1 Sneezle Season
I lay on my back, watching the green canopy overhead and fiddling with the
ring on my left hand. My left ring finger to be exact. I knew it by touch now, its smooth surface,
broken only by a tiny lightning bolt inlaid upon its silver face in obsidian. A smile, almost a
smirk, but not quite, settled on my lips. Mine, I thought.
I sneezed.
"You okay, Draco?" Blaise Zambini's voice drifted sleepily over to
"Fine," I replied, although it came out more like "fide." I hate colds. And
I never can seem to get rid of them. Silly thing, colds. Even magic doesn't seem to erase them. I
grabbed a tissue from beside the bed and blew my nose.
This is why I hate colds: They make my nose hurt. They make me tired. They
make me even more irritable than usual. I can't taste anything. My father always makes me feel that
it's my fault I have one. Everyone avoids me.
Oh yeah. And I can't kiss Harry.
I shuffled down to breakfast in a foul mood. Not even the lovely breakfast
spread before me could make me happy. I was sick, and I was doing my best to make sure everyone
around me was just as miserable as I was. Being a seventh year Slytherin meant you had privileges
like that. I could scare a first year Hufflepuff by smiling at them. Being a miserable slouch made
nearly everyone run away from me.
Nearly everyone. Harry didn't run, but he didn't come within a four-foot
radius of me, and it was driving me mad.
It's not really that I wanted sex. Okay, that's a lie. I did. But you just
can't tell a person you love them while standing four feet away with a tissue in your hand and feel
good about it.
Harry grinned at me from across four tables. We had begun sitting like that
in sixth year and it kind of stuck- him at the far end of the Gryffindor table and me at the far
end of the Slytherin. Of course, we still had to look through heads of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw
hair, but it was okay. We could still see each other. I gave him half a smile and waved a dirty
tissue in his direction.
Just seeing him made me feel 25% better.
I sneezed. Make that 15%.
"Mr. Malfoy! Please stay after class," McGonagall snipped at me in her
snippity snippish way. I swear, her shoes snip as she walks across the floor. Her hair snips when
she combs it. Her teeth- "Mr. Malfoy, I expect an answer." Her eyes snipped.
"Yes, bab," I said. Ma'am is a bit hard to say when you have a cold.
Slouching a little in my seat, I sighed and watched the rest of the Slytherins and Ravenclaws exit.
I hated being in Transfiguration with Ravenclaw. They're too smart for their own good and it makes
me jealous. Even though I am top of our particular class. And they hate me for it. And that makes
me happy.
"Mr. Malfoy," she snipped, drawing my attention back to her. Professor Snip
was crossing the room towards me, something cupped in her hands. "I think this might help you with
your cold. It won't cure you, of course, but it might help the tissues to feel softer." She handed
me a little ball of something white. "Just rub this over the tissues you are going to use before
you use them. I promise you that it helps." She smiled wryly at me. "Get better soon. Harry's going
a bit nuts without you."
I felt my entire face sprout into flame. "Yes bab," I mumbled to the best of
my abilities.
"Now shoo! I have work to do."
As I exited the door, a pair of green eyes greeted me from behind round
glasses exactly four feet away. "Hullo you little prick."
"Hullo do you doo, stupid arse." I blew my nose. Professor Snip was right.
And I should probably stop calling her that- it's too close to Snape.
"Feeling any better?" Harry smiled at me curiously.
"Doh." I said miserably. I had meant to say "no." I really had. I twisted
the ring on my finger. "Still wand me do have this?" I felt a blush running over my cheeks again.
AGAIN. Why can't I stop these damned blushes? They're incredibly irritating.
"Yeah, silly." Harry laughed. "Stop asking me. This is what, the fifth
"Sixth," I corrected and then sighed and suppressed a smile. "I just ab not
sure why you're so bluddy dice."
"Probably because I'm bloody in love with you."
"Thad's a stupid thig to do," I said, offhand, a little laugh leaking
"Fall in love?" He pretended to sound hurt.
"You bed."
"I'd love to bed you, but you're sick and we aren't married yet."
"You ad your stupid rigidity."
"You mean virginity?"
"I bean... oh shud ub, Harry." I growled a little and kicked at a tiny stone
that had the misfortune of being in my way.
"You gonna be okay for Quidditch?"
I glared at him. "Quiddidch is by life."
He pouted. "Not me?"
"I cad touch you!" I wailed, flailing my arms and catching an unsuspecting
Gryffindor third year on the top of her head. She squealed and Harry helped her up, apologizing for
me. I glared at him again. "I could have dud thad byself, Harry."
He laughed. "You haven't even told me you're sorry, stupid git."
"Shud ub."
"I love you, Draco," he said, seriously, ignoring the weird looks that a
pair of Hufflepuff girls was giving us. He kissed the air around my four-foot bubble. "I miss you.
And I can't wait for you to get better."
I turned red. He looked so silly and adorable. But sure as hell I wasn't
going to be caught doing something that odd. "I love you, doo," I mumbled, wishing I knew an
anti-embarrassment spell. And I hoped to any god there was that Ron Weasley or Pansy Parkinson was
NOT behind me. There must be a god, because the only person there was a rather embarrassed looking
Gryffindor sixth year.
I felt so bad for him, but really, it was incredibly amusing watching Draco
be sick and all. He said the funniest things, and he got childishly angry all the time. Well, not
all the time, but quite a lot. I love it when he stamps his little foot, trying to get his
"What class are you going to?"
"Herbology," he replied, sniffling and rubbing at his nose. "Dab
"You should be nice to plants," I chided, teasingly. "They're saving you
from dripping bogies all over your robes."
He huffed and looked so forlorn that I almost ran to him. Almost. I really
hate colds, and I didn't want to catch one.
This is why I hate colds: They make my nose hurt. They make me tired. They
make me even more irritable than usual. I can't taste anything. Ron treats me like it's my fault
every time that I get one. Everyone avoids me.
Oh yeah. And I can't kiss Draco.
We said our good-byes and I trotted off to Divination while he trudged down
to Herbology. I wish we had more classes together. Or, correction- I usually wish we had more
classes together. This time, I was rather glad. He was too sick to touch and too lovely to stay
away from.
"I don't know why you take that stupid class." Hermione glared at Ron and me
from across the table. "It's utterly pointless. Even Muggle Studies is more useful." She sniffed
and poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice.
Ron made a face.
I laughed. "Really, Hermione, it's not that bad once you know what to do.
Just fake your stars. Pretend you're going to die a million horrible deaths, and Trelawney will
absolutely love you." Suddenly, I sneezed.
Seamus backed away from my left side. "Harry... you didn't catch Malfoy's
cold, did you?"
"No," I said, a bit crossly. "I've stayed outside the required four foot
bubble. It's just a sneeze."
Ron snickered. "Yeah, right, Harry."
I gave him my best glare. "Don't you people think that if I could be happily
snogging with Draco in the closet I would be?"
Another sickly face from my best friend, as he tried not to vomit. Hermione
nodded briskly. Dean and Seamus grinned at each other widely and leaned in for a kiss. "Not at the
lunch table!" shrieked Neville, clapping his hands over his eyes.
I sat on the windowsill that night, chin resting on my knees. Usually, this
would be the time to go out and meet Draco to go make out behind the statue of Apollo in the
garden, but it's not good when he has a cold. He's such a particular boy. So superstitious and
all.... but I love him dearly.
I sat there, remembering and wishing that he was not quite so far
The first time Draco and I kissed was like heaven. We had been becoming
close for a while, so it shouldn't have been as big of a shock as it was. But you must agree with
me, it is not usual for boys to kiss each other. Is it? I mean, I've never seen Ron kiss another
boy. Or Neville. Or ... well, I'll stop now. My other roommates bear no mentioning here.
Draco and I had been stargazing, supposedly for Astronomy homework, but it
was turning into a little fortune telling event for me. I suppose I picked up more in Divination
than I thought. I remember lying there and watching the stars....
// Harry laughed. "You don't really think that they tell the future do
"Well, let's put it this way. They're a lot bigger, more powerful, and older
than we are, so why the hell shouldn't they have a little bit of power over our lives?" Draco
thought for a moment. "More than a little, really."
"Just because stars are big and powerful doesn't mean they have any
influence. I mean, look at-"
"If you say 'me and Voldemort' I'm going to kill you."
"I wasn't."
"You said Voldemort."
"So what?"
"So no one says that. They always say 'You Know Who' or 'The Dark Lord'.
Only person I've ever heard call him by his real name was Dumbledore. And me." Harry rolled onto
his side, turning his eyes towards the blonde.
Draco looked over. "And me, stupid." He gave a short laugh and sat up.
"Lord, Potter- I don't remember ever laughing the way I do when you're around."
Harry's eyebrows flicked. "Yeah, me falling off my broom is such a
"Shut up. I mean when you're just..." There was an embarrassed
"What?" Harry coaxed.
"When you're just with me," came the soft reply. Draco's eyes shone silver
in the night. "It makes me..."
"Happy?" The Boy who Lived was rather hopeful.
"Oh, I don't know." Draco flopped back down, feeling the heat rushing over
his cheeks.
Harry scooted closer to him and leaned up on one elbow so that his face was
above the other boy's. "You make me feel happy, Draco Malfoy." Leaning in, he meant to brush his
lips against Draco's, but it didn't quite work out that way.
Draco grabbed Harry's head and pressed their mouths together, not bothering
with the ritual closed mouth peck that starts things off. His tongue slid into the dark haired
boy's mouth, probing and tasting every part of Harry Potter that he could.
Surprised, but extremely happy, Harry kissed back, his arms sliding around
Draco's frame..... //
I sighed, coming back to reality. I hate not being able to touch him.
Really, it should be a crime to have a cold.
I crawled into bed, feeling sorry for myself.
2 Bringing Into Life
It's useless trying to sleep when all you can think about is Harry's arms
and Harry's eyes and Harry's hair. Say, that rhymes. Amazing. I had no idea that I was such a good
poet. Harry's hair. Yes, I think when I am done with ruling the world and making all peoples
worship me, I will become a poet. Actually, I should become a poet first. It will take me until I
am at least 48 to rule the world. And we all know that is ancient.
In 1B.H. (Before Harry) I remember actually thinking that 25 was old. Now,
I'm not so sure. Maybe you turn old at 30.
Harry and I are like .... well, like this. I. See that? It's one line. Or,
at least, it's supposed to look like a line. I guess I mean to say that we are inseparable.
Hopefully. I can't always believe that he really does like me so much as he says he does. Even
though I am devilishly handsome and incredibly charming. I've never really felt sure about myself.
