Saturday- May 21, 2005
As Harry slowly woke, two things became apparent to him: 1) that he had ingested far too much
liquor the night prior, and 2) that he desperately needed the loo. He stumbled out of his bed, the
cold floor inspiring him to do a strange sort of jig, and made his way to the bathroom. As he
entered, he noticed that the shower was running.
"Morning," he said in the general direction of the shower as he relieved himself.
"Morning," the shower replied in a more flamboyant way than usual.
Harry shrugged and assumed Draco was just being a prat. Then, just to be annoying after having
finished peeing, he stuck his hands into the shower and under the spray. Satisfied to hear the
indignant yelp that followed, he wiped his hands off on his pyjama bottoms and made his way to the
kitchen in search of breakfast.
"Morning," Harry said to Draco, who sat at the table reading the Prophet and eating a piece of
"Morning," Draco answered back, sounding much more like himself.
Wait a minute...
"Who's in the shower?"
"I stuck my hands in there-- Who's Steve?"
"Honestly, Potter. You never remember anything past your third drink, do you?"
Just then a towel-clad body came wandering into the kitchen. One hand was clenched where the towel
was tied around his waist and the other was using a secondary towel to scrub the dampness out of
his hair.
"Cheeky bastard," the body said, matching the flamboyancy from the shower earlier. "If you’d have
wanted another go you could have joined me." He removed the towel from his head and revealed
himself to be an attractive young man, maybe a couple years younger than Harry and Draco
themselves, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He smiled at Draco, showing off his dimples, and
swallowed whatever words he was about to say when he noticed the other occupant of the room. "Oh.
My. Gawd! You're Harry Potter!" He said, rushing over to shake Harry's hand.
Harry accepted the handshake awkwardly. "Uhm, Yeah. And you are... ?"
"Sean, I'm Sean," Steve said enthusiastically shaking Harry's hand. He looked over to Draco, who
was watching the whole scene with an eyebrow raised in amusement. With the hand not currently
occupied by Harry's, Steve pointed and mouthed 'Harry Potter' to Draco.
Draco immediately feigned shock and rose from his chair with a gasp. "Harry Potter!" He smacked
Harry in the shoulder with his newspaper. "You told me your name was Francisco!" He let out a snort
while he watched Harry become more and more uncomfortable, then headed to refill his coffee.
Steve finally dropped Harry's hand. "I can't believe I shagged Harry Potter's roommate. In Harry
Potter's flat! This is just... " His eyes were wide and he had a disbelieving grin on his face. He
shook his head, obviously searching for a word to describe what this 'just' was, but ended up
raising his arms to his shoulders and letting them fall limply at his sides, as if not even
flamboyant hand gestures could encompass how amazing this all was. "" He decided on and
switched to nods.
Draco impersonated Steve's look of wide eyed wonder and shook his head at Harry. "Wow," he said in
the same airy and vacant tone Steve had used, sitting back at the table.
No matter how many times Draco brought someone back to the flat, Harry never got used to the
morning after. He always asked Draco to warn him so that he knew to keep to his room until Draco's
guests cleared out, or to take them to a hotel instead, but some small part of Harry suspected that
sometimes Draco liked the morning after more than the sex.
Resigning himself to another awkward morning that would eventually end with Draco Obliviating his
guest (can't have him spreading around where Harry Potter lives), Harry headed to the fridge for
some orange juice. He could sense that Steve was still standing behind him and staring. After
retrieving the juice carton he turned to Draco. "Why don't you offer your guest a seat, Draco?"
"Sure," Draco said without looking up from his paper. He kicked the chair across from his away from
the table. "Have a seat, Steve."
Steve transferred his gaze From Harry to Draco with a hurt look in his eyes. "Sean."
"Right." Draco answered, turning a page in his paper.
Harry and Draco walked through the bright sunlight of the open market. It was one of those days
when the air felt cleaner and the sun felt like warm kisses on your cheeks. Everything just seemed
so fresh, it was like your soul was being reborn, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of
everything gone wrong in your life and the flames of life are just itching to come out; when you
have to struggle not to cry out with joy because it just feels so right to be alive.
"Urgh! Could the sun be any brighter? I can hardly keep my eyes open and my skin is going to
fucking fry off my face."
Well... at least, that's what kind of day it was for Harry.
"What the fuck are you smiling about?"
Harry purposely bumped his shoulder into Draco's. "Stop complaining, the sun is good for you. If I
hadn't personally pulled you from that Fiendfyre I would think you were a ghost."
"Pale is the new black, Potter," Draco said, stopping at a stall with fresh fruit. "I wouldn't
expect you to understand anything about trends, though." He eyed Harry's ensemble with mild
disdain. "Sometimes I wish you had left me to the flames; it would save me from having to
cohabitate with your wardrobe." He picked up an apple and bit into it before walking away, leaving
Harry to fish for change in his pocket to pay the vendor before he could hurry after Draco.
About two months after the Battle of Hogwarts and the end of the war, Draco had shown up outside
the door to Harry's flat and demanded to be let in. He insulted Harry, his friends, his furniture,
the size of his flat, the view from the living room windows and lastly Harry's shoes, and then
announced that he was moving in to save Harry from something, even if it had to be himself, in
order to get his life debt paid off. Harry had become much more mature through all of his life's
ordeals so he insulted Draco's father, his attitude at school, his 'poncy' demeanor, his pointy
face and his stupid blond hair then agreed that Draco could stay as long as he cleaned up after
himself because he wasn't going to get a house-elf. Draco learned that Harry was funny but didn't
know it; Harry learned that Draco did nice things when he thought no one would notice, and after
two years of living together the two were completely inseparable. Harry liked to bring up the
Fiendfyre incident because even now Draco refused to admit to enjoying Harry's company and claimed
that the life debt was the only thing keeping him around.
Once he caught up with Draco, the blond indicated that he didn't want his apple any longer and
offered the rest to Harry. Harry ate it as they continued shopping.
Harry was engrossed in his fruit and didn't notice the low overhang on a stall they were
approaching. Draco linked his arm with Harry's and guided him out of the way. “I’m thinking Mae
West tonight," he said, leaving his arm linked with Harry's.
There was silence for a moment as Harry chewed his last bit of apple. "It's my turn to pick and
I'm thinking more along the lines of Hermione Weasley." He looked around for a waste bin to toss
the core when Draco rolled his eyes and Vanished it from Harry's hand.
"Granger?" Draco said, sounding confused for a moment before his face fell and he let go of Harry's
arm. "Oh, right. She's fat."
"Weasley;" Harry corrected, "and she's pregnant. You're more than welcome to come with. Somehow,
she's managed to get past your personality and doesn't mind having you around."
Draco's face scrunched up in disgust. "No thanks. Explain to me again how-- because she got knocked
up-- you're ditching me two Saturdays in a row?"
Harry sighed, He didn't understand what Draco had against hanging out with Hermione and Ron, but
ever since Hermione had gotten pregnant, Draco began declining offers to hang out with them, and
for the last couple months he hadn't accepted any at all. "It isn't really ditching if I invite you
to come along, and I'm only doing it until she has the baby, which could be any time now. Ron can't
miss the work and he just can't stand the thought of leaving her alone, not when she's so close to
her due date."
Draco crossed his arms over his chest and pouted his lips. He looked like a petulant child and
Harry couldn't help but smile at how cute it was. "If I got fat would you ditch her for me?" Draco
asked, still pouting.
"If you got fat I would pack your bags and send you home. You know I only keep you around because
you’re pretty to look at," Harry said affectionately.
Draco looked as if he wasn't sure whether to be offended or take it for a compliment. He seemed to
take the middle ground and punched Harry playfully in the arm with a small smile on his face.
"No Draco again?" Hermione asked as Harry came in and set grocery bags on the table.
"Sorry, he had a date." It wasn't exactly the truth, but Hermione let it go.
For the past two years, every Saturday Harry and Draco would go to the market in the morning,
possibly meet some friend or another for lunch, then go back to the flat and watch old movies with
their favorite heroines. At first Draco hated Harry's TV, mostly because he didn't know how to
operate it. Then one Saturday, Harry stuck in an old Mae West movie and Draco loved it and loved
her. The next Saturday Draco suggested they watch another one, and again the next Saturday, and
again, until it became tradition. They traded off every other week who got to select a movie. Draco
still loved Mae West above all others, but Harry liked Judy Garland. They called them dates, the
joke being that Saturday was everyone else’s Big Date Night, but they spent it indoors with each
The thought suddenly struck him that maybe he wasn't lying to Hermione. Maybe Draco did have a
date. He wouldn't lock himself in the flat watching Mae West movies all alone when he could be out,
possibly finding someone to bring home. Harry suppressed the small bit of jealousy that flared up
in his chest. He reminded himself that Draco was free to do whatever he wanted. Saturdays weren't
only for them. Besides, Harry was the one who had made different plans in the first place.
Hermione began unpacking the groceries as Harry set up the stove. "Hey, Mione, up for a movie
tonight?" he asked as he set the oven temp.
"Sure. Judy?" she asked, holding up a carton of eggs to Harry.
He took three eggs and handed the carton back to her. "I think tonight I'm more in the mood for
As they watched the movie, Harry kept catching himself turning to share a look with Draco over
parts they had made inside jokes about. But every time, he was reminded that he wasn't with Draco,
that it was only Hermione sitting there, looking at the screen and not enjoying the movie half as
much as Draco would have.
When Ron returned from his late shift, Hermione was already in bed and Harry was just picking up
the dishes. He came up beside Harry and helped him gather the dishes from the table. "Something the
matter, mate?"
