1 The Article
"… three of the sexiest wizards to play the game of Quidditch since
Oliver Wood and Victor Krum. This Terrible Trio, as the fans are calling them, have turned the
Chudley Cannons into a fierce contender for the World Cup.
They are fast, fit, and fabulous to look at. Their firm bodies are splattered with both Muggle and
wizard tattoos, a new trend among the younger Quidditch players. Mr. Malfoy's snake slithers along
his chest like a seductive caress; you find yourself hypnotized, unable to look away as it coils
around his side and glides along his back. At one point, the snake seemed to try to attack Mr.
Weasley, who actually fell out of his chair in a panic and insisted Mr. Malfoy "keep the slimy
thing away" from him. When Mr. Weasley added that he'd "have Harry tell the snake to bite the git"
in an area that would be unpleasant for any wizard, there were some rather colourful words
exchanged between the two, until Mr. Potter defused the situation.
As you may have guessed, Ronald Weasley is as fiery in person as he is on the field, full of
intensity and spit. He is well known for his hot temper and even hotter assets, which, I can tell
you, are not an exaggeration. I asked him about his tattoos as well, both, surprisingly enough,
Muggle. He was quite tight lipped on the subject. However, after some digging, I discovered they
are both a result of a little too much Firewhisky. The clover on his very lovely chest has become a
lucky charm of sorts, and he has added his brother Fred's name as a touching tribute to his sibling
lost in the war.
And what of the famous Hogwarts rivalries among these three? Well, from what I can tell, there is
still plenty of tension - sexual tension that is. Mr. Harry Potter, Seeker extraordinaire, broke up
with Ginny Weasley, sister of Ronald Weasley, around the same time Mr. Malfoy joined the team. When
I questioned Mr. Potter about his detachment from Miss Weasley, he refused to answer, though I did
not miss the way his gaze shifted to Mr. Malfoy; nor did I miss the longing in his eyes.
Harry listened to Ron reading the article, dumbfounded. "I wasn't .. I didn't ... but ...
" he sputtered.
Draco chuckled. "Admit it, Potter, you want me."
"Oh wait, Malfoy," Ron added. "Apparently you fancy Harry as well. Listen to this:
Mr. Malfoy, as rich and famous as he is, appears to have everything he could possibly dream of.
Everything, I believe, except for what he really wants. "What does the sexy blonde lack?" you might
ask. Well, it was apparent to this reporter by the end of the interview that what Mr. Malfoy really
wants is the raven haired seeker sitting next to him. Some of you might find this quite
unbelievable, given their past history, but it was blatantly obvious to me by the lust in his eyes
whenever he happened to glance in Mr. Potter's direction."
It was Harry's turn to laugh. "Lust in your eyes, hmm? Let me see!" Harry moved closer to get a
better look, and Draco's eyes went wide as he took a step back. "Well, lust isn't what I'd call
that look. More like fear." He chuckled again.
"Shut up! I don't ... I ... " Draco looked pained, searching for the right words. Looking at Harry,
he finished with a determined tone. "You are just not my type."
"Ahem," Ron interjected. "According to this article, Harry is exactly your type. Let's see
Further research into Mr. Malfoy's long list of past companions shows that he has consistently
dated men who look suspiciously like Mr. Potter - dark hair, light eyes, similar height and build.
Perhaps he doesn't realize it, but -- "
"That's enough," Draco warned, cutting Ron off before he finished. "They don't know what they're
talking about."
Harry looked amused until Ron turned to him. "Oh, Harry, if I were you, I wouldn't get too cocky -
er, so to speak. What else does this article say about you here? Oh yes ...
The snitch tattoo on Mr. Potter's tanned bicep seems to flutter
when he gets uncomfortable, like when I asked him about the recent reports of him being sighted
with various wizards. Various blonde wizards. Wizards that could be mistaken for Mr. Draco Malfoy.
Always blonde, pale and slender.
It is interesting to note that Mr. Potter is dating Malfoy clones as consistently as Mr. Malfoy is
dating Potter clones. Oh yes, it seems that the two team mates are dating already. Perhaps someone
would like to tell them that."
Ron burst out laughing at the incredulous looks on their faces. "Those are the highlights," Ron
said, folding up the paper and putting it into his locker. "The article just goes downhill from
Harry and Draco exchanged a knowing look, and Draco stopped Ron from closing the door. "Oh no you
don't, weasel," Draco said as Harry retrieved the newspaper.
"Hmm," mused Harry, opening up the paper. "Let's see what they say about you, mate ...
