar problem.”

“Oh really? Ron and Hermione want to marry you off so you can have dozens of screaming children too?”

Surprisingly, Malfoy laughed. “Well no, actually that would be Blaise and Pansy and only one pureblood heir would satisfy them.”

Harry almost smiled at the way Malfoy scrunched up his nose in distaste, but squashed it quickly. It was odd seeing Malfoy laugh so casually in his presence. What’s he playing at, I wonder?

“Well, it seems our friends are concerned about our futures then,” Harry said, forcing his voice to remain uninterested.

“Yes, but the thing is, I’m quite satisfied with my shallow life and I think you probably are too.” When Harry gave a small smile of agreement it was all the encouragement Malfoy needed to continue. “I might have a plan to get all of our well-intentioned friends to mind their own business.”

Malfoy had a devilishly Slytherin smirk that intrigued Harry for some odd reason. “And what exactly is this plan, and why are you telling me, of all people, about it?”

“Well,” Malfoy said as he sat down across from Harry. “Who do Granger and Weasley dislike more than anyone you know?”

Harry raised an eyebrow at Malfoy. “You.”

“Exactly, and who do you think Blaise and Pansy dislike more than anyone I know?”

Harry grinned, starting to see where this was headed. “Me.”

“Precisely,” continued Malfoy. “So, I have a proposition for you.”

He eyed Harry as if he was inspecting a bottle of fine wine. “If you and I were to, say, meet at a club and dance, leading to, perhaps, heaven forbid, us being in a ‘relationship’, what do you think our well-meaning friends would do?”

“Move heaven and earth to break us up,” Harry said immediately, knowing it was true.

“Exactly, and they would never again annoy us with the importance of finding that one special someone to settle down with.” Malfoy grinned triumphantly.

The plan was outlandish, extremely sneaky and totally dishonest. But Harry was pretty sure it would be effective. The Slytherin in him smiled.

Malfoy smirked at Harry as he stood up and offered him a hand. “So, Mr. Potter, shall we dance?”

Harry glanced at the dance floor where Ron and Hermione were watching with identical horror-struck expressions. He took Malfoy’s hand and smiled. “I’d be honored.”

As he followed Draco to the dance floor, Harry contemplated what he was about to do. He hadn’t hated Malfoy for a very long time. They weren’t friends, they would never be friends, but he could tolerate him long enough to make this believable. And from this view of Malfoy he acknowledged that, from a purely physical perspective, this could even be enjoyable.

The sea of people parted as they made their way onto the dance floor. Both Harry and Draco knew that everyone was staring at them – the two most attractive men in the wizarding world. Malfoy smirked as he leaned over and whispered into Harry’s ear, “Shall we give them the show they’re hoping for?”

Harry, deciding this could indeed be a bit of fun, grinned and whispered back, “Let the game begin.”

No one watching could have taken their eyes off of them, even in the unlikely event they had wanted to. The music was loud and hypnotic and the bump and grind of their bodies was like the mating ritual of some long-forgotten ancient race.

“Oh. My. God!” Ron sat down hard in his chair and held his head in his hands. “What on earth is he doing?”

Hermione, on the other hand, was trying to decide if the horrified feeling she was having was because Harry was dancing like that with Malfoy or if it was because her panties were suddenly wet and sticky. Either way, she was definitely horrified.

Just as she thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, the music changed.

Ron groaned as his head fell from his hands and, with a dull thud, hit the table. Hermione took in a sharp breath. “Surely he won’t slow dance with Malfoy.” But as soon as she’d said it, Harry twined his fingers in Malfoy’s hair and Malfoy pulled Harry in closer, wrapping his arms around Harry’s slim waist and stuffing his hands into the back pockets of Harry’s jeans.

At that same moment a hand slammed on the table in front of them. Hermione looked up to see Pansy Parkinson looking down at them red with fury.

“What in the fuck did Potter do to Draco?” she growled.

Ron stood immediately in Hermione’s defence and found himself nose to nose with Blaise Zabini. “We should be asking what Malfoy’s done to Harry, don’t you think?” Ron asked, his eyes dark and threatening.

The four of them stood there staring at each other, waiting, perhaps, for lightning to strike one of them dead. But before it could, they heard the smooth silky voice of Draco Malfoy. “Blaise, Pansy, I should hope you’re not harassing Harry’s friends.”

“‘Harry’s’?” they said in unison, not hiding the confusion in their voices at the familiar use of Potter’s first name.

“Yes, well,” Draco said smoothly, “I had assumed you would remember, he is, after all, rather difficult to forget. But pardon my rudeness.” Draco motioned to his friends. “Blaise, Pansy,” he paused, wrapping an arm possessively around Harry’s waist. “Meet Harry Potter.”

