Debts Owed to a Gryffindor
Draco assumed that he would be left alone and scorned by wizarding society for the rest of
his life. Then Harry Potter started sending him gifts. Words: 7963
Draco the Cowardly Lion
When Draco gets Sorted into Gryffindor, everything changes. For the, uh, for the better?
crackfic. Words: 5747
Hammered Gold
Harry is assigned to watch Draco as part of his Auror training. The more he watches, the more
he learns. Words: 6121
Minister Scrimgeour Does
Not Approve
The Ministry has regulations that prevent Auror partners from being lovers. Minister
Scrimgeour knows Aurors Potter and Malfoy are lovers, and he's about to sack Potter any minute now. If he can catch
them at it, of course. Words: 5572
The Tapestry of Loss
After Harry and Draco discover a mysterious tapestry as part of an Auror investigation, Harry
starts noticing that the effects on Draco are…not quite good. "I mean, honestly... If you hadn't wanted me to put
it in my mouth, you might have said something." Words: 5257
Three Times
Harry Potter Prevented Draco Malfoy
Full Title: 'Three Times Harry Potter Prevented Draco Malfoy From Getting Revenge And One
Time He Didn't .' After his father dies in prison, Draco tries to get revenge. Harry Potter won't let him, for some
reason that makes no sense to Draco. At all. Words: 7114
some story outline
some story outline
some story outline
some story outline
some story outline
some story outline