"No. Why?"
Ron used the plate he was holding to motion toward Harry's silverware-laden hands. "You're doing it
the Muggle way. You always do things with your hands rather than magic when you're bothered."
"Oh," Harry said, not realizing he had this habit until Ron pointed it out. "I was just wondering
if I should crash on your couch tonight, or risk returning to the flat. Draco might have company. I
don't want to interrupt." Harry couldn't decide if he didn't want to interrupt for Draco's sake or
his own. The idea that Draco may have gone out and pulled bothered Harry more than it should. He
couldn't get it out of his mind, no matter how irrational he thought he was being.
"Bollocks. It's your flat too, yours more so than his. If you want to sleep in your own bed, you've
got every right. I'm not saying you aren't welcome here, but really Harry, you can't let Malfoy's
love life run you out of your own home."
"I know." He tried to convince himself that it was just guilt he would feel if he came home and
interrupted Draco.
Harry knocked on the door to the flat and then made as much noise as he could unlocking the door.
He was hoping that if Draco had brought someone home, he would use the warning Harry was giving him
to either get decent, or usher his activities into his room. He wasn't sure why he was so bothered
by the idea that Draco might be with someone. Draco brought people home all the time. He supposed
he was just being selfish. In his mind Saturdays really had become their day, and Draco using it to
boff some bloke just seemed like some strange sort of betrayal.
He did not, however, open the door to find Draco with company. Instead, the blond was curled up on
the couch, fast asleep while Judy Garland sang "Singing in the Rain". Harry's heart sped up
thinking that Draco must have missed him too. He felt silly for concocting Draco's betrayal in his
mind and moved next to the couch to wake his sleeping flat-mate.
He crouched in front of Draco and placed a hand on his shoulder to shake him gently, while waving
his other hand to shut the TV off. "Draco, hey, wake up."
Draco lazily opened his eyes and focused them on Harry. He put his hand over the one Harry had on
his shoulder to stop him from shaking him. "I'm awake," he said blinking slowly. He looked around
the darkness of the flat with a confused frown. "What time is it?"
"Not that late," Harry said, not sure why he was whispering. "Half ten." He felt awkward still
crouching in front of Draco's face, so he straightened up and extended a hand.
Draco took the offered hand and hauled himself to his feet. Harry was standing too close to the
couch to allow them very much standing room, and when Draco was finally standing his chest was
hardly an inch from Harry's. Harry could feel the heat radiating from Draco's body and wanted to
curl into him like a cat. He shook his head and took a step back. He was just... tired. He needed
to get into bed. Today had been weird and he just needed some rest. He turned away from Draco and
threw a goodnight over his shoulder as he made his way to his room.
"Night," Draco said back, sounding tired and confused from the direction of the couch.
Saturday- May 28, 2005
Harry lay awake for a while enjoying his headache-free state before he got out of bed. Most of the
week had gone by like usual: Harry going in to work, Draco doing god knows what while he was there.
But last night, instead of going out to drink and pull, Draco suggested they stay in and watch
movies, since Saturday was out. It was a nice change not to wake up on a Saturday morning with a
hangover and the fear he would be encountering some random stranger who just knew everything
about Harry Potter.
He made his way to the bathroom for his morning ritual, then followed the smell of bacon to the
"Morning," he said after yawning and scratching his belly.
"Morning," Draco said from behind his paper. "There's a plate by the stove."
Harry retrieved his plate and snorted at the bacon and egg smiley face looking up at him. "Didn't
your mother tell you not to play with your food?" Harry asked sitting at the table.
"She did, but lucky for me, Mother isn't here." Draco set his paper down, revealing the smile he
For some reason the look seemed to cause a nice pang in Harry's chest and he felt his cheeks
heating up. What the hell? He looked away from Draco and shoved a piece of bacon in his
"Urgh, Potter. You eat like a pig."
"Wouldn't that make me a cannibal?" Harry asked, still chewing. "Though pointing it out is a bit
hypocritical, don't you think?" he continued, picking up another piece of bacon and using it to
point at Draco. "You're the biggest man eater I know."
"Mmmm." Draco hummed in agreement. "In the words of Ms. West, 'A hard man is good to find.'" . He
waggled his eyebrows.
Harry threw the bacon at him.
"It's sunny out again today. I can almost see the platitudes and sonnets rolling around behind your
eyes as we speak," Draco said in a sulky tone, as he pulled his oversized sunglasses from a pocket
and put them on.
"At least you came prepared today. You know, a little sunshine never killed anyone."
"Tell that to Frosty," he said, causing Harry to laugh. "Hey, you know what next weekend is,
Harry knew it was Draco's birthday and had been planning a surprise party for him for weeks. He'd
even contacted Pansy Parkinson, as much as he hated her, because he knew that Draco sometimes
missed her. Whether or not she actually showed up was her problem. He put on a face of confused
innocence and looked back at Draco. "Next weekend? I haven't the foggiest what- " Harry was cut off
by Draco's face suddenly lighting up as he looked at something over Harry's shoulder.