“We know who he is, you idiot! What the hell are you doing with him?” Pansy barked.

“Why, Pansy, I was dancing, what did it look like?” Draco smirked coolly.

Pansy and Blaise looked at each other; they weren’t even going to think about what it looked like.

“Hhh-humm.” Ron cleared his throat none too subtly and grabbed Harry’s elbow. “Harry, mate, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Harry smiled innocently, as though there was nothing at all odd about the situation. “Sure, Ron, why don’t we go get some drinks,” he said as he smiled at his companion. “You’ll join us at our table won’t you, Draco?”

Hermione’s mouth fell open.

“Of course, love,” Draco simpered as he leaned over and kissed Harry slowly and tenderly right on the lips.

Harry was smiling as he walked away thinking, Malfoy’s really not a bad kisser.

“Have you gone completely mental?” Ron screeched as soon as they were out of ear shot.

“What?” Harry asked, trying to sound confused whilst controlling the urge to giggle at Ron’s distorted expression.

“Harry!” Ron’s face was beyond purple. “You just KISSED Malfoy!”

“Yes, and he’s quite a good kisser. Of course,” Harry rambled absentmindedly, “I won’t really know until I get a little tongue, but-”

“Harry!” Ron grabbed his arm and brought them to a full halt. “Would you listen to yourself? It must be some sort of Love Potion, or Lust Potion, or, hell I don’t know, something.” Ron put his hand on Harry’s shoulder in a conciliatory way. “We need to get you out of here before you do something stupid.”

“Ron,” Harry said calmly, shrugging his hand away. “Just look at him.” Harry glanced over to the table where Malfoy stood, apparently having a similar conversation with Zabini. Harry smiled inwardly as he noted the plan so far was working perfectly. “He’s actually very good-looking and extremely fit.”

“Fit? Fit? It’s Malfoy, Harry, remember, make-your-life-a-living-hell-Malfoy!”

“Ron, that was ages ago. Weren’t you just saying it was time I grew up? Well, maybe you were right.” Harry stalked off to the bar and ordered six Firewhiskys.

Ron took a deep breath and tried to rationalize this to himself. Give him a week; Malfoy will be history just like the rest of them. We can put up with even Malfoy for a week.

When they returned to the table with the drinks Draco was glaring at Blaise, Pansy was glaring at Hermione, and Hermione was glaring at Draco. Harry had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

“Well,” Harry said as he approached the table. “You lot look like you’re having a good time.”

Draco looked up at him and pouted. Again, Harry had to bite his lip. Draco looked rather adorable when he pouted. “Our friends don’t seem to approve of us dancing together.”

“Really?” Harry asked innocently as he looked around at all the glares that were now directed at him. “I think they’ll get used to it.” He leaned down and kissed Malfoy on the neck and whispered into his ear, just loud enough that the others could hear, “Come dance with me.”

Draco smiled and took Harry’s hand as he stood. “Fabulous idea.” The other four sat wordlessly staring as the two men walked away.

Once on the dance floor and relatively camouflaged from the eyes of their friends, they both burst out laughing.

Draco smiled cautiously at Harry. “Potter, I have to admit you’re pulling this off much better than I had expected.”

“What? You thought I’d have the typical Gryffindor wear-my-emotions-on-my-sleeve problem?”

Draco paused and raised a surprised eyebrow at Harry. “Actually yes, that’s exactly what I thought.”

Harry chuckled. “Well…” He paused for a dramatic effect. “The Sorting Hat did try to put me in Slytherin.”

Draco gaped. Harry laughed. “I didn’t know Malfoys gaped.”

Snapping his mouth shut, Draco snarled, “Oh, shut up, Potter.” But there didn’t seem to be the same bite behind it as Harry would have expected.

“So, how exactly did you manage to change the Sorting Hat’s mind?” Draco asked curiously as he manoeuvred them around the dance floor so their friends could see them once again.

Harry smiled. “I believe I said something like, not Slytherin, not Slytherin.”

Draco looked at him as if he had grown another head. “And why, pray tell, would you say such a thing?” He wasn’t sure if he was amazed because Potter had the audacity to argue with the Sorting Hat, or if it was because he had managed to actually change its mind.

“You,” Harry answered honestly, expecting a snide remark in return.

Draco looked confused for a minute before it dawned on him what Harry was talking about, and then he grinned. “Why, Potter, I hadn’t realised I had such a profound effect on your life.”

Harry laughed, he had never thought of it that way before. “Yeah, I guess you did.”

They were quiet for a while, enjoying the music and moving together. They lit up the dance floor like twin candle flames being swept about by a gentle breeze.