You can thank my father for that.
I remember the first time that Harry told me he loved me. Of course, I
didn't believe him....
// Draco burst into laughter. "You're an idiot, Harry. That's the stupidest
thing I've ever heard you say."
Harry looked wounded. "Excuse me? I just poured my soul out to you, Draco
Malfoy!" He sat up, emerald eyes on fire.
"There is no such thing as love," snorted Draco. "Everyone knows
"I don't." The Boy who Lived spoke softly, but dangerously.
"Well, learn it, Potter."
Harry was too frustrated to say "don't call me that" and he stood up,
walking stiffly over to the window. His shoulders hunched over.
"What? Did I offend you?" Draco's sleek eyebrows flickered.
"Yes," was the short reply.
"Do you want me to say that I love you, too? Because I can't. You know I
"At least you can respect my feelings, Malfoy."
"Ow," Draco shifted uncomfortably. "What do you want me to say?"
"I don't care!" spat Harry, frustrated.
"Fine then. I don't care."
Harry didn't laugh.
With a sigh, Draco stood and walked across the room. Leaning his chin on his
beloved's back, he kissed Harry's shoulder. "Dearest and nearest, I haven't ever had a chance with
the L word. I haven't even known you enough to know whether or not we should be together forever. I
don't want to say it unless I mean it. And I don't want you to say it unless you do,
"You talk too much," mumbled Harry, but he turned and gave Draco a swift
kiss. "Fine. I promise you I will not say the L word until I'm sure I mean forever."
"What do you want in return?"
"It's a deal, right? You need me to give you something."
Harry shrugged. "Oh, all right then. I want you to try to believe in love.
Keep an open mind."
Draco buried his face in Harry's shoulder. "Okay."//
I snuggled down into bed with a box of tissues under my fist. Really, this
was unfair. All I want to do is touch, pet, kiss, snuggle...
I woke up with a start as Crabbe and Goyle batted the curtains of my bed
aside and Goyle began singing cheerfully. As much as I hate to admit it, he has a hell of a good
voice. It's all deep and ... deep and..... yeah. Crabbe didn't sing- he's not half as good. But he
gave me a cup of something hot, which tasted pretty good until steam started pouring from my ears.
Pepperup Potion. I should have known.
Groaning, I slid to the floor, feeling like an idiot. Never, never drink
something that someone stupider than you gives you. Write it down, make it a rule.
Blaise snorted in laughter. "Nice ears, there, Draco."
"Shuddup," I said, then suddenly realized a happy thing. "My nose... my
nose!" I stood up, feeling it, disbelieving. "MY NOSE!"
"Yes, you do have one."
"Shut up, Blaise. It's ... nice! I can talk like a normal human
"Wizard or Muggle?" said Crabbe, dimly.
"Whatever...." A wicked grin spread across my face. "Oooohhhh boy, Harry,
here I come!"
"But you two haven't even shagged yet!" complained Goyle. "How can you come
without shagging?"
Blaise erupted into howls of laughter and I felt my face turn a brilliant
red as I began shoving my clothes on. "Don't be stupid, Goyle! I'm going to go kiss him and hug him
and snuggle him and ooooohhhhh boy...."
Pansy poked her head in the door, looking more than a little irritated.
Crabbe and I screamed like girls and clutched the sheets. Blaise and Goyle were too busy laughing
and thinking (respectively) to care.
"What's all the noise in here?"
"GET OUT, GET OUT!" shrieked Crabbe, slamming the door on her face. Blaise
began to laugh even harder, and I was feeling so good that I joined in.
I sat on the edge of my seat, waiting, waiting for eternity for Harry to
show up. God, he was taking so long!! I poked my eggs half-heartedly. Clean, cured, totally
healthy. I giggled wickedly into my hand. Oh the things I would do to my Harry…
The first thing I noticed when I came into the room was that Draco was
staring at the door. At first, he didn't seem to notice me, then, suddenly, he leapt out of his
seat and came hurtling towards me. "I'm FREE!" he shouted, launching his entire weight onto me. I
fell over backwards, a rather hot, heavy, and squishy Malfoy on top of me.
"Y-your cold!" I spluttered.
"Gone," he murmured around a tonguey kiss. "Gone for a bit, at least. You
idiot, I missed you so damn much…" Well, that was obvious. Usually, he wouldn't show this much
affection in public.
"Gone?" Then I noticed the steam issuing from his ears in little puffs.
"Oh.. Pepperup Potion."
"Yeah…" Draco grinned widely before sitting back and allowing me to regain a
sense of half-decency. Although, it was quite hard to feel decent when half of you wanted to run
away (the half that noticed the entire school staring at us) and the other half wanted to push
Draco down again and have at it on the floor (the part that noticed how incredibly sexy he was).
Neither side won out and I sat up.
Draco stood up and dusted himself off, looking extremely pleased. He handed
me a folded square of parchment, gave me a peck on the cheek, and flounced off to his table without
another word. Sometimes he was so childish. But I loved him dearly.
Opening the note, I read swiftly:
Harry- meet me outside after our second class. I know it's snowing, stupid.
Just do it.
Like I said, sometimes he is so childish.
The snow fell softly around me as I trudged out to where Draco was waiting
for me. He looked like a frozen angel. Or more like an angelic demon. Or maybe he just looked like
himself. Yes, that is it. He looked like himself. I smiled indulgently. Beautiful Draco. Wonderful
Draco. My Draco.