"Draco! I was just thinking of you!" Blaise Zabini said as he joined them.
"I hope you washed your hands afterward," Draco said, winking at Blaise before pulling him into a
Harry watched, shocked and more than a little jealous as Draco and Blaise clung to each other.
Draco had been Harry's flat mate for two years, and they'd been close, but Draco never never
hugged him, or, come to think of it, anyone. He'd grown to be proud of his friendship and how close
he and Draco were, but apparently Draco didn't feel they were close enough to hug. Not like he and
"Ha! It's good to see you haven't changed. Merlin, you look fantastic!" Blaise said, exiting the
hug and turning toward Harry. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your-- Harry Potter!?"
Harry bit back his jealousy and extended his hand to Blaise. "My friends call me Francisco."
Draco smacked Harry playfully on the arm. "I've got a life debt to settle with this one. Can't let
him out of my sight until I can save him from the brink of peril."
Blaise sent a cheesy smile toward Draco. “Sounds like an interesting story. Want to tell it to me
over dinner?" Merlin! what a schmooze. Harry snorted and turned to Draco so they could share
a look over how corny Blaise was, but instead of looking at Blaise like he was a crown idiot, as he
would anyone else who laid it on even half as thick, Draco was smiling winningly right back.
"Sure, I'm not doing anything tonight," he answered, glancing at Harry out of the corner of his
Harry's heart dropped into his stomach. It was true, Draco wasn't doing anything that night, not
with Harry going over to Ron and Hermione's, but... it was Saturday. And even though Draco
wouldn't come with him didn't mean he should accept dates with cheesy Slytherins that he hadn't
seen in over two years and give them stupid hugs.
What the hell is wrong with me? Draco is an adult, he can see whoever he wants. Didn't we watch
movies last night together, because we knew we couldn't do it today? Harry tried to rationalize
his jealousy. This was getting ridiculous; maybe it was better he spend some time away from Draco;
it couldn't be healthy to be this possessive over your friends.
By the time Harry snapped out of his personal thoughts Draco and Blaise had already made their
dinner plans and Blaise was making his exit.
"I'm working over at this branch of Gringotts temporarily and I just popped over here to grab some
lunch. I better get going before those goblins mess up any more paperwork." Blaise shook Harry's
hand. "Well, Francisco, it was... interesting seeing you again," he said with a look of humor on
his face before turning to Draco. He and Draco hugged again while Harry mentally gagged. "I'll see
you later tonight. Seven, right?"
"Seven" Draco agreed.
Harry put the groceries on the counter. One of them tipped, which made the contents spill out.
Normally Harry would just calmly pick the items back up, but ever since he and Draco had left the
market that morning he had been on edge. "Fuck!"
Hermione came hobbling in with a hand on her round belly and frown on her face. "Um... no Draco
"Sorry, he's got a date," he spit out as he began removing the groceries from the bags.
"Call it self preservation, but I'm going to choose not to ask and you can just tell me whatever
is bothering you only if you want to."
That tone sounded so much like Hermione back during school, when Harry was being stupid and
belligerent. Letting out a sigh and looking to the ceiling, Harry deflated. "Sorry, Mione. I've
just been under a lot of stress lately or something. I haven't been feeling like myself."
Hermione nodded, sitting down at the table and motioning for Harry to sit next to her. "Harry,
about Drac- Oh!" She had both her hands on her belly now and looked at Harry with wide eyes, her
mouth still in the shape of an O.
Harry stared right back at her, eyes wide, unsure of what to do. He could tell this was it, but he
was frozen in place. He'd been over the whole plan with Ron a hundred times, but he never actually
thought it would happen when he was there. Hermione grabbed onto Harry's arm with incredible force
and squeezed. The pain shocked him into motion. "Right, oh my god, just... just... " he leaped from
his seat and started pacing, not sure where to start.
"We need to go to the Floo," came Hermione's rational voice between her practiced breathing.
Harry nodded dumbly, reaching his arms out to help her out of her seat. He guided her toward the
"You'll have to come through the Floo with me, and... " She paused to breathe some more, "Floo Ron
once we get there."
Harry continued nodding, holding Hermione up as they shuffled to the Floo together. He wished Draco
were here; he would be able to get Harry through this. He grabbed a handful of Floo Powder and
tossed it to the flames. "Maternity Ward, St. Mungo's!" he shouted, placing his arms around
Hermione and stepping into the flames.