Mr. Weasley, clearly in denial about his own sexuality, spent most of the interview admiring
both his team mates' ... assets. Known for his frequent philandering with witches of all
description, and even a few Muggle women, the ginger-haired Keeper has most recently been seen in
the company of Miss Pansy Parkinson, a former classmate of the three. He has never been known to
date anyone - wizard or Muggle - of the same sex, but he did a poor job of hiding his appreciation
of his scantily-clad team mates this day. Perhaps the three men will 'get to know each other
better' ... "
Harry stopped reading, as he lowered the paper, letting it fall to the floor.
"Oh. My. God," Draco said. He had gone, if possible, paler than usual.
"Bloody hell," said Ron.
"Yeah," Harry added.
Draco's day could not possibly get any worse. The nerve of that dim-witted
reporter, insinuating that he was anything more than friends with Harry bloody Potter. How dare she
even think such idiotic thoughts.
He poured himself a glass of wine and settled into his comfortable, dragon hide sofa. He looked
around his home and smiled at the beautiful artwork and fabulously expensive furniture. The nosey
woman had one thing right, he did have the best of everything, the best money could buy anyway. But
as much as he was loath to admit it, she had another thing dead-on as well. Something in his life
was lacking, but he'd never been able to put his finger on exactly what it was.
The foolish notion that it was Harry though ... how wrong could one possibly be? This was Potter.
The man had terrible taste in everything from cuisine to holiday destinations, he enjoyed Muggle
movie nights and wore jeans with holes in … holes in all the right places.
"No!" Draco all but shouted into the empty room. There was no way he was lusting after Hero Boy. He
jumped up and grabbed his most recent photo album from the shelf. He thumbed through the photos of
previous lovers, determined to prove that bint of a reporter wrong about his taste in men.
He smiled at a lovely picture of himself and Michael gazing out over the Mediterranean. Michael had
been nothing like Harry. He was wealthy and funny and considerate and had … dark hair, but not
nearly as dark as Harry's, and green eyes, but a completely different shade. Harry's eyes were a
deep emerald that glistened when he laughed, and Michael didn't have the same tiny little laugh
lines around his eyes and … oh, fuck.
Draco frantically flipped back a few pages to Justin and breathed a sigh of relief. Justin was much
taller than Harry, and much more muscular. Harry still had his Seeker frame, thin and lithe, long
and lean …
Again Draco flipped back, with a small flutter of panic in his chest. Guy, was ... no. John … no.
Bill … fuck, the bint was right. Every one of them could easily pass for Harry from a distance.
Draco stared at a photo of him and … what was his name again? Tim, yes, that was it. They were
kissing on a park bench. Draco's left hand resting lightly on the other man's hip, the fingers of
his right hand threading through Tim's wavy black hair. They looked beautiful together, and from
this angle … you can't even tell it's not Harry.
Holy bloody hell, she was right. He was unwittingly obsessed with Harry Potter. Draco
dropped the album next to him on the sofa and let his head fall into his hands. What in the hell
am I going to do now?
Harry entered his flat somewhat dazed. The article was supposed to have been
about the team and its chances at the upcoming World Cup. When would he ever learn? Except while
under threat of exposure for illegal activity, no reporter had ever done a story about Harry
without it becoming personal, full of conjecture, half-truths and often outright lies. Why had he
expected this to be any different?
He supposed the tip-off should have been when the pictures had been taken of them wearing ... well,
very little. Draco and Ron had thought it a fantastic idea, and had told him to stop being such a
prude, and to just go along with it. He had reluctantly agreed.
He grabbed a beer from his fridge and lounged out on his well-worn sofa. He took a sip, closed his
eyes and thought about the article, wondering just how much of it fell into the half-truth category
and how much was pure fabrication. He did tend to date blondes, this was true, but as clones
of Draco?! They had only recently got past being outwardly hostile to one another, and had become
friends. The woman clearly had no idea what she was talking about. He took another sip of beer,
shut his eyes again and thought back to his most recent relationship.
Phillippe came into view behind his lids. Harry had met him in France while on tour with the team,
and had been instantly attracted. Tall, slender and gorgeous. He was rather aristocratic, with
pointed features and light blue eyes - no, more like blue-grey. He had taken it upon himself to
show Harry the finer places in Paris, and introduce him to some culture. Harry drifted off,
recalling their visit to the Louvre.
They were walking through the gardens that led to the main
structure, past the fountains, Phillippe looking scrumptious in his crisp white shirt, a hint of
his snake tattoo peering from beneath the fabric ...
They were back at the hotel, Harry taken by surprise by the warm body suddenly pressed up against
his back, comforted by the muscular arms wrapped around him, and aroused by the warm breath on his
"I want you, Harry," came a husky voice.
"I want you too, Draco."
Harry awoke with a start as his beer bottle fell to the floor. "Shit!" he said as he scrambled to
get his wand and clean up the mess.
As he sat down again, he recalled the face, the lips, the eyes of the man in his dream ... and the
last words he said before he woke up.