“You’re a good dancer.” Harry didn’t mean for it to come out in such husky whisper.

Draco looked at him curiously. “Quidditch,” he finally said as if that explained everything.


“Yes, Potter, Quidditch. You know, the game where you ride around on brooms?” he teased.

“Thanks for the description, Malfoy,” Harry said sarcastically. “What does Quidditch have to do with dancing?”

“You learn to be aware of your body, to move fluidly with gravity and air instead of against it. I suspect that’s part of the reason your dancing has improved so much since the Yule Ball.”

Once Harry thought about it, he was surprised to realise it did make perfect sense. Harry looked his dance partner over, not sure what to think of this side of Malfoy that he’d never seen before. “Malfoy, do you realise that’s the second compliment you’ve given me tonight?”

“Oh no, I’m slipping, call the Dementors before I hurt someone,” he said dramatically.

Harry laughed. “Okay, I guess to be fair you should know I gave you a compliment earlier too. I told Ron you were a good kisser.”

Draco snorted before he could stop himself. “So that’s why he had that apoplectic fit earlier?”

Harry grinned. “No, actually that was when I told him I thought you were good-looking and really fit.”

“Oh God, Potter. You’ll give him heart failure if you keep that up. He won’t even live long enough to try to break us up later.”

Harry laughed. “Speaking of Ron.” He nodded toward the table. “They’re at it again. Should we--”

“No,” Draco said abruptly and laid his head on Harry’s shoulder. “Let them fight with each other instead of with us.”

Harry felt Draco nuzzle against his neck and instinctively pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him protectively. He could just see the outline of the man’s face on his shoulder and it looked so peaceful and un-colluded. Harry rubbed his cheek gently against Draco’s and elicited a sigh and another nuzzle.

They had been dancing for a long time when the music changed again. This was the last dance before the bar closed; they always played the same slow song. Harry reached up and smoothed Draco’s hair away from his face so he could get a better look. Draco lifted his head and looked at him questioningly. Harry didn’t know what he was doing and he didn’t know why he was doing it, all he knew was that if he didn’t kiss Malfoy right now his head might explode. He leaned in and brushed their lips together, tentatively, asking if it was okay. Draco pressed in harder and parted his lips so Harry’s tongue could have free access to wherever it wanted to go. When Draco’s tongue touched Harry’s it sent tingles through his body and Harry’s hands seemed to take the tingles as a signal to move, because his right hand moved under Draco’s shirt hem and began tracing every bump and valley of Draco’s spine while the other cupped the back of Draco’s head and tangled in his hair and God this felt good.

When the music stopped, everyone started to leave the dance floor but Harry and Draco seemed to be rooted to the spot. Harry broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against Draco’s, not releasing his hair or moving the hand that now rested under Draco’s shirt at the small of his back.

“Let’s not go back to the table. Let’s just Apparate from here and deal with them tomorrow.” Harry’s voice was low and shaky and a bit unsure as if asking a question rather than making a statement.

“Apparate to where?” Draco’s voice was just as shaky but still silky and seductive, answering the question exactly as Harry had hoped.

“My place, your place, fuck I don’t care, as long as I get to kiss you like that again,” Harry said breathlessly.

Without even a glance toward the table, where their friends were watching anxiously, Draco smiled. “Your place.”

There was a faint pop and they appeared in the middle of Harry’s bedroom and within seconds they were kissing again. Breathless and hungry kisses that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.

Harry deftly unbuttoned Draco’s shirt as they kissed and he ran his hands over the newly exposed skin. He finally released Draco’s lips and moved down his throat, placing open mouth kisses in a line to Draco’s Adam’s apple where he stopped and sucked until Draco moaned. “God, Potter, are you sure you want to do this?”

Hearing Draco’s voice sounding so unsure and vulnerable bolstered Harry’s confidence in a way he would have never imagined. “Harry,” he purred as he moved from Draco’s Adam’s apple to trace the lines of his collar bone with his tongue, and then lower to worry a nipple gently between his teeth.

“What?” Draco finally managed to question between whimpers.

“Harry. When I bring you to the best orgasm you’ve ever had I want you to scream Harry. Not Potter.” Harry moved his attention down and ran his tongue around Draco’s navel before flicking it in and out and blowing hot breath on the wetness sending chills radiating out in all directions.

“If you can do that, Potter, I’ll call you Harry until my dying days,” Draco whispered, almost to himself.

Harry chuckled softly against wet skin and more chills spread over Draco’s entire body. “Is that a promise?”

Harry’s lips moved back up Draco’s chest, nipping at the other nipple and making Draco gasp. “Yes.”