He turned a little and spotted me, but, as was usual, he didn't come
running. Instead, he just puffed out little puffs of air from his nose. His ears had stopped
leaking steam and he looked vaguely sane.
"You still feeling good?"
"Feeling fine," he mumbled, hands in his pockets. But he was lying. I could
hear it in his voice. The cold was starting to return.
I put an arm around his shoulders a bit awkwardly. "Love, was there
something you needed?"
"Actually yes. I got something in the mail that I want you to have," he said
stiffly, but there was a smile hovering over his lips. "I know you said you didn't want one, but...
well..." His gaze shifted towards me a little and then back out at the frozen Quidditch patch.
"Here," he said, pulling a little package out of his robes and thrusting it into my
I opened it and found myself in shock. A beautiful gold ring, smooth except
for a half buried ruby in it smiled at me.
"Gryffindor colors." Draco was watching my face, not the ring.
"I love it."
"Yeah, well..." He cast a glance to the left and then planted a soft kiss on
my lips. "You're a god."
3 Am I Such a Bad Boy?
I found myself moaning into Harry's mouth as he clutched me to him. Noise is
essential for makeout sessions. Otherwise, it's just plain kissing. Boooooring. So that's why we
did it in the most interesting of places (Potions supply closet) with the most erotic of noises (me
moaning into Harry's mouth). Sometimes I made him moan, but it was my day to be sub.
Sort of.
Snickering inwardly, I snaked my hands up between us and began pinching his
nipples through his shirt, causing his groan to meet mine. Ah, the old nipple pinching. He fell for
it every time. Maybe this time I'd be able to unzip his pants before he stopped me. Sliding my
tongue around his mouth, I began to unbutton his shirt.
Harry didn't seem to notice. Instead, his tongue was busy parrying mine in a
lovers' dance.
Yes! Smooth, warm skin greeted my fingertips and Harry moaned
Flash! Flash!
"AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGG!!!!" I yelled, reaching out and blindly smacking
Collin Creevy in the face. He gave a little "meep" of surprise and then ran out of the Potions
room, blushing. I had been so close. SO DAMNED CLOSE!
"Draco..." Harry half slid out of the supply closet, smiling. "Let him
go..." His arms slid around my waist and pulled me close. Lazily, he nibbled on my ear. "You know,
I was dreading graduation until three months ago," Harry whispered. I squirmed erotically- it
"Hm," was all I could say.
"Now, I'm looking forward to it." His fingers began to trace circles on my
stomach. "One week after and we'll be living ..... you and me... together... always." Harry's train
of thought seemed to waver deliciously as I reached back and ran my hands up his thighs. With a
shudder, he pulled away, smiling. "And we can have sex wherever and whenever we want." He licked
his lips and winked.
That put me into half a foul mood. "We can have sex period," I growled,
giving him a mock frown. "I don't get any as it is."
Have you ever wanted to touch someone so badly it made you hurt inside?
Before Draco and I were together, but when we were still friends, Greg (Goyle) gave me a tiny photo
album with pictures of Draco. They were mostly from first year- with his soft cheeks, still covered
in that silky child's skin that is like water and wine. Pouty, full lips that pulled my heart to
the limit did not smile at me, but gave me a soft sense of tenderness. Oh how I wanted to kiss
//Harry lay on his stomach, regarding the photo album with a gentle smile on
his face. Beside him, Draco lay on his back, listening to the comments that drifted over to
"You're really cute here." Harry ducked his head closer to the photo, which
flicked him off.
"Hn. You'd think you were in love with me the way you talked."
"Maybe I am." Harry turned the page. "Oh Lord... this is
Draco rolled over and peered at the picture. For a moment he was silent,
looking at Harry instead of the image. "Yes. I was quite cute wasn't I."
"No?" Blond eyebrows flicked. Draco inched closer so that his forehead and
Harry's nearly met over the pages of the album. "What do you mean no?"
"You're not cute." The Boy who Lived suddenly flushed brightly. Pink,
curving lips accentuated into a vague "kiss me" expression smirked up from the book. Grey eyes that
shone with an inner mischief and pride glinted out at him. His cheeks were flushed to the point
where it looked as if he had been out in the cold. "You're beautiful." At the time, Harry had
thought Draco's features were sharp. But perhaps that was because his were simply sharper than the
other people he usually saw. Now they looked soft and inviting. Silky and seductively soft as no
child's face had a right to look. Pedophilia...
"I am or I was?"
Abruptly, Harry sat up. Pushing his glasses up on his nose, he said, "You
decide." And, snatching up the book, he stalked out of the room.//
I grinned at Draco. "You remember looking at that photo album that Greg got
for me?"
He grunted noncommittally, nose still buried in a book of Transfiguration.
We were curled up together by a fire that someone had kindly lit in a side room on the fourth
floor. Well, not exactly together considering he was on one side of the couch reading his little
book and I was on the other side, playing with some putty type stuff that we had made in
"Are you listening to me?"
"What?" Finally, he looked up. " 'd you say something?"
"Yeah, I just wanted to know if you remember looking at that photo album
that Greg gave me."
"Oh yeah…" Draco made a funny looking face. "You were really acting
strangely about that."
I laughed. "You were far too sexy for your own good when you were that
I had expected him to turn a bright pink and duck his head under his book,
mumbling something I couldn't hear, but he didn't. Instead, he turned a pale greenish color and
stared at me with mistrustful grey eyes. I frowned.
"Something wrong?"
"No," he said quickly, turning back to his book.
"Yes," I corrected and scooted closer, laying my hand on his knee. He pulled
away and my frown deepened. "Draco…"
"Don't talk about how I looked," he snapped, throwing the book on the floor.
"Don't talk about me when I was young. I thought you would know enough by now, Potter."
I sat back, stung. He never called me that any more. Rarely.
There was a tangible silence that ran between us and I felt incredibly like
crying. Suddenly, he broke it by flinging himself across the couch and throwing his arms around me.
"Sorry, Harry," he mumbled into my shoulder. "There…" Draco sat up slowly, his eyes avoiding mine.
"There are things…"
"Don't tell me."
4 Narry a Sound
I regarded Harry for a minute. His face was worried and tight and
beautifully anxious. Giving him my very best impression of a smile, I leaned over and kissed him
softly on the cheek, murmuring, "Okay." It was only partially a lie. I would tell him, one day,
what happened to me, but now- now was not a good time. I wanted to snuggle and be a cute couple,
not talk about how messed up I was.
Harry drew me into his arms and I sighed a bit, stroking his fingers with
mine and regarding the fire from my comfortable Harrypillow. "Draco," he said after a moment "can I
tell you something?"
"You can do anything once," I said, quoting my dear Professor
He gave a sort of chuckle and leaned back, wrapping one leg around me so
that I was almost totally surrounded by him. If he had been a cloak, I couldn't have been any
happier. "My love- narry a sound comes from your lips that I don't hold to my heart..." he said
softly, an embarrassed tone to his voice.
I almost cried. I had totally NOT expected this. Harry doesn't get this
romance novel-ish. And ... I had no idea that he loved me so much.
".... sorry."
"For what?"
Harry shrugged and I tilted my head back so that I could see his face.
Without another word, he bent down and kissed me softly, nibbling on my lips. His hands were at my
waist, speaking silently of his love.
And narry a sound passed between us as our lips met and parted only to meet
again and part.... a cycle stopped only when I curled up under his chin and fell asleep.
5 The Doll
It was early June when I swore to myself that I would kill Dumbledore. Well,
not really, but I was pretty darn mad. He had organized a "graduation ball" for the seventh years,
and had included the fifth and sixth years as well to fill out the dance. I did Not want to go.
Balls meant dressing up and dressing up meant fights with Draco.
Gah! I could handle him fussing over what I usually wore, but formal stuff
is NO FUN with him. Ah well. It would make him happy and horny and I could probably drag him off to
snog in a closet afterwards. As long as he didn't try to get in my pants again....
It wasn't like I didn't want to sleep with him. In fact, that was
practically the only thing on my mind. How I was managing to pass my classes was beyond me. The
fact was- I wasn't sure if we would make it. Even though he had said that he loved me... he had
accepted my hurried and fumbling proposal... I didn't know for sure.
// Draco's eyes were dark with stormy tears. He half turned towards Harry
before turning away again. "Listen," he said tightly "you have it a lot easier than you think,
Wonder Boy."
Harry frowned. "Draco..." he said warningly.
"Shut up, just shut up!"
Harry's frown deepened.
"You think it's hard with the Dark Lord trying to shoot a spell up your ass
all the time, huh? Well, try it when he wants you on his side! Try having your own... your own
fucking father" he spat out the word "convincing you to become a groveling slave to a barely human
old freak who can't survive on his own. Try coming to school and having everyone hate you, everyone
... except one person." Tears were now coursing down Draco's face.
The look on Harry's face softened slightly and he reached out a hand
"Listen, Harry... my black mouse" (Harry hated that pet name, but listened
nonetheless) "if it wasn't for you.... I don't know where I would be."
"Shut up, you moron, I want to tell you something."
Harry promptly shut up.
"You haven't been spoon fed like I have, but you haven't had the Malfoy
responsibilities, either. And that has absolutely nothing to do with what I was going to say...."
Draco mused, calmer look surfacing on his face. "This is tremendously embarrassing, and don't
expect to hear it again any time soon." He cleared his throat. "Harry James Fucking Potter, I love
Harry chose to ignore the vague insult, and sat with his mouth wide open
like a frog.
Draco took advantage of that and covered his embarrassment by placing his
mouth over Harry's and sliding his tongue into the other boy's mouth. It was only a few seconds
before Harry began to respond, gripping Draco's waist tightly and making interesting moaning noises
in the back of his throat.
It was Harry who first pulled away, stroking a strand of Draco's hair from
his temple. "I know," he said quietly, smiling sadly. "And I wish I could make things easier for
you. I really do." He lowered his lips and ghosted kisses down Draco's neck. "I'm sorry about that
comment I made about your grades, I was just mad. I really didn't mean it, love."
Draco sniffed and hugged Harry. "I know, stupid."
"Can you ... would you..." Harry licked at the other boy's pale earlobe.
"Would you say that again?"
"Sure. I know, stupid."
"No... before that."
Draco turned and cupped Harry's left cheek in his hand. "I told you that you
wouldn't hear it again any time soon." When the dark haired boy's face fell, Draco laughed. "I
lied." Leaning in close to his love, the pale boy whispered, "I love you."//
Grumpily, but smiling a little, I snatched up my clothes and stalked out of
the Gryffindor dorms and headed down towards the dungeons.