"Well fuck me. Now how the hell am I supposed to face Draco tomorrow?"
Ron sighed heavily causing small fragments of ash and soot to flutter into the
air and land in his hair. "Bugger. What a mess." Ginny had been the third firecall in the last
hour. His Mum had been the first and George had been minutes later to tell Ron he'd be home late,
then had added, "You know little bro ... I hear that Malfoy's a kinky little ponce. I've got a pair
of handcuffs in my side drawer you can borrow."
Pulling his head out of the fireplace, Ron rose slowly to his feet and made his way to the bathroom
in hopes that a nice hot shower would ease some of the tension in his neck.
A good hour later, Ron was clean, wrinkly, and still irritated. He decided there was only one thing
left to do -- get really pissed and hope this whole thing would just blow over by morning. But, as
he poured himself some Firewhisky, he couldn't help feeling an enormous sense of doom, and he
shivered as goose bumps rose on his flesh.
"Hard day?" Ron froze, the glass just hovering before his lips, and he now understood the sudden
feeling of uneasiness. With one swift gulp, he downed the liquid courage, set the glass on the
counter, and slowly turned to face the person who was surely here to murder him.
When their eyes met, Ron gulped and smiled nervously. "Hey, my little flower. Thought you were
going out with the girls tonight."
Pansy Parkinson was a force that Ron really had no business messing with. Unlike all the other
women Ron had dated, Pansy was no war hero-worshipper, or Quidditch groupie. She couldn't care less
about any of it, and Ron had practically begged on hands and knees to get her to finally agree to
have tea with him.
"Weasley?" Oh shit, he was really in trouble. "Let's drop the cutesy pet name and get right
to the point." When she dove her hand into the oversized bag hanging over her shoulder, Ron
flinched, closed his eyes, and scrunched up his face in anticipation of the hex that was surely
coming. "What in Merlin's name … oh Christ, Ron, I'm not going to hex you … yet."
His eyes flew open and saw the paper with him, Malfoy and Harry on the front cover, now lying on
the counter. "You read it?"
"Yes, you idiot. I read it."
"Bit mad about it?"
"You could say that."
Ron felt a sting of panic and he rushed forward, snatching the paper and waving it in the air.
"It's all a bunch of rubbish, every word … well not every word. That first part about me being
fiery was true ... and what she said about my "hot assets," well that's true too … and, well it
starts out fine, but the stuff about me looking at them, that's not. Pans, you know I'm not …I'd
It turned out that Pansy had had just about as bad a day as Ron. Her concern with the article had
been less about the fact that it may be true and more about the fact that she was now seen as
having something in common with Ginny. Like the fact that the man she'd been sleeping with suddenly
decided he was interested less in breasts and more in bullocks.
Later as they lay in bed, now able to laugh about the whole thing, Pansy hummed and turned onto her
side to face Ron, an evil smirk playing on her lips.
Ron frowned, knowing the look all too well. "What? What are you up to?"
"You know, there was actually some truth to the 'sexual tension' in that article."
"What? You're joking. Please tell me you're joking."
"Not you. Potter and Draco."
Ron opened his mouth to protest, but snapped it shut and rolled on to his back with a sigh. "Yeah,
okay. So, I'm pretty sure Harry's got a thing for Malfoy. I catch him watching him a lot, with this
goofy look on his face. Sickening, really."
"Ron, let me ask you something."
"Haven't you thought that their relationship was a little … intense? The way they were always at
each other in school, the way Draco just wouldn't leave Potter alone."
Ron shrugged, "I guess. But we were all just a bunch of little brats back then; hell, it felt like
all Hermione and I did was fight for a while there."
Pansy reached out and ran a hand through Ron's hair, causing his eyes to flutter shut. "Ron? Didn't
you like Granger?"
"Mmmm, yeah. Drove me mad." Ron's eyes flew open. "Oh!"
"My darling Draco has been harbouring feelings for Potter, probably longer than any of us will ever
"That thing with the wand was ... "
"I know. I think they just need a friendly little nudge."
"Please, Harry will never do anything about it. I don't even think he realizes he has the hots for
Malfoy. It's going to take more than a friendly nudge."
Pansy shifted closer, laying her head on Ron's bare chest, where he could feel her smile against
his skin. "What about a big, green-eyed chest monster?"
2 Locker Room Heroics
It was all about getting through the next few hours. Project the cool,
detached image he was so famous for, that's all Draco needed to do right now. And if he got there
early enough, he wouldn't even have to do that. Harry was notoriously late. Draco could be dressed
and ready to go onto the pitch before the other man even stepped foot into the locker room.
But then what? Could he honestly watch Harry fly around like… like… like the sexiest thing to
ever wrap his legs around a broom? He sighed heavily and scrubbed at his face to stop himself
from thinking about how those legs would feel wrapped around him.