Harry walked slowly around Draco, pulling the shirt off his shoulders as he went, never taking his eyes off him. He nibbled the back of Draco’s neck as he wrapped his arms around his waist and began to unbuckle Draco’s belt. “Is it a promise you’ll keep?” he whispered in Draco’s ear as he nibbled it and artfully unbuttoned the moaning man’s trousers whilst being careful not to touch the obvious erection that was aching to get out.

Draco gasped as his clothes fell to the ground and cool air hit him as his cock was released from its prison to push against his satin boxers. “Most of the time.” Draco chuckled hoarsely, trying desperately to stay in control and not rip Harry’s clothes off and throw him to the floor at that very instant.

“God, you’re beautiful,” Harry whispered into Draco’s ear as he nuzzled into satin blond hair.

Draco toed off his shoes and stepped out of his trousers as he turned to face Harry, his eyes clouded with desire. “And you are entirely too clothed,” Draco said in a low purr as he whispered an incantation and Harry’s shirt and jeans fell to the floor.

Harry wasn’t sure how they got to the bed but once they were there he couldn’t stop. He had to have Draco, be inside Draco, own Draco and for some reason he didn’t think one night of this would be enough.

Draco was arching up to him, a string of nonsense words and expletives coming from swollen lips and he looked so beautiful and vulnerable lying on Harry’s bed, digging fingers into Harry’s hips, and Harry was thankful for Lubrication Spells because if he had to wait he might die.

He entered Draco as slowly as he could; biting his lip in concentration to keep from slamming into him all at once like he really wanted to. But Draco was moving beneath him and Harry pushed in further, surrounding himself in Draco’s warmth. “God, you feel good, Draco.” He leaned in and found Draco’s lips again and kissed hard, feeling Draco’s cock rubbing against his stomach, covering it with wetness. He was trying hard to keep his focus but his hips were moving to a rhythm all their own, and he couldn’t let go of Draco’s lips and his arms were trembling as they held him up so he didn’t crush Draco beneath him. Then Draco was coming and spasms were circling Harry’s cock and then he heard it, it sounded almost like a moan coming from Draco’s beautiful swollen lips but it wasn’t a moan, not completely anyway. It was his name. “Harry, Harry, oh God, Harry.” And the sound of it alone forced his own orgasm from him with sharp spikes shooting through his body that lasted for an eternity before he collapsed, halfway on top of Draco but enough to the side to keep from smothering him. Draco wrapped his legs around Harry’s hips to keep his softening cock from sliding out of him. The last thing Harry remembered before sleep overtook him was Draco kissing his forehead, his temples, his eyes, anything he could reach from the odd angle he was wedged into underneath Harry and he remembered his own voice, almost unrecognizable it was so thick with emotion, “Stay, Draco, please stay.”

2 Phase II

The next morning Draco woke with a warm body spooned around him and hot breath tickling the nape of his neck. A heated flush washed over him as he remembered the night before. God that WAS the best orgasm I’ve ever had. This wasn’t part of The Plan. He tried to roll over to look at Harry without waking him but as soon as he moved he felt a slick hardness rub against him, which was answered by an almost immediate hardness of his own. Draco closed his eyes, trying to gain some control of himself. This was, after all, Harry Potter – and possibly, no, most definitely, the best lay of his entire life. And that was saying something.

Before he had a chance to think about what to do next, Harry was waking up. His hand moving from the warmth of Draco’s stomach down to… oh sweet Merlin that touch sent tingling shocks through every nerve ending in Draco’s body. As Harry stroked him he nuzzled into the nape of Draco’s neck and ran his tongue nipping and licking over Draco’s shoulder. “Good morning,” Harry purred between bites that were just hard enough to feel good but not so hard that they hurt.

“Mmmppff,” Draco mumbled incoherently as he was trying to decide whether to push back to feel Harry’s cock between his cheeks or push forward to press harder into Harry’s hand.

He didn’t have to think long though as Harry pulled Draco toward him, accomplishing both and making Draco cry out at the double sensation. “Fuck, Potter,” Draco said breathlessly. “Why didn’t we do this a long time ago?”

Harry chuckled against Draco’s back, sending warm shivers tingling down his spine. “Would have saved Madam Pomfrey a lot of trouble.”

Harry’s hand was moving and twisting and Draco wanted to come so badly he ached all over, but he wanted Harry inside him first. “Fuck me, Harry. Merlin, I want to come but I want you inside me. NOW, Potter!”

Harry whispered a lubrication charm and pressed into Draco slowly, being careful not to hurt him, but Draco pressed back hard and took Harry in all the way in one fast swoop. “Oh God, Draco, fuck that feels so good.”