I grabbed him out of the hall and dragged him into the Slytherin dorms. He
was late, and it made me a bit put out. But those beautiful green eyes were enough to make me
regret my anger. And so I dressed him lovingly, saying not a word, but patting down his robes and
adjusting laces and buttons where they needed adjustment. He watched me silently as I bent and
polished his shoes before running my fingers through his hair hopelessly.
Harry could never have hair like mine.
Of course, I was already dressed and ready. I had been for quite some time.
I suppose I'm like that a lot- getting ready for things that haven't yet happened. I like to think
of myself as well prepared. Harry calls me obsessive-compulsive.
As I smoothed out the last wrinkles of his shirt, I blushed deeply,
unconsciously thinking of a dream I had had just about an hour ago that involved Harry's spread
legs and a generous amount of whipped cream.
A pair of gifted hands reached out and grabbed my arms. "Stop that, you
don't want me to get ruffled do you?"
"I'm straightening you off!" I exclaimed indignantly.
"If you keep touching me, I'm going to push you to the couch and damn all
pretenses of going to the ball."
I immediately released him. As much as I loved Harry, I loved balls, too.
Mmmmm... balls.... I giggled to myself and found my face heating up.
"You're bright pink."
"And you're a lovely shade of blue," I commented, turning pinker.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked, curiously.
"Stripping you naked in front of the whole school and sucking you off," I
said matter-of-factly.
I sniggered and held out an arm. "Ready?"
My life-sized Harrydoll nodded and took it. "Yup."
6 Considering
Of course I danced with Draco. Of course. He looked so small and white and
beautiful and... so ... Draco. I loved him. So I danced with him. And his cheeks turned red and I
held him to myself, knowing my eyes were extra bright. His face was pressed against my shoulder and
his warm chest rubbed against mine. Fluff.... ah, gods... at that moment I wanted nothing more than
to kiss him until the end of the world.
Our graduation would be taking place in two days and only a week after that
was the Malfoy-Potter wedding. Or Potter-Malfoy. It always made him feel better to have his name
first, though.
We were selecting rings for each other. Of course, we'd already given a set,
but... he said it was "necessary and proper." I thought it was just another reason for him to show
me how much money he had. I was getting him something simple, but he had hinted at something akin
to a crown when I had asked.
Someone began to play a piano and Draco snuggled closer to me, his warm
breath seeping through my robes. It was times like this that I was sure we had made the right
choice. I loved him.
It took everyone quite some time to get used to that idea. Ron, in
particular, was in denial for about a week.
//Ron Weasley shook his red head. "Nope. No way, no how, no."
Harry heaved a sigh. "Weasley, you are ... are..."
"Idiotic?" offered Hermione, who was watching the scene with much amusement
from her chair beside the fire.
"Shut up, Hermione," snapped Ron, his eyes not leaving Harry's face. "You're
not serious."
He couldn't resist. "No, I'm Harry."
Hermione choked on a laugh and then stood up, pacing forwards until she
stood in front of her boyfriend of two years. "Ron, you're being stupid. Why would Harry lie to
you? You're his best friend. Come on, listen to him for once! When he says he loves Draco Malfoy,
he means he loves Draco Malfoy!"
Ron glowered, but drew Hermione into his lap, wrapping his arms around her
waist. "I still don't believe him."
Harry groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. "Okay, Ron- let's put it
this way." He cleared his throat nervously and pushed his glasses up. "I wasn't going to ask you
until I had cleared it with you that I actually loved Draco... but... would you be my best man in
our wedding?"
Hermione fell off Ron's lap and onto the floor with a thump.
"WEDDING?" she shrieked, once she regained her sensibility. Then, flinging
herself on Harry, she began to babble happily about decorations and housing and love
"Wait..." Ron's eyes were blank. "Did you just say... wedding?"//
I smiled fondly at the memory and stroked Draco's hair. "Nine more days, my
"Until you relinquish your virginity," he muttered into my neck.
I felt my face turn red.
To tell the truth, I almost didn't show up at graduation. I was so impatient
for the week afterwards, that I nearly went to sleep so that the time would go faster. At least,
that's what Greg tells me. Not that I always believe him, but he's a fairly reliable source on
Well, anyway, I actually made it to graduation with all my robes in the
right place and my hair looking especially good. I truly love my hair.
Dumbledore had us all line up outside on the new green grass. Gryffindors
and Slytherins were stationed opposite each other with Hufflepuffs behind them and the Ravenclaws
behind us. Each house was in full uniform and looking their best. Well, except for one Ravenclaw
who had lost his tie. Stupid Ravenclaws... they think they're so smart and all...
Stands were set up around us so that the parents and families of the
students could look on and congratulate us as we took our graduation badges and certificates. My
father was not there, but my mother had come. Her eyes peered at me from between the hats of a pair
of dark haired wizards. They were... strange. Torn.
She loves me.... she loves my father.... she is frightened......
Harry smiled at me from across the narrow strip of green that separated us.
His glasses were slightly off kilter, but it didn't matter to me. At that moment, I loved him more
than a whole world of fathers and mothers.
We were each called up to a small stand and given our badges and
certificates and asked to make a small speech. Dumbledore figured it would be fun and had
encouraged us to prepare one ahead of time. Needless to say, I had written mine on the back of an
order parchment last night.