"Yes, I can," he said resolutely into the mirror as he combed through his hair making sure it
looked especially polished. "I'm a Chaser, and a damned good one. I'll just concentrate on scoring.
Yes, that's it. I'll score like I've never done before."
"What you'd really like to score is a trip to the showers with that sexy man you keep mumbling on
about," the mirror replied with a taunting giggle.
"Damn it to hell." That pesky mirror had never been able to keep its opinion to itself. He took a
deep breath. He could do this. All he had to do was keep his eye on the Quaffle and off of...
Harry's broomstick.
Harry awoke early with a headache and a hard-on. He had hardly slept all night;
he kept waking up at particularly delicious points in some of the most fantastic dreams he had ever
had. Damn that stupid woman and her stupid article! Now all he could think about was Draco. All he
could see before his eyes was Draco: blonde hair begging to be threaded through Harry's fingers;
grey eyes reflecting the lust and longing Harry felt; soft, pink lips begging to be kissed, and
kissing Harry back, kissing Harry everywhere; and that body - that gorgeous body begging to be
explored, marked, owned by Harry. His cock twitched in response. "Oh, don't you get started again!"
he screamed at his erection, and stormed off to have a shower and take care of this latest
Freshly washed and dressed, and not in the mood for anything to eat, Harry left for the Quidditch
pitch. It was still so early; he thought that maybe he could get in a little private flying time
before the rest of the team got there. Yes, that was it. Work. It had nothing whatsoever to do with
avoiding a certain sexy Chaser. Nothing at all.
Draco smirked when he entered the empty locker room. Just as he'd suspected, he
was the first to arrive. He tossed his bag onto the floor next to his locker and began undressing
quickly. He was just hanging his trousers on the hook when he heard the locker room door open. It
was probably only Davies; he was almost always the first one to arrive. Draco didn't even bother
turning around.
Excellent, Harry thought as he listened at the door to the locker room.
No voices, no noise. He must be the first one here. Now all he had to do was get in there, get
changed, and move his arse out to the pitch as quickly as possible. Without running into Draco. He
could take the heat of missing the usual pre-game "pep talk" ... the coach's wrath had to be easier
than facing -- ohmygod! As he rounded the corner, he had come face to face - well, no, face
to arse - with the one person he was trying to avoid. Draco. What the hell was Draco doing
stretching out like that, leaning into his locker, almost naked? Draco's arse... staring up at
him... looking so good, so...
Harry let out an appreciative whimper, then quickly covered it with a loud and completely
unconvincing cough. His face was red, he was sure, and he was thanking his lucky stars that wizards
wore robes, because there was one defiant part of him that he really needed to get under control
before facing anyone.
Draco's heart almost leaped out of his chest. He knew that cough and part of
him wondered when in the hell he'd learned to distinguish Harry's cough from anyone else's. After
taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm the dancing fairies in his stomach, he glanced casually
over his shoulder.
"Well, Potter, what miracle has made it possible for you to be here on time for a change?"
Draco arched a curious brow when Harry didn't immediately spout out a comeback. The man looked like
he'd just run a race with a Thestral and had won and... oh, fuck, he looked hot with his
face all flushed like that. A thread of panic ran through him when he realised his cock was happily
agreeing with him and he turned away quickly before Harry could see it in his expression. He could
feel the other man staring at him and he was barely able to contain a shiver at the mere
thought of Harry's eyes raking over his half-naked body. Slytherin's balls, this is going
to be harder than I thought.
"I er... thought I could get in a little flying practice before the game, that's all," Harry said
as he moved to his locker across from Draco's.
Draco pulled on his uniform trousers and tried desperately to convince his cock that this was
not the time to come out and play, but it didn't seem to be working because all he could
think of was the vision of a flushed, sweaty, panting Harry Potter.
Ron curled the tips of his fingers into the palms of his hands and pushed them
further into his jacket pockets. He could feel the sweat, the slight twitching, the rapid flow of
blood, and he clenched his fists tighter. Ron understood what he was supposed to do, he could even
picture it in his head, but right now, his feet seemed spellotaped to the floor. They were both
most likely in there right now; Pansy had been sure Malfoy would arrive early in an attempt to
avoid Harry, and when Ron stopped by Harry's flat for breakfast as he often did on game day, he'd
already gone.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he concentrated on Pansy’s earlier instructions and encouragement. “You
can do this, just do it quickly, don’t hesitate. You’ll need to go for the kill immediately, take
him by surprise. Do it for Harry.” Right, for Harry. The bloody ignorant, oblivious git. This
was all for Harry. Merlin, if he made it through this without getting hexed it was going to be a
miracle. He could hear the laughter of Hugh, the Canons Beater, echoing down the empty hall and the
heavy footsteps of what sounded like the rest of the team. It was now or never.
Taking a deep breath, Ron ran a hand through his hair, “One... two... three... go! No, wait! Okay,
this time for sure… one… two...” Ron licked his lips, placed a sweaty palm on the locker room
door... "Three!"... and pushed.
He hesitated only a second as the door opened and he stepped through. However, once he spotted his
target, Ron began his quick purposeful strides. Malfoy and Harry turned, and to Ron it was as if
everything were in slow motion. The noisy sound of the others entering the room behind him faded,
and his vision tunnelled. With every step, Malfoy’s face contorted and shifted. What had been a
sneer when he first turned and spotted Ron, had changed quickly to question, then confusion, and as
Ron reached out with both hands, digging his fingers into Malfoy’s bare shoulders, there was fear
in his grey eyes. Suddenly time sped up again and he heard Harry gasp just as Ron yanked Malfoy’s
body forward into his own, tilted his head to the side, and kissed the blonde prat with everything
he had. It felt as though it went on for an eternity, a lifetime. Malfoy’s mouth was wet, soft, his
lips pursed tightly in an attempt to prevent Ron’s tongue from slipping past them. He knew the only
thing keeping Malfoy from shoving him away and blooding his nose, was that Malfoy was in shock. In
his head Ron counted, just like Pansy had told him..."You’ll only have about six seconds, eight
at the most, before he reacts."
Four. Merlin, six seconds was a long time. Five.
Malfoy’s taste was evident now, and Ron mentally shuddered at the realisation that he now knew the
other man's unique flavour. Six. Ron pulled back with a gasp, still holding tight to Malfoy
shoulders. His eyes were wide as saucers and Ron could just make out a flash of the fury that was
building behind them. Quickly he released Malfoy and took a step back, wiping his mouth with the
back of his large hand. “Mmmm, not bad, ferret.”
Behind him Ron heard Harry growl dangerously and was relieved when Malfoy’s eyes darted in his
direction, leaving Ron a moment to collect himself. When he was met, mere seconds later, with
Malfoy’s steely glare, Ron almost bolted from the room. Almost. “What the fuck, Weasley?”
Ron shrugged, hoping he looked calmer than he felt. "Just checking."
Malfoy’s lip curled up in a evil sneer, and he stepped forward, hands fisted against his thighs.
“Weasley, I’m going…”
Whatever Malfoy was about to say was cut off, much to Ron’s relief, by the entrance of the team’s
manager. Now all Ron had to do was avoid the other two until the next phase of Pansy’s plan. This
was going to be an interesting match; he only hoped he would survive to see the end of it.
Fucking Weasley. What the hell does he think he's doing? Draco could
hear the drone of the Manager giving his usual "win this one for the home team" speech, but all he
could do was sit and glare at Weasley and think, What the fuck! Weasley was straight, there
was no way in hell that ridiculous article had been right about him wanting to... no, Weasley was
definitely straight. So what in Salazar's name was he playing at? This was the last thing on earth
he wanted to deal with, although it had managed to soften his cock quite effectively.
He happened to glance at Harry and noticed his jaw was clenched tightly and he was glaring at Ron
almost as fiercely as Draco was. Hmm, interesting.
"Okay, team! Let's get out there and win another one!"
The manager's voice, followed by a rush of players preparing to exit the locker rooms brought Draco
out of his thoughts. Right. Game. Score. Win. Do. Not. Ogle. Harry's. Arse.
What the fuck is Ron up to, and what the hell did he mean by,
"Just checking?" He's straight. He knows it, I know it, everybody knows it. With everything the
media has printed about me in the past, you'd think he'd have got that they make things up by now!
So what the fuck is he doing kissing MY Draco?!
Harry shook his head, wondering when he had decided that Draco was his. He wasn't. He didn't
even like Harry. They were friends, that was all. The article was wrong about Ron, and it was wrong
about Draco and...
Harry had to admit to himself that the article was right about him. And he was definitely hoping
that it had been right about Draco, however unlikely that was. But could it have been right about
Ron too? He glared at the other man. How dare he? If he were "just checking" he should have
"just checked" with Harry first. Before just barging in and kissing Draco. At least Draco didn't
look like he had enjoyed it. In fact, he had looked ready to hex Ron. Harry smiled inwardly
at that thought, and chanced a look at Draco. He still looked irritated. Good.
"Okay, team! Let's get out there and win another one!" the Manager called, signalling the end of
his speech.
Right. The game. Focus, Harry thought. The snitch. Must catch the snitch. Must not think
about Draco ... naked Draco ... in my bed ... Shaking his head again, he left the locker room
for the pitch.
Draco watched Harry rush out of the locker room like his robe was on fire and
noticed Ron was watching him just as closely. He wasn't sure what it was, but something was
definitely going on. He caught Ron's arm just as he was about to walk through the door. "Weasley, I
don't know what in the hell you're playing at, but so help me—" Something about the look in the
other man's eyes made him stop. Something that said, "Just trust me on this one, would you?"
"It wasn't that terrible, was it?" Ron asked cautiously.
Draco thought for a moment, trying to decide between truth and kindness. Neither had ever been
particularly high on his list of priorities. "Weasley, that was quite possibly the worst kiss I've
ever had."
Ron grinned as they headed off to the pitch together, secretly relieved by Malfoy's
3 It's a Sign Harry sat brooding in the pub. He hadn’t wanted to celebrate, but Davies had nattered
on about team unity and all that rot. That had to have been Harry’s worst showing at a Quidditch
game ever, professional or otherwise. Damn that stupid article. Damn Ron for kissing Draco.
And damn Draco for being so unaffected … so infuriatingly calm … so … so … well, so fucking
gorgeous that Harry hadn’t been able to pay attention to anything else besides him the
entire game.
What was Davies mumbling about now? Harry nodded in his direction to give the impression that he
was paying attention to the conversation, and definitely not watching Draco across the
What the hell? Harry watched as Ron pulled out a stool and sat next to Draco at the bar.
What were they talking about? Some Extendable Ears would have come in handy right about now. Where
was George when he needed him?
Harry quickly shifted his glance as Ron looked his way. When he turned back, Draco was looking at
him. Shit! Just as Harry was about to look away, Ron leaned in closer and … he wouldn’t …
not again … not in public. Ron hadn’t kissed Draco, but he was certainly cosying up to him
nicely. Well, not for long. Not if Harry had anything to do with it. He was going to put a stop to
this nonsense right now!
It had been the worst game they'd ever played. Harry had set a record for how many times he could
miss the Snitch, and it was no wonder; Draco had caught him staring no less than half a dozen
times. He wondered if it was something new or if he'd only just noticed because he'd had such a
hard time keeping his eyes off the man.
He really didn't feel up to going to the pub to celebrate, but Davies had insisted, so here he was,
trying desperately to avoid Harry.
"So, it seems Harry had a bit of trouble out there today. Why do you think that was?" Ron asked as
he pulled out a stool and sat at the bar next to Draco.
"I don't know, Weasley, he's your friend. Why don't you ask him?"
Ron cocked his head and got that same glint in his eye that he'd had earlier. Draco had yet to
figure out what that was all about. He only prayed the weasel didn't think just because he'd mauled
him that they had some special bond now.
"You seemed to be having a bit of trouble concentrating, yourself."
"I'd just been man handled by a ginger-haired straight man. You'd have a bit of trouble too. Trust
Ron laughed that easy going laugh that was usually reserved for his friends. "Sorry about that
mate, but I had my reasons."
"What reasons could possibly..." Draco followed Ron's line of sight and his eyes landed on Harry.
Harry, who Draco noticed with a bit of uneasiness, was watching the two of them like a hawk. "I'm
afraid I still don't understand."
Ron put his arm on the back of Draco's chair and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Trust me, you
will soon."
The words had barely left the man's lips before Harry stood up abruptly, almost knocking his chair
to the ground, and stalked in their direction. The grin on Weasley's face was unnerving.
"Ron, can I have a word?"
"Sure, mate, what's up? You look a little ... tense."
Harry shot a glance at Draco who noticed Weasley was right. Harry looked more than a little tense.
The muscles in his jaw were twitching and his hands were clenched into fists by his side. Draco
couldn't help but wonder how that jaw would taste, how the slight stubble would feel under his
tongue, how those hands would feel clenched around him as he cried out in ecstasy. Fuck. If he
didn't get away from the man now he'd be in deep trouble. "Yeah, I need to go to the loo anyway.
See you Weasley."
“Just what, exactly, are you playing at, Ron?” Harry asked with no preamble.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, mate,” Ron tried to deny, the pink flush on his cheeks and
the way his eyes wouldn’t meet Harry’s giving him away.
“Like hell you don’t!”
“Whoa, Harry. What’s got your knickers in a twist?”
“You … and Draco,” Harry began, not knowing quite what to say or how to say it without giving too
much away.
“What about me and Draco?”
“It’s just … I mean … what’s up with the flirting?”
“Flirting? We’re not flirting!”
Harry let out a mirthless laugh. “Oh, really?”
“Yes, really.”
“So what would you call it then?”
“Harry, even if we were flirting, why would that bother you?”
Harry didn’t really want to answer that question. Instead he went on the offensive. "Ron, you're
not even gay!"
"No, but I'll bet he is," Ron motioned toward the loo where Draco had just been waylaid by what
appeared to be an avid admirer. "He's just Malfoy's type too, dark hair, tanned skin, lean, long
muscles." Ron could see it was working, Harry was grinding his teeth. "They actually look quite
sexy together, don't they? Can't you just see that bloke running his hands over Malfoy's tight,
pale arse? Malfoy's pink lips kissing that tanned body—"
Ron grinned and came close to shouting out in victory. Damn Pansy was good. He'd have to be sure to
reward her for it later. "Yeah, you're right, he looks like trouble. I'd better go rescue him
before the guy tries to take him home." Ron made to get up but Harry stopped him and without a word
stalked over to where the two men stood.
Why Draco? Why must I be interested in him? I just couldn’t be interested in some
ordinary bloke – one that didn’t ooze sex, one that didn’t attract the attention of every
hot-blooded gay man in fucking Britain. Noooo! That would be too easy, too … too … ordinary.
As he approached the men, he faltered. Now what? “Er, Draco, may I have a word?”
“Now?” he asked, looking rather put out.
“Yes,” Harry said through clenched teeth, trying very hard not to simply shove the other man
“Well, as you can see I’m … we’re busy right now.” Draco smiled at the other man, who had
the nerve to smile at Harry.
Harry ignored the urge to wipe the smile off the man’s face with his fist. “I just need a few
minutes of your time.” Not waiting for an answer, Harry grabbed Draco by the wrist and pulled him
into the loo.
“What is the meaning of this, Harry? I was having a perfectly lovely conversation with – “
With whom Harry never heard, as Draco’s words were cut off by his own mouth pressing against the
blonde’s. He didn’t know why he did it, but he was glad he did. As he pressed his body
against Draco’s, and nudged his tongue against his lips, Draco relaxed and …
For the second time today there were unexpected lips on his, but this time they weren't unwelcomed.
They were warm and soft and Draco shivered at how delightful they felt. Without thought, he parted
his lips and Harry's tongue was there, teasing and promising and holy fuck when had his hands found
their way underneath Harry's shirt? Who cares because Harry's skin felt like nirvana.
“Shove off, mate,” Ron said to the bloke that had been talking to Malfoy.
“And who the hell are you?”
“I’m the one who’s telling you to shove off. He’s not coming back.”
“But he said – “
“Trust me on this one. He’s not coming back any time soon. Those two … well, let’s just say they’ve
got some unresolved issues that are … about to be resolved. Now go on, go about your business
somewhere else.”
The man huffed, looked in the direction of the loo, huffed again and left. Ron shrugged his
shoulders, pulled out something that looked like flesh-coloured string, and fed it under the loo
door until he heard voices that sounded as though they were right next to him.
"Draco, I—"
"Shut the fuck up, Potter, and finish what you started."
Ron grinned, quickly pulling back the extendable ears and magicing an out of order sign onto the
door. He cast a locking charm before Apparating to Pansy's to show her how bloody brilliant she
“What?” Harry asked, looking flustered.
“I said you’d better finish what you started.”
Harry seemed all too eager to obey and if Draco had been lucid enough to make a mental note of it,
he would have, but he'd lost the ability for coherent thought the minute those lips touched his.
When Harry threaded his fingers into Draco's hair and started sprinkling gentle kisses down his
neck Draco wanted nothing more than to pull him down on the floor and... and... it suddenly
occurred to him that this wasn't some random bloke he'd picked up for a fuck or some convenient
boyfriend to keep around until he got bored. This was his co-worker, his team-mate, his... his
friend. He pushed Harry away gently, trying to control the whimper that slipped out at the loss of
those lips on his skin.
"Harry, this is probably a bad idea." He barely managed to get it out over the screaming in his
head cursing him for all he was worth. His snake tattoo was slithering over his chest as if it was
trying to reach out and wrap around Harry to bring him back.
Harry rested his forehead on Draco's shoulder. The rise and fall of the man's body was hypnotic as
he tried to slow his breathing. "Why?" Harry asked softly and Draco could hear the regret in his
"I... you know I don't fuck my team-mates. What if... when it's over, it's just too
Harry looked up and the piercing stare made Draco quiver. Merlin, what he would give to see that
stare, to look into those eyes, at the climax of orgasm.
"I want this, Draco. You want it. I saw the way you were looking at me during the game today.
You're trying to deny it, just like I did, but I can see it in your eyes." Harry slipped his hand
inside Draco's shirt and brushed his fingers lightly against his stomach. "I see you shiver with
anticipation when I do that; you want me to touch you, to kiss you, to hold you. You can't tell me
you don’t want this."
"I'm not telling you I don't want it, Harry. I'm telling you I can't."
Harry shook his head and grinned before cupping Draco's face in his hands and kissing him again, so
tenderly Draco felt as though he were fine porcelain. "You're telling me you're afraid, but you
don't need to be. Draco, this isn't a one-off. There’s been something between us since the first
day we met in Madame Malkin's. Hostility, hate, anger, frustration, misunderstandings - fuck, we've
been through the bloody gamut, but look at us. Look where we are. If we can make it through all
that, what makes you think we can't make this work?"
"What do you want from this, Harry?" Draco was holding his breath. He'd never had these feelings
before, never felt this unbearable need to know someone would be around next week, or next year. It
was terrifying, but at the same time it felt right, like maybe it was the right time, or perhaps
just the right person."
Harry kissed Draco again, a long gentle kiss that offered everything and demanded nothing. "I want
to take you home and lavish kisses from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. I want to
touch every inch of your skin and memorise what makes you tremble so I can repeat it a thousand
times. I want to taste the salt of your skin and take your cock in my mouth and suck every last
drop of your orgasm from you. I want to feel you, hot and sweaty underneath me, or on top of me, or
wrapped all around me. I want to hear you call out my name in mindboggling ecstasy. I want to see
you smile with so much joy you can't contain yourself. I want to fall asleep in your arms and feel
your breathing when I awaken in the middle of the night. And then, Draco, I want to wake up next to
you and do it all over again."
Draco was stunned, dumbfounded, speechless. The man who'd not been able to string more than four
sensible sentences together in his entire life had just said, as eloquently as humanly possible,
everything Draco could have possibly wanted to hear and then some.
"So, what do you want, Draco?"
It was no longer a matter of what he wanted, because what he'd merely wanted an hour ago had
suddenly become something he knew he couldn't live without. He kissed Harry with everything he had,
with an abandon that he was sure he'd never shown with anyone before. Harry was raking his hands
down Draco's back and when he cupped his arse and pulled their bodies together a feeling of need
went through him so strong he thought he might go insane. "Take me home, Harry. I need—" the words
were swallowed, but Draco knew he'd been heard because the kisses turned less frantic, less urgent,
but they still couldn't seem to stop. Finally Harry pulled away and rested his forehead against
"Er, Draco? I don't think I can walk out of here like this."
The smirk on the other man's face when he pulled away was unbelievably sexy and Harry wondered how
on earth he hadn't succumbed to this a long time ago.
"Oh, really?" Draco said in his best 'come-fuck-me-fast-and-hard' voice. "A bit of a problem,
Harry was quite sure it was a rhetorical question because long, agile fingers were working the
buttons of his trousers and snaking around the source of the problem and oh, fuck what he
would give for a bed right now.
"Perhaps," Draco whispered huskily into his ear. "We should just... take the edge off a bit." Draco
punctuated every word with a kiss and his hot breath whispering over Harry's ear was doing
absolutely nothing to take the edge off. "Because when I get you to that bed, Harry, I want
you to last all night." He was still whispering and kissing and working Harry like a master
craftsman at the peak of his career, and as much as Harry wanted to reciprocate, wanted to feel
Draco's cock, hard and heavy in his hands, it was all he could do to keep his knees from buckling
underneath him. Draco must have sensed it too, because Harry soon found his trousers around his
knees and his bare arse pressed against the cold concrete wall, and Draco's mouth wrapped around
his cock doing things to his body he'd never known were possible. He was sure he was babbling but
couldn't hear the words for the sound of blood rushing in his ears and his heart trying to pound
its way out of his chest, and he was sure the guttural cry that came out when Draco swallowed his
cock, along with every drop that pulsed out of it, must have echoed around the whole of London.
Harry panted, leaning against the wall for support lest he topple over and curl up on the cold
floor for a nap. Draco stood up and started buttoning his own trousers, and for the life of him,
Harry couldn't remember when Draco had had an extra hand to unbutton them. Draco smirked again as
he helped Harry redress himself, leaning in once again and whispering seductively in Harry's ear,
"That was just the appetiser, Harry. We've got eight courses to go before we get to dessert."
Harry let out a tiny groan, wrapping his hand behind Draco's neck and capturing those swollen lips
one more time for good measure. By the time they exited the loo, their team-mates were nowhere to
be seen, but Harry happened to catch the ugly green sign that was attached to the door. It had
simply read 'Out of Order', but when Draco walked by, it glimmered and changed. Draco's eyebrows
disappeared into his slightly mussed hair when he read, "Told you to trust me, mate. Have fun, but
don't injure anything; we have another game on Saturday."
Draco shook his head. "That has to be the ugliest sign I've ever seen, Potter. Why is it green? I
thought you Gryffindors did everything in red or gold."
Harry laughed and wrapped an arm around Draco's shoulder, looking forward to getting home and
having dessert.
~The End~