“Move,” Draco moaned. “Fuck me, Harr… ohgodfuckyesjustlikethatoh… Draco was coming so hard he saw spots behind his eyelids and thought he might pass out. Then he felt Harry coming, sending warmth into him that spread throughout his entire body.

Harry relaxed behind him, making circles with his fingers in the come on Draco’s stomach. He would never have imagined he would find that sexy, but, God, it was. Harry nuzzled again into the nape of Draco’s neck, a place which Harry seemed to have laid claim to as his own. “You’re amazing, Draco. So fucking amazing,” he murmured as they both drifted back to sleep.


“Harry!” Hermione had come through the Floo expecting to see Harry lounging in his usual place by the fire. “Harry, it’s almost noon are you still in bed?” She was totally comfortable in Harry’s flat; she and Ron had practically been fixtures there before they’d married and bought a place of their own. So barging into the bedroom on a Saturday afternoon was nothing new. Until today. “Holy shit, Harry. Don’t you have covers? And what is he doing here?” Harry never let anyone stay the night. It was his number one rule to a happy life. Never spend the night; never let anyone else spend the night. Never.

Harry looked up to see what horrible noise had awakened him from such a wonderful dream and saw Hermione glaring at him from the doorway. Then he saw Draco stirring next to him and realised it had not been a dream after all.

“Good morning to you too, Hermione,” he said flatly as he reached to the floor, grabbing the sheet that had been discarded at some point during the night and tossing it casually over their naked bodies. “What brings you here on this lovely day?”

“Aarrgg,” she growled. “Harry, kitchen, now!” Harry chuckled at her retreating back as the bedroom door slammed, making Draco start awake.

Harry reached over and rubbed circles on his back, kissing him gently against the temple. “Shh, go back to sleep, it’s just Hermione.”

Draco rolled over and brought Harry in for a slow kiss. “Make her go away and come back to bed,” he purred as he trailed kissed down Harry’s neck.

“If only it were that easy.” Harry chuckled. Draco diverted his attention from Harry’s neck to his nipple and Harry moaned in delight. “I think we’ve made it to phase II of the plan,” Harry murmured and felt Draco tense in his arms. He pulled the other man up to kiss him again, a searing, possessive kiss and when Draco responded eagerly Harry looked directly into his eyes and said hoarsely, “Fuck the plan, Draco, I don’t want to give you up.”

Draco smiled at him – a sweet, genuine, happy smile that had relief written all over it. “Then go get rid of her, I’ll get dressed and come help.” Draco smirked before adding, “Harry.”

Harry arched an eyebrow and grinned. Draco shoved him off the bed and laughed. “Well, I did promise.”

Harry was still giggling as he walked into the kitchen to see Hermione looking very much like Minerva McGonagall. “Harry, what are you doing? Why is Malfoy here?”

Harry ignored her and began to make tea.

Hermione drummed her fingers on the counter, waiting patiently for an answer that never came. “Harry, you broke your golden rule. What is going on with Malfoy?”

Harry finally turned to look at her, thoughtfully and carefully weighing his answer. “Maybe I finally decided to take your advice to try and settle down a bit, give a relationship a fighting chance.”

Hermione huffed. “Fighting chance is exactly what it will be with Malfoy. Harry, get a grip, please!”

At that precise moment Draco emerged from the bedroom wearing nothing but a pair of Harry’s pyjama pants that hung low on his hips and looked incredibly sexy. “Actually, Granger, Harry has quite a good grip. I can personally attest to that.”

Harry sprayed tea all over the kitchen and had to bite his lip from bursting into peals of laughter. Draco smirked at Hermione as he passed her to walk over to Harry and kiss him passionately. “Morning, love, did you make tea?”

“I did, and it’s afternoon, would you like some lunch?” Harry smiled sweetly as Hermione threw up her hands in frustration. “You’ve gone mad; it’s the only possible explanation. I’m calling Ginny; maybe some of her friends at St. Mungo’s will come cart you off to spend some quality time with Gilderoy Lockhart.”

Harry chuckled as Draco moved away to get his tea. “Hermione, you’re making too big of a deal out of this. Go home to Ron and enjoy your weekend. I’ll talk to you at work on Monday. I promise Draco and I won’t do anything drastic before then, okay.”

She glared daggers at Draco before wrapping Harry in a warm hug. “Just think with your brain, not your cock, would you?”

Harry laughed. “I promise. Well, mostly anyway.”

Hermione gave him a warning look as she Flooed back to her house to report to Ron and call for reinforcements.

“Well that was fun.” Draco smiled.

“You,” Harry said seductively as he moved across the room and wrapped his arms around Draco, “have been a very, very bad boy.”