Seven hours later, Harry was almost to the door of his flat, utterly exhausted and the proud new
Godfather to Benjamin Harry Weasley. He wasn't sure if Blaise had stayed the night, but if he did,
hopefully he and Draco were fast asleep and Harry could sleep through the part where they hugged
each other goodbye in the morning. He had wanted Draco to be there, he needed someone to be there
with him, but besides the fact that Draco seemed unwilling to be involved with the pregnancy, he
didn't want Draco to be angry with him for interrupting his date.
He stumbled through the door to the flat and noticed that everything was dark and quiet. He
tiptoed through the hallway to his bedroom and sat on the bed as he toed off his sneakers.
"Harry?" Came Draco's tired voice from the hall.
Harry could hear shuffling feet coming toward his bedroom and waited for Draco to make it to his
door. Draco had his arms crossed over his bare chest as if he were cold and he was wearing a pair
of green cotton drawstring trousers. His eyelids seemed heavy and his hair was smushed all to one
side. Harry could feel a strange tightening sensation in his chest at the sight, but dismissed
"Yeah, s'me," He answered, pulling off his socks.
Draco shuffled in further and sat next to Harry on his bed. "You look like shit." He leaned toward
Harry and made a loud sniff in his general direction. "You aren't drunk. Where the hell were you? I
came home and you weren't here yet, so I Floo'd Weasley's place and no one was there. Are you
alright? Did something happen?"
Harry was a little irritated that Draco couldn't figure out what was going on. He knew Hermione
was pregnant, wasn't it obvious? "I'm fine. Did you seriously not consider that maybe Hermione
had her baby?" He pulled his jumper over his head, the static crackling in his ears. Once he
finally managed to get it off, he looked at Draco while re-aligning his glasses and patting his
hair to kill the static that settled in it.
"She had her baby and you didn't call me?" He sounded hurt, but Harry wasn't sure why. Hadn't
Draco been avoiding all this baby business for the last few months?
"Yeah. His name is Benjamin Harry." He paused to smile a little smile. "I'm a Godfather."
Draco nodded, rising from the bed. "Congrats," he said, sounding angry as he left Harry alone in
his room.
Saturday- June 4, 2005
Tomorrow was Draco's birthday and Harry was in a panic. He had planned everything out perfectly,
except for the part where Draco had been avoiding him for a week and Harry wasn't sure if he would
be able to convince him to come to the pitch. Everyone would be at Ellis Moor, waiting for Draco to
show up, but if he turned Harry down for the 'pick-up match' taking place, then there would be no
guest of honor.
He went to Ron and Hermione's to spend some time with his godson, and get some input on the
"...and he's been spending every sodding night with Zabini, not even bothering to come home last
night at all. I don't even know what he's so angry about, so it isn't like I can fix it. He's being
a right bastard and it's going to ruin his birthday!"
Ron snorted. "I'll be the first to agree with you on the bastard bit," he said, raising his glass
in mock cheers, "but do you ever think maybe he's just jealous?"
Hermione and Harry exchanged a look. "Of?" Harry asked.
"Well, think about it, mate. He's the heir to a prestigious pureblooded family and was raised being
told his only objectives in life were to live up to the family name and someday produce an heir of
his own. I was a little smudged at first that he started blowing Mione and me off, but when I
thought about it, it made sense. He's probably bothered by the fact that he'll never have an heir
due to his preferences. He's probably jealous that Mione and I have a son now. As for the past
week, I reckon it's a bit like the Tri-Wizard Tournament. I was jealous that you were a champion,
but at least I was the thing you'd miss most. It’s like Benji is the Tri-Wizard cup, and even
though Draco's jealous, he still wanted you to want him there, you know?"
Harry and Hermione stared dumbfounded at Ron for a moment before Hermione broke the silence.
"Ronald! I'm so proud of you!"
Ron blushed, a small smile on his face. "Well, makes sense, don't it?"
The more Harry thought about it, the more he figured Ron must be right. Unfortunately, knowing why
Draco was mad gave him something to apologize for, but it didn't give him an opportunity to do it.
Harry wasn't happy about it, but it seemed like the only thing he could do was talk to Zabini.
He made his way to Gringotts, hoping Zabini would be there.
"Name," the goblin at the counter croaked.
"Harry Potter, but I'm not here to- "
"Well, I don't really have my key on me, you see, I'm not here for- "
"No, wait!" Harry said, throwing up a hand to signal for the patron behind him to wait a moment.
"I just wanted to see Mr. Zabini, Blaise Zabini?"
"I uh, I'm a, uh... friend. Of Mr. Zabini's. We- "
"Can't you just tell him- "
The gentleman that was behind Harry gave him an annoyed look and stepped up to the counter.
"Fine!" Harry yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.
"No need to get hostile, Potter,” came Zabini's voice over his right shoulder.
Harry spun around and took in Zabini's tailored suit and aristocratic stance. No wonder Draco liked
him so much. They both belonged in the same circles. Zabini would obviously know about Draco's
upbringing and Harry could never hope to compare. The thought caused another pang of jealousy to
rise in Harry's chest, but he didn't have time to examine it right now, he was here for help.
"Zabini," Harry said, holding out his hand.
"What can I do for you?" Zabini answered shaking the hand Harry had offered. "If it's about Draco,
I feel I should tell you, I'm not in the business of aiding my competition."
"Your compe—look, Draco's my flat-mate. I don't. I'm not interested in, you know... him." Harry had
to swallow down the part of him that disagreed with that statement. "I just know he's mad at me
right now. And I wanted you-- "
Harry was cut off by the sound of Zabini's laughter. "Are you seriously that far into denial? You
don't like him, but you've come to me to try and make me, what? Talk to him for you?" Zabini
clapped Harry on the shoulder. "As long as he's mad at you, that means he's talking to me. Unlike
you, I'm not in denial at all and know very keenly just how much I want Draco, and it doesn't
really serve me to help you. You see?"
Harry jerked his shoulder out of Zabini's clasp. "It's not going to hurt you to help me Zabini.
We're just friends and-- "
Zabini leaned in close to Harry's face "And whose fault is that, hmmm?"
Harry saw red as Zabini swirled away from him and disappeared down a crowded hall.
Harry slammed the door to the flat and went to the kitchen to pour himself something to drink.
How dared Zabini! Who did he think he was? Prancing into our lives... hugging... accusing
Harry of, of... having feelings. Retrieving the orange juice from the fridge he slammed the
container onto the table and then sat heavily in his chair. Draco's birthday was going to be ruined
and it was all Zabini's stupid fault. Harry took a swig of orange juice straight from the carton.
Draco hated that, so Harry was always sure to use a glass, but Draco wasn't here now, was he?
No! He was probably on his way to see that stupid Zabini, with his suit and his 'oh, I'm so
debonair and rich and better than you and better for Draco and, oh yeah... I like hugging!'
"What are you doing?"
"Fucking Merlin!" Harry yelled, startled by Draco's voice. He spilled orange juice all down his
"Huh. I never took you for a necrophiliac. And would you mind using a glass next time?" Draco
approached Harry and took the orange juice from his hand, placing it on the counter. "Look, you
stupid sod," he said and grabbed Harry's shirt front. "You've spilled it all over yourself!" He
exclaimed as he began undoing the buttons.
Draco had seen Harry's chest numerous times over the years they had lived together but Harry found
himself suddenly self conscious. "What are you doing here?" Harry said, trying to get his racing
heart under control. He smacked Draco's hands off his shirt and took a step away.
"I live here?" Draco said taking a step toward Harry and grabbing onto his buttons with more
"Let go! Just, I can get it myself," Harry said, stepping away again. "I mean, why aren't you out
with your boyfriend?"
"Fine. He's at work and he's not my boyfriend." Draco picked up the orange juice and eyed Harry
before taking a swig from the carton himself. "Not yet," he added when he was finished, jutting his
chin out defiantly.
The jealousy that hadn't quite settled down in Harry's chest roared up full force at that. Not
yet? Draco is seriously going to date that asshole? He could be with someone so much better! Blaise
would never understand that even though he complains about them, sunny days are Draco's favorite!
Draco should be with someone who doesn’t hate Muggles and will watch Mae West movies with him, even
if they’ve both seen them at least 20 times each! Someone who is willing to invite complete
bitches to his birthday party because he knows it will make him happy! Harry stared at
Draco, hand fisted tight in his orange juice soaked shirt-front, finally understanding it. He was
in love with Draco. He had taken the fact that Draco was there for granted and it took losing him
to some complete tosser to realize it.
He let go of his shirt, one hand falling to his side, and the other one running citrus scented
fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry."
Draco eyed him for a moment before he answered. "For what?"
For not understanding how you felt about Ron and Hermione's baby. For not figuring this out
sooner. For letting Blaise Zabini come back into your life to find you single.
"For not using a glass," he said turning to leave the kitchen. "Oh, and some of us are getting
together to play a game of Quidditch at Ellis Moor tomorrow. Around noon. Invite Blaise if you
He left the kitchen feeling like the biggest idiot in the world. He had had two years of
opportunities to make what he and Draco had something more, and he had missed them all. As he
entered his bedroom, he heard Draco's footsteps go to the living room. He had just enough time to
hear the whoosh of the Floo and the name 'Blaise Zabini' as he shut his bedroom door.
Sunday- June 5, 2005
Well, today was the big day. Everyone was there, awaiting Draco's arrival. Pansy Parkinson had made
it after all and Harry had spent the last half hour trying to avoid looking at her. Every time he
did she would notice and she kept winking at him knowingly and smiling in a very unsettling manner.
He wished Ron and Hermione were there to serve as a buffer, but they would be showing up late,
having to wait for Ginny to get off work before she could watch Benji.