{{{Excerpts from Hogwarts Records (Graduating Class of 1997)}}}
Hannah Abbot: .... And, in conclusion, I'd like to say that I will miss the
delicious banana puddings that we had every Saturday.
Blaise Zabini: ... I'd like to thank all of you for coming, and let me take
this moment to thank you all for being wonderful friends and enemies. ...
Vincent Crabbe: I'm graduating! It's a good thing! Hi, Mom! Hi,
Justin Finch-Fletchley: ... I say it's high time for Muggle integration!
Without Muggles, we are nothing but a bunch of inbred Blast-Ended Screwts!...
Terry Boot:... the sin of cosine x squared multiplied by the inverse of
thirty three n gives you the precise hour in which the next Snitch will be caught. ....
Seamus Finnegan: ... To all you single men in the audience, I'm free! Er...
that does exclude you, Professor Snape. ...
Gregory Goyle:.... And thank you, Draco, for letting me copy your
Ron Weasley: ... I never could have done it without you, Professor Lupin.
You helped me to discover that I'm not a stupid red head. I'm just as smart as the rest of my
Pansy Parkinson: ... You've all been really nasty to me, and I'd like to say
that, for the record, I hate most of you. But the rest of you are okay.
Dean Thomas: ... I don't see why we don't play soccer as well as
Quidditch... Seamus, I'm your man! ...
Neville Longbottom: ... Um... Thanks? .... Owl me! ... Yeah...
Draco Malfoy: ... And if you have any objections to me and Potter getting
married, just remember that I passed my classes with higher scores than almost all of you. So you
can kiss my.....
Hermione Granger: ... Everyone here has been really wonderful, and I can't
wait to get out there into the wizarding world with you to show them what Hogwarts is made
Ernie MacMillan: ... Professor Sprout, I adore you....
Harry Potter: ... You all mean a lot to me. You've been my family, friends,
and enemies for seven years. Thank you.
7 Bachelor's Feet and Wedding
I felt as though my innards had been ripped out and were splayed across the
grass below me. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the day that I would become one with Harry, legally and in
body. My spirit was already his.
I was not- like Harry- having a bachelors' party. Blaise had asked me if I
was going to, but I had refused. Bachelors' parties are stupid things where your friends try to get
you drunk, and strippers dance around on the tables, and generally no one has a good time.
Particularly if your special someone finds out about all the terrible things you did. I was not
going to-
It was at that moment that a large, dark shape swooped down the hall and
cast a spell on me, sufficiently knocking me out.
When I woke up, it was to lots of noise and a huge headache. There was a
horrible song playing off to my left, and a pair of huge hands right in front of me. I wanted to
scream and hit something and then crawl off to bed, but as I had no idea where I was, I figured a
better idea would be to look around.
The hands were, of course, Greg's.
When I fall down...
And you surrender
We are equal
Rolling together...
"Greg?" I snarled over the music, focusing in on his face. To my
(un)surprise, Blaise, Vincent, and this Durmstrang wizard- Mikhail- were all grinning at me. "Aw
fuck." I wanted to die.
"Hello, Draco. Have a nice nap?" Blaise leered at me from across the
Table? Glancing off to the sides, I found we were in some sort of sleazy
stripper bar (figures) and there were three women in blue trying to get my attention. With
Breasts, I have decided, are rather ugly. They look like cups of fleshy
Jell-O with nipples. Gross me out. Thank Merlin that Harry didn't have any.
Anyway, Blaise was hitting on the girls, Mikhail was hitting on Blaise, Greg
and Vincent were trying to sing with the horrid song and get as drunk as possible..... and I was
trying to sleep on the table.
The night before
The night after
And we're here again
Rolling together...
Eventually, I was able to crawl under the table (it was disgusting under
there! I had to burn my clothes) and get away. However, once I was away from my terrible friends, I
had no idea what I was going to do. I had been brought here blindfolded and trussed up, and I did
not know where we were. But it was okay. As long as I didn't have to see any more breasts.
I ended up calling a cab to take me over to Kings Cross Station. I knew my
way home from there. But as soon as I got in the cab, I found myself regretting it.
The smell that came from inside was incredible. Old shoes, rotten underwear,
crusty cheese, and locker rooms can only smell so bad. This was worse.
The only thing that kept me sane was the happy thought of me and Harry
tomorrow.... yes.... tomorrow.... And then, halfway to the station, I realized what an IDIOT I was.
Pulling my wand from my robes, I promptly disapparated to my nice, CLEAN room at home. And locked
the door. And the windows. And put magical seals on all entrances.
Finally, finally, I lay back to sleep.
I woke up the next morning in a cold sweat.
Wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding......
I smiled calmly at Hermione. "When is Draco going to be here?"
She was not fooled by my fake calm expression. "As soon as you calm down,
you can walk out there and meet your .... er.... bride." Her eyebrows flickered. "But if you
continue to be so scatterbrained that you don't realize you aren't wearing any pants..." She
gestured to my bare legs.
Bare. Legs. They were pretty hairy, too.
So I put on pants. Backwards.
Wedding wedding oh crap, I can't do this!! What if, what if, what
I (with my pants finally on the right way) walked down the aisle with
Sirius, who was standing in for my father. Draco was already standing in front of the altar,
looking ready to scream or die or something similar. He was clutching a crumpled paper in his hands
and his face was paler than I had ever known it to be before.