“Yes, I have.” Draco rubbed against Harry. “And I see that you liked it.”

Harry nuzzled Draco’s neck and mumbled as he ran kisses up and down his throat and shoulder, “Yes, I did. Are we having lunch?”

“Mmmhum, eventually,” Draco purred as he dragged Harry back to bed.


“I’m telling you, Ron, there’s something different this time.” Hermione was desperate to save Harry from ‘Draco Malfoy and the fate worse than death’.

“Hermione, they slept together on the first date, scratch that, it wasn’t even a date. Harry picked him up at a bar, took him home, and fucked his brains out all night long. It’ll last three days max.” Ron wrapped his arms around Hermione trying to comfort her. “Trust me, Harry never stays with anyone that easy. He has standards, you know.”

“You didn’t see them. Harry looked at Malfoy with these big puppy-dog eyes full of adoration, and Malfoy kissed Harry like he owned him! It’s just, I don’t know, Ron, this is different, I can just tell.”

“Okay, okay. Let’s say you’re right. What do you want to do about it?” Ron knew better than to argue with her when she had that look.

“I don’t know.” Hermione sighed, feeling defeated. “I guess you’re right, we give it a few days to see if Harry comes to his senses. It’s just, Ron, this is Malfoy we’re talking about.”

“I know, baby. And Harry will realise that soon enough.” Ron kissed Hermione on the temple and felt her relax.


Monday morning Harry was at work early, to the surprise and disbelief of his secretary who hadn’t even started the coffee yet. “Good morning, Mrs. Marsh. How are you today?”

“Good morning, Mr. Potter, you seem to be in a good mood already.”

“Yes, I do seem to be, don’t I?” Harry grinned at her as she handed him messages from Friday afternoon. “Could you check my calendar to see what meetings I have this morning, and make sure I’m free from 12:00 to 2:00, I have a lunch date.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Potter,” Harry heard her say before he closed the door to his office.

It had been a wonderful weekend. He and Draco had stayed at his place the entire time. They’d talked, laughed, ordered take out… and of course fucked like rabbits. Harry was astounded to find that he really enjoyed Draco’s company. With the threat of Voldemort gone, and the pressure of choosing sides no longer an issue, they seemed to have a lot more in common than either of them had expected. Not to mention the undeniable chemistry between them, like magnets that had been facing the wrong way for years and suddenly got turned around, the attraction was almost painful.

The only negative part of the weekend had been the owls that brought a steady stream of warnings and advice from well-meaning friends. At first it was just Blaise and Pansy, then the entire Weasley family. After an owl from Professor Snape arrived Harry closed the window, pulled the shade and put a Silencing Charm in place so they could ignore the incessant tapping. Draco found it all very amusing since it was proof positive that his Plan had been a good one. “Yes,” Harry had said through gritted teeth. “But The Plan has changed.” Seeing the stress in Harry’s face, Draco had promptly climbed into his lap and whispered into his ear, “Yes, Harry, The Plan has changed, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was a good one.” Then, straddling him, he proceeded to make Harry forget that there had ever been a Plan in the first place.

Hermione came bouncing through the door, interrupting Harry’s daydream, and he scowled at her.

“What?” she asked crossly. “Mrs. Marsh said you were in a good mood. I just came to say good morning.”

“I was in a good mood.” Harry looked closely at Hermione and could tell she was not here for a friendly visit. “Besides, you are not here to say good morning. You’re here to interrogate me to see how my weekend went and if I’ve given Draco the boot yet.”

Hermione had the decency to blush. “Okay, maybe that too,” she said quietly. “So…?”

Harry laughed. “My weekend was fabulous, the most fabulous weekend I can remember ever having, and no, I have not, nor do I intend to, give Draco the boot.” He grinned devilishly as he got up from his desk and embraced her in a huge hug. “And I have you to thank for it.”

“What!?” Her jaw fell open and she practically pushed him away.

“Well, weren’t you telling me it was time I settled down, stopped sowing my wild oats, and had a proper relationship?”

“Yes, but, Harry, not with Malfoy!” she said aghast.

“Yeah, it does put the whole children thing at odds, but he does want a Malfoy heir eventually, so there’s always the surrogate mother option.” He smiled, knowing this would really rile her up. Ooh, maybe he had been spending too much time with Malfoy.

“Harry James Potter, please tell me you have not talked about children with Malfoy!” she shrieked, reminding Harry eerily of old Mrs. Black’s portrait.

“Oh, Granger, Pansy didn’t take the surrogate mother idea very well either.” Hermione whirled around to find Malfoy leaning casually against the door frame.

“Oh. My. God. Harry, you did. You actually talked to him about children. This is so much worse than I’d thought.”

“Granger, you really should owl Pansy, you two seem to have a lot more in common than one would think,” Draco said as he walked toward a grinning Harry Potter.

“What,” Hermione barked, “that we both have friends who are total morons?”

Neither Draco nor Harry responded to that comment as they were too busy devouring each other with their eyes. “Ready for lunch, Harry?” Draco finally asked as he gave Harry a wanton kiss.

Harry furrowed his brow. “You’re early. I thought we said twelve o’clock.”

Draco flashed his most charming smile. “It is twelve o’clock.” He smirked. “In Paris.”

“Aw, you missed me,” Harry teased, smiling ear to ear.

“I did not miss you, for God’s sake, I just saw you three hours ago.” Draco wrapped his arms around Harry’s waist and pouted, strategically looking at Hermione. “I just got bored, that’s all.”

“Aargg!” Hermione covered her face with her hands. “I can’t watch this. I’ll have nightmares for months.”

Harry ripped his gaze away from Draco, staring at Hermione as if he had forgotten she was even there. “Oh, Hermione, why don’t you join us for lunch?”

Draco glared at him and Harry smirked back before giving him a warm slow kiss that said, ‘please be nice to my friend and I’ll reward you later’.

Draco’s attitude changed a little. “Yes, Granger, please do join us, and owl the Weasel as well. We’ll make it a couple’s lunch.” He smiled stoically. “Won’t that be lovely?”

Harry burst out laughing. “Draco, be nice,” he managed between laughs. “Hermione, if you and Ron would like to join us for lunch I’ll make sure Draco behaves.” He shot a pointed look at Draco. “I have my ways.”

Draco saw visions of fabulous orgasms flying out the window and bit his lip. “Yes,” he said, rolling his eyes, “I promise to behave.”

Hermione stood there staring at the two of them with disbelief. She scrunched up her nose before reluctantly asking, “You two really do like each other, don’t you?”

Harry and Draco looked at each other, gave small shrugs, and said flatly in unison, “Yes.”

“Okay.” Hermione threw up her hands in defeat. “Give me a minute to owl Ron, and I’ll meet you in the atrium.”

Lunch went better than expected. At least there was no blood spilled, only a little hot soup, and that, Harry was quite certain, really had been an accident.

Friday’s lunch with Blaise and Pansy was much worse. Blaise had distracted Harry long enough for Pansy to squeeze into the booth next to Draco, effectively shutting Harry off from any physical attention from the man and then proceeded to flirt and rub against Draco whenever possible. Within twenty minutes Harry had inadvertently shattered every salt and pepper shaker in the restaurant.

Needless to say they cut lunch short, and the two men enjoyed take out in Harry’s office.

“I’m sorry, Draco, I didn’t mean to, honestly,” Harry said whilst sitting at his desk with Draco standing behind him, massaging his shoulders and trying to help him relax.

Draco laughed and shook his head. “I know you didn’t, Harry. And I assure you Pansy will never touch me again in your presence.”

Harry dropped his head into his hands and groaned. “Draco, I’ve never been jealous of anyone before, not like that.” He lifted his head up and leaned it back against Draco, looking up at him. “I really didn’t like it that she was touching you, but I had no idea I would lose control of my magic like that. That hasn’t happened in ages.”

Draco leaned down and gave him an upside down kiss. “Do you have any idea how flattered I am by that?”

Harry took Draco’s hand from his shoulder and swivelled his chair around so Draco fell into his lap. “Really?”

Draco wrapped his arms around Harry’s neck and kissed him. “Mmmhum, really,” he mumbled as he trailed kisses down one side of Harry’s neck and back up the other. “It’s a total turn on to be reminded of how incredibly powerful you really are.”

“Mmmm, really?”

“Mmmhum.” Draco nibbled his ear as he tangled his fingers into Harry’s hair. “And I think if you whispered sweet nothings to me in Parseltongue I would come right now without you even touching me.”

What Harry said was ‘Oh fuck, Draco, don’t even talk like that or I’ll tear your clothes off and fuck you right here on the floor.’ But Draco heard only a slow, sexy series of hisses and, oh God, he was right, he was coming right there in Harry’s lap, and the movement of Draco’s body rubbing against Harry as he bucked and writhed and moved made Harry come hard and fast and left them both breathless and gasping.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Harry thinking he was glad he remembered to lock and silence the door. After he regained some semblance of control, Harry grinned. “Can we have lunch with your friends again tomorrow?”

Draco chuckled. “Mmm, it might be worth it.”


Within two weeks, the press had got wind of their relationship and were now printing daily updates of where the couple had been seen and with whom. Then the mail started arriving in droves. Hate mail to Draco saying he had tricked Harry in some way. Hate mail to Harry saying he was cavorting with the enemy. Hate mail for both of them saying they should find a good wholesome witch to settle down with and raise a proper wizarding family. And the list went on and on.

They let it pile up in a spare bedroom in Harry’s flat and Incendio’d the pile every evening, watching it burn while they had dessert.

By the time their one month anniversary rolled around they thought they should throw a party to celebrate the shattering of all previous relationship records. But when they discussed the guest list they thought better of it, fearing that other things might get shattered if they put those particular guests all in one room together.

After two months Draco had officially moved out of the Manor and into Harry’s flat. Harry had been asking him to for weeks, but Draco refused until Harry agreed to let him redecorate. After their first night on their new king size bed with black satin sheets, Harry agreed to let Draco redecorate whenever and whatever he wanted.

Their friends finally accepted that their feelings for each other were real and weren’t going to change anytime soon. None of them liked it, but Ron and Hermione loved Harry so they put up with Draco, and Blaise and Pansy loved Draco so they put up with Harry. Besides the occasional fight over something completely ridiculous, life for Harry and Draco was very, very good.

Six months into the relationship, after an especially ludicrous argument, followed, of course, by mind blowing make-up sex, Harry was nestled in Draco’s arms feeling content and happy.

“Harry?” Draco asked, feeling just as content as he ran tickling fingers up and down Harry’s back.

“Yes, Draco?”

“Why do you think this works so well, you know, with us? Logically it shouldn’t, you know.”

“I don’t know, Draco. Maybe because we’re so different and yet alike.” Harry paused to think. “Or maybe because we’re so much alike and yet so different.”

“Harry,” Draco scowled. “Those are both the same fucking thing.”

“I know.” Harry laughed. “Okay, maybe it’s because we’re both so good in bed.”

Draco scowled more and his voice got harder than Harry had heard it in a very long time. “Is that all it is? Because we’re both really good fucks?”

Harry sat up in bed and reached out to Draco, wrapping his arms around him. He kissed a line along Draco’s shoulder to that spot on the nape of his neck that Harry now knew better than his own hand.

“No, Draco,” he mumbled. “You know that’s not all it is.”

“Then what is it, Harry? This whole thing between us totally defies all logic and reason. Ask anybody, they’ll agree.”

Draco was really upset, more upset than Harry had ever seen him. Harry ran his fingers gently through Draco’s hair and Draco leaned into his hand just like Harry knew he would. Harry rubbed his hand down Draco’s spine and Draco shivered, just like Harry knew he would. Harry nuzzled Draco’s ear and blew softly into it and Draco bit his lip and whimpered, just like Harry knew he would. Harry realised then that he knew every square inch of Draco’s body; he knew what Draco’s reaction would be to every touch and every kiss. He could decipher every moan and every whimper and every nonsensical noise that Draco made. He could tell Draco’s nervous smile from his worried smile. He could judge his degree of happiness just by the tiny lines around his eyes. He could tell how excited he was just by the way he moved his hands when he talked. Harry had never understood anyone the way he understands Draco. And Harry was positive Draco could say the exact same things about him.

Harry turned Draco toward him and lifted his chin so he was looking at him. “You’re right, it does defy all logic, but, Draco, nobody ever said love was logical.”

Draco bit his lip and studied Harry’s face and it was all there. It had been there for a while, Draco was just too afraid to look for it. Too afraid that if he did he wouldn’t find it, and that would have hurt too much. “You love me?”

Harry laughed at the simple insanity of it all, but, yes, he was in love. “I didn’t realise it until just now, but yes, Draco, I love you, and you love me even if you won’t say it yet and I know you won’t because it’s harder for you. But that’s okay because that’s why this works. It’s why it will always work.”

Draco reached up and traced Harry’s face with his fingers, every line, every dimple, feeling with his fingers the love that was written there. “You’re right; I do, and I can’t say it because I never have, and I never thought I’d want to. But I do, Harry, God I really do.”

They lay in silence for a long time, just basking in the new revelations and revelling in each other’s touch until Draco finally broke the silence.

“You know what, Harry?”


“We owe our friends an apology.”

Harry grinned. “And a big thank you.”

“Mmmhum,” Draco purred as he kissed Harry. “They were right, this is so much better.”

“Yes, it is,” Harry murmured against Draco’s lips.

“We’ll have to work on that surrogate mother thing, though.”

“Mmm… tomorrow, Draco.” Harry whispered between kisses. “Tomorrow.”

The End

Alaana Fair Index

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- John Doe, US -