There was a Disillusioned tent in the center of the pitch for everyone to wait in, with
refreshments and music. He had set up wards so that when Draco arrived at the Moor, if Draco
arrived at the Moor, the lights would flash inside the tent and a countdown would appear for
everyone to shout “surprise” at the same moment the tent would disappear. The guest of honor was
scheduled to come around noon. Harry didn't have the courage to tell them that Draco might not make
it, but it was only 11:45, so he didn't see the need to say anything just yet. At one o'clock, they
were supposed to start serving lunch. Harry figured at the very least, if Draco never showed,
everyone could enjoy a free meal.
He made his rounds, greeting everyone and pointing them in the direction of the gift table if they
needed it. Harry had managed to find some rare Mae West footage and a signed copy of her album 'Way
Out West'. It was sort of cheesy, but it was their 'thing' and he wanted to get Draco something
that would remind him of Harry.
At 12:10, the lights inside the tent began to flash and everyone fell silent, watching the
countdown. 3... 2... The walls to the tent seemed to evaporate. "Surprise!" everyone shouted.
Harry watched as Draco's face went from stunned to excited. Draco scanned the crowd, eyes landing
on Pansy as they shared some unreadable look. Draco turned to give Blaise a heart melting smile.
Finally Draco turned back to the crowd and his eyes found Harry. Harry's heart stopped as Draco
started making his way straight to him.
Draco was smiling wider and wider as he made his way to Harry, throwing his arms around him when
he finally got there and the force of the motion caused Harry to stumble backward a few steps.
"Thank you," Draco whispered to his ear. "Thankyou thankyou thankyou." He repeated, squeezing Harry
Harry took a deep breath in an effort to calm himself and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist.
Harry would erect a monument to Pansy Parkinson if it meant Draco would hold him like this. He
couldn't give up the opportunity to do this again. He couldn't let Blaise have this.
Harry took a step back, but kept his hands on Draco's waist. "Happy Birthday," he said, calling on
his courage to say what he needed to. "I've been thinking-- "
Before Harry could say what he wanted, Zabini had walked up and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder.
"Don't push yourself too hard, you don't want to break anything."
Harry let go of Draco's waist and looked at Zabini's hand before looking straight into his eyes. "I
wouldn't be so sure. I can think of a number of things I wouldn't mind breaking right now."
Blaise raised an eyebrow to Harry, then focused his attention on Draco. "Why don't we go speak with
The confusion on Draco's face that had materialized during the short exchange was replaced by a
bright smile as he nodded. As he and Blaise walked away, he glanced back at Harry and mouthed,
'Thank You'.
"Good show, mate," came Ron's voice over his shoulder. "Way to play it cool."
Turning to face Ron and Hermione, Harry sagged. "So it's obvious then?"
"Naw. Those looks of longing can so easily be confused with burning hatred. I'm sure no one
noticed," Ron said, morphing the expression on his face to mock longing as he gazed into Harry's
"Prat," Harry said, shoving Ron's shoulder.
"Oh, stop it you two," Hermione interjected. "Why don't you tell him, Harry?"
"You mean besides the fact that he's planning on becoming Zabini's boyfriend?"
"His boyfriend? Harry, I know you said Draco's been spending a lot of time with him, but I think
maybe you've gotten things wrong."
"Trust me Hermione, I don't have it wrong."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure, absolutely. Draco said it himself yesterday and Blaise as much as told me the
Hermione took on a startled look. "Blaise told you he and Draco were getting together?"
"He said he wanted Draco. Keenly. I don't think he could have been more clear."
"Someone needs to tell Draco!"
"Maybe I'm not following, here," Ron said, "but I think in the interest of helping Harry, no one
should tell Draco, and we should prevent Blaise from telling him too."
"No, you don't understand." Hermione looked back and forth between Harry and Ron. "Blaise is
married. To Pansy."
Harry didn't even have time to register what he was doing. Before he knew it he was standing beside
Blaise, who was laughing with Pansy and Draco. "You asshole!" Harry roared before he punched Blaise
squarely in the jaw. Blaise stumbled, then fell backward and sat on the floor, gripping his jaw and
staring up at Harry. "You fucking tosser! How could you do that to him?"
"Harry! Harry, what the hell are you doing?" Draco demanded, trying to get his attention.
Pansy held out a hand, helping Blaise get off the floor. "Nice one, Potter. Smooth as ever I
"Harry, stop!" Draco was tugging on his arm, trying to get his to turn away from Blaise and
"They're married!" Harry said to Draco, pointing at Pansy and Blaise.
Draco’s body froze as his eyes danced from Harry to Pansy to Blaise and back again. "I know." He
said, dropping Harry's arm.
The whole party around them had stopped and was staring at the scene. "You know?" Harry asked,
taking a step away.
Draco looked at Blaise and Pansy with panic stricken eyes. "I-- they just told me, listen, Harry.
Last night, I just wanted to see if you’d be jealous. I-- "
"No." Harry took another step back. He had no idea what the hell was going on, but he didn't
really feel like hearing it, either. From what he could gather this whole thing had been just to
screw with Harry. "I thought we were friends. Was this your plan the whole time? Was this some plot
of revenge for something I did back in school? I've got to hand it to you. You win. I fell for the
whole thing, for you. Jokes on me, yeah?" he said, becoming more and more upset as his brain
created images of Pansy, Blaise and Draco laughing at his expense.
"No-- what?" Draco said taking a step toward him. "Harry, that's not how it is!" He reached for
Harry, but before he made contact Harry Disapparated.
Harry had been at The Leaky Cauldron for a few hours, occupying a seat in the corner and ordering a
continuous string of alcohol. He'd been approached by someone the first hour, but made it clear he
wasn't in a very social mood. Which is why it surprised him now, when someone had the gall to sit
across from him at his table and take his drink out of his hand.
"Hey!" he said, reaching for his glass, but was too late as Pansy downed the contents.
"Ack! What the hell are you drinking? This tastes like piss!"
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question. You are the most horrible host I've ever encountered. But
seriously," she said raising the glass to eye level, "what the hell is this?"
Harry's head was starting to hurt. "Listen, not that I don't enjoy your company, but could you
please fuck off?"
"Fine, change the subject when I insult you." She put the glass down and looked Harry in the eyes.
"I hope you know Draco's in a right state over that stunt you pulled."
Harry snorted. "The stunt I pulled? You mean the one where I concocted a plan to make myself fall
in love with him, and then feel like utter shit once I realized it was all a ruse. Oh wait. That
was HIS stunt."
Pansy leaned forward and grabbed Harry's shirt front, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "Do you
mean it?" she asked, without breaking his gaze.
"Mean what?" Harry said, trying to pull away. "Could you let me go?"
"Not until you tell me. Do you love him?"
"Yes!" Harry burst out, before continuing a bit more quietly, "Yeah. I do." Pansy let go of him and
he slumped back in his seat.
"I believe you Potter, but I swear on Merlin's grave that if you do anything to prove me wrong,
I'll kill you myself." Pansy sat up straighter and narrowed her eyes at Harry. "He loves you.
You've got to be some sort of idiot not to see it. He turned his back on all of us for you. I
thought I was going to marry him. We were best friends. Before we had gathered in the Great Hall
the night of the battle, he told me he was gay. I told him that it was okay as long as we got
married. He laughed; I think he thought I was being funny. Then he told me that he was in love with
you." She looked away and Harry thought maybe she was trying not to cry, but when she looked back
at him, there was no evidence of tears in her eyes. "I thought that if we sacrificed you to
Voldemort, my whole life would turn out alright. I'd get Draco and Voldemort would leave us alone.
You can imagine Draco wasn't very happy with me for what I tried to do and we didn't speak after
that. I've missed him and I'm going to help him get you this time."
Harry arrived back to a pile of Draco's belongings near the Floo and voices coming form the
direction of Draco's room.
"... sorry. How many times do I have to say it? I thought I was helping."
"Helping? By making Harry think we were together?"
"You're the one who told him we might become boyfriends! I just told him he had competition!"
"You didn't tell me! You didn't tell me what you were trying to do! I would never have said that if
I knew Harry had come to you! I just wanted to see if he'd care, not ruin everything! Just... get
the fuck out!"
Blaise came out of the room and around the corner, nearly knocking into Harry on the way. "Oh!
Potter, um… right.” Blaise nodded, stepping out of the way and headed to the Floo.
Draco was sitting on his bed next to his travel trunk with his face in his hands. Harry came in and
sat next to him.
"Blaise, I told you- Harry!?" He said and jumped off the bed. Then he schooled his features and
started placing things in his trunk haphazardly. "Look, I'll leave on my own. I'm sure you're
angry, but if you could refrain from telling me off, I would appreciate it."
"I'd rather say what I came to say now, if it's all the same to you. It might save you the trouble
of having to unpack once you've finished."
Draco paused. "You don't sound very angry," he said, turning to face Harry.
Harry shook his head with a small smile on his face. "Well, I'm a little angry. I'm not too happy
with your Slytherin antics to make me jealous. Though I suppose you can't help it. I’m not too
happy I went to all that trouble for your birthday and it got ruined. There's also the bit about
you trying to pack up and leave without so much as a kiss on the cheek. Which brings me to the
complete lack of kissing, of which there could have been a lot if you’d just told me how you
"Kissing?" Draco asked, smirking and raising an eyebrow at Harry.
"Loads of it," said Harry, relieved as Draco took a step toward him. "Indecent amounts of kissing.
In all sorts of places."
Draco closed the distance between them and spoke against Harry's lips. "Sounds brilliant."
"It would've been" Harry just managed to get out before Draco’s mouth closed over his.