28th October 2008, 8:00 am
Draco stared into the mirror, pleased with the handsome vampire that stared back at
"It's a shame about the teeth," the mirror offered. "Such a lovely young man otherwise."
"Who asked you?" Draco glared at the mirror and his reflection by default. They were beautiful
teeth. Pearly white canines as shiny as the moon. "What vampire wouldn't be proud to have fangs
like these? They're perfect." So what if they were a bit ... large. So what if he'd never figured
out how to retract them so he could go about in public. So what if all the other vampires he'd met
looked at him oddly and forgot to invite him to their parties. They were just jealous
because his canines were much bigger and much prettier than theirs were. And you know what they
say about Vampires with big fangs. Draco smirked at the mirror. Well that much was certainly
His eye travelled up to the corner of the mirror where he'd stuck an advertisement that he'd cut
from the paper last week. He usually turned right to the financial pages of Muggle newspapers, but
for some reason on that particular day, he'd been uninterested in numbers and had turned to the
entertainment section instead. The advert, with its handsome vampire and blood-dripping letters,
had fascinated him. He had no intention of actually going to the Halloween party. Being surrounded
by Muggles dressed in horrifically bad vampire costumes was not exactly his idea of a good
"However," a little voice in the back of his head whispered, "it would be a way to get out of the
house without anyone noticing you were ... different."
Draco snorted at the idiocy of the irksome little voice. Of course, they would notice he was
different. Anyone with eyes could see he was the real thing.
He stalked downstairs to breakfast, refusing to admit he no longer found the smell of sausage, or
any food for that matter, enticing. The table before him was laid out, per his instructions, with a
full spread of sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast – a perfect breakfast for any wizard.
"Only you're not a wizard anymore," the evil little voice in his head taunted, "and you haven't had
food or sex since that fateful night in the forest when you inadvertently left a party with
a vampire." And the sex wasn't even that good, Draco added bitterly.
Busby sat the teacup in front of him, bowing low as he backed away. The house-elves were even more
terrified of him now than they used to be. Draco had no idea why. There wasn't enough blood in
their shrivelled little bodies to waste his time on. He took his first gulp of blood and grimaced.
It satisfied the hunger, but it tasted like ... hell, he didn't know what it tasted like, but
whatever it was, it wasn't good. He made a mental note to find out what the house-elves were
feeding the sheep. Maybe if they added a bit of sugar to their diet it would make their blood a bit
more palatable.
29th October 2008, 9:00 am
Harry thought that Hermione was probably right; it probably was a huge mistake. After all,
he hadn't had very much luck with one-night stands. They left him empty and lonely, and he swore
every time there would never be another. Of course, his luck with relationships was no better.
Hermione said it was his upbringing. That he had "attachment" issues and an "overwhelming need for
physical confirmation of emotional fondness." Whatever the hell that meant.
He inhaled deeply and stared at the advertisement he'd seen in the local Muggle newspaper a week
ago. He couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be in a club full of people all dressed
like vampires. Hermione insisted he should grow out of his "immature" fascination with the
creatures, but she had no idea how deeply his fascination ran. No one did. Harry made sure of that.
He felt like enough of a freak as it was without adding "insanely obsessed with creatures of the
night" to the long list of Harry Potter oddities.
Maybe he could go just to see. Maybe role-playing would be enough to curb the cravings. Maybe then
he could have a normal relationship with a normal man and just occasionally pretend he was with a
vampire. A normal man wouldn't think that was too odd, would he? Harry frowned, but decided it was
better to know than to wonder.
31st October 2008, 10:30 pm
"Fuck it." Draco grabbed the advert from his mirror, studying the address he'd scribbled across the
corner intently. He'd never been to a Muggle club before, but he assumed it couldn't be that
different from a wizards’ club. Muggles had always copied everything from them anyway.
He looked in the mirror one last time, satisfied that his father's old aristocratic cape had been
sufficiently altered to look like the one the vampire in the advertisement was wearing. Where
Muggles got these insane ideas about vampires was beyond him. Allergies to sunlight? The soulless
undead? Red satin-lined coffins? They were ridiculous ideas, every one of them. Not that the
information wizards were given was entirely accurate either, but at least there was an ounce of
truth to most of it.
When he was satisfied with his attire he closed his eyes and pushed away any doubts about what he
was about to do. He studiously ignored the fact that he was so starved for human contact that he
would lower himself to socialise with Muggles.
The club was overly crowded and much too hot for his enjoyment, but a drink would certainly solve
that problem. At least the effects of alcohol weren't diminished by his unfortunate condition. He
reached the bar and ordered a straight double vodka and downed it in one rather impressive, albeit
somewhat undignified, gulp.
31 October 2008, 11:30 pm
Harry walked around his living room, swishing his cape the way Severus's portrait had taught him.
He'd become quite good at it over the years, but his cheap vampire costume wasn't very
swish-worthy. How was he to impress any possible vampire-fetish-friendly blokes if he couldn't even
swish a cape effectively? He wouldn't admit he was nervous, only excited. He was very excited at
the possibilities that lay ahead. He kept on repeating that until he'd Apparated to the alleyway
behind The Velvet Knickers.
When he first walked through the doors, his heