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   Harry Potter Slash Fics


Arctic Fox
“Isn’t that Draco Malfoy? He keeps looking at you, Harry.” Words: 28,00

Cerulean Blue
When twenty-two-year-old Potions Professor Draco Malfoy has an accident that costs him the last four years of his memory, Harry Potter is the only one who can help him. Harry, with the grudging assistance of Severus Snape's portrait, comes up with a plan. But how many of Draco's secrets will be exposed in the process? Words: 27,000. Co-authored with Anna Fugazzi

Misuse of Muggle Artifacts
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy don't know each other as well as they think they do. When a disastrous attempt at courtship results in the shattering of their fragile trust, they still find themselves working together in a rush to protect their secrets, their friends, and their hearts. Words: 17,000

Perfect Day
One day can change everything. Words: 24,500

Poetic Justice
In which Peter Pettigrew gets captured, The Weasley Twins get an idea, Harry and Draco get drugged, Moody gets an Eyeful, and everyone involved gets exactly what they deserved. Words: 10,000

Still Life in Wood and Parchment
Twenty-two years ago, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy turned their backs on the life they could have had. But they haven't forgotten; and they haven't guarded their secrets closely enough. Words: 6,500

The Hawthorn Wand
Draco has issues. Post DH. Words: 1,160




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- John Doe, US -