When I reached the end of the aisle, Draco took his place next to me and
stood, shaking, waiting for the priest to say something.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to honor the union of Draco
Malfoy and Harry Potter."
So far so good.
"As they have written their vows for each other, I will now ask them to read
them out loud."
Oh SHIT!!! Desperately, I grabbed Ron's arm and muttered, "I left my vows in
the back! Go get them!!!" He turned a funny paleish green and slipped away as Draco uncrumpled his
paper and began to read.
"Harry, more than life itself, I will cherish you. Instinct demands that I
hold my own life dear, love demands that I hold yours. You are my one and only, and always will be.
No matter what happens down the road, I will always be yours. A Malfoy never breaks a solemn
promise, and I will never break this. I love you, Harry Potter, and I am willing, if you will, to
take your last name as my own." Here he paused and blushed. I was in awe. "And, finally, as if I
haven't said this enough... I love you now and always."
Ron shoved a piece of paper in my hand and I smiled in relief.
But upon opening it, I found four words:
Clearing my throat nervously, I leaned forward a little. "Um... well...
Draco, I had this really great wedding speech planned out about how much I love you and what I
would go through for you, but ... somehow I misplaced it." There were several snorts of laughter
from the audience, and Hermione burst into tears. "So, I guess I'll just say it. Nothing can tear
me away from you. Death, sickness, the Dark Arts.... I love you, Draco. And I would be honored if
you would take my name."
The priest turned towards me. "Do you, Harry Potter, take Draco Malfoy to be
your lawfully wedded husband so long as you both shall live?"
"I do."
"And do you, Draco Malfoy, take Harry Potter to be your lawfully wedded
husband so long as you both shall live?"
Draco turned a bright red. "I do."
"Now, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and husband." He
looked at Draco. "You may kiss the Boy Who Lived."
Draco flung himself at me, and I caught him in my arms, our lips meeting
again for the first time. People were cheering and crying, but I didn't care. I had what counts...
And the promise of Malfoysex that night.
8 And So We Close
I unceremoniously dumped Harry on the bed of the hotel. We had gotten here
far too late for my tastes (actually, I was going to crazy, I almost jumped him on the way- except
that we were apparating and that would not have been a good idea). At the reception, everyone had
detained Harry until I felt I could no longer stand it and yelled at a Weasley to get off my
husband. It was at that point that he decided we should leave.
Pushing Harry back, I began to kiss his neck softly. It was amazing how
supremely calm he was. I was all nerves at this point, but he seemed to be completely relaxed.
Seemed to be. Then, I put my hand on his stomach. It was taut as a bowstring from his ribs to his
hips, ready for … for what? Me?
"Harry?" I moved my mouth to his ear, feathering breath over the side of his
face. "Are you comfortable?"
"That wasn't a reply."
"I'm fine, Draco." But it wasn't true. He was stiff as a board in places
that he was supposed to be soft (get your mind out of the gutter!). And so, to surprise him, I
calmly bit his neck.
Harry cried out and, instead of pushing back into the pillows, arched into
my arms. I was caught off guard, but instantly smiled to myself and began to ghost kisses around
his jaw. His strong hands clutched at my robes, nearly tearing them from my back as I ground my
hips against his.
Through his robes, I could feel his erection pressing against my thigh and I
moaned softly against his neck. This was perfect...
It was Harry who initiated the clothes removal by finally ripping off my
robes, then shirt... I moved to his clothes. White shirts, black robes, and his stupid blue jeans
all fell to the floor in an untidy heap. But I didn't care. Here was my love, my darling, splayed
out before me on the bed, a tent between his legs.
Suddenly, I laughed. "Snitch boxers?"
"Catch the golden ball, Draco," murmured Harry, rubbing his bare foot
against my thigh. I growled and pounced on him, pushing down the elastic waistband and claiming my
lover for my own.
I felt my entire body centering around my penis as Draco sucked and lapped
his way to the very core of my sensations. His tongue brushed over my tip and a gentle hand
caressed a spot just behind my balls that made me arch into his mouth.
I remember blue spots... blue whispers... Ecstatic white bursts, and I cried
out, coming forcefully into his mouth. Gently, he licked me clean, while I turned more and more red
with embarrassment. After a moment, Draco looked up at me over my stomach. "Harry?"
"Yeah?" I replied, tentatively.
"Can I...."
"Yeah." I sighed, trying to relax.
Draco reached down and pulled his wand from his discarded robe. Muttering
something under his breath, he pushed the tip of the wand inside me and murmured a spell that I
didn't quite hear. I gasped as a slick, widening feeling took over my body.
"You okay?"
"Yeah..." I managed to smile at Draco without blushing more. "Love
"Always." And with that, he pushed down his own undergarments and slid
easily into me.
It was heaven from there.
I cannot now describe how it felt that first time- rocking and thrusting on
the white sheets. I know I must have said some idiotic things because I remember him laughing
gently and then thrusting again. It was like a dream, almost- the most erotic dream I have ever
I bloom under his cold sun....
He was the one to cry out first, and came inside me. I remember the warmth
spurting out, filling me to the core, and leaking out around his own stiff member. I came soon
after, spraying jets of thick, hot cum across our bare stomachs. He had his thumb over the tip of
my penis when I came, so it squirted everywhere. Neither of us cared.
He simply slumped over on my chest, murmuring that he loved me over... and
over... and over...
I sighed and held him in my arms. This was the start of something very
And quite possibly, very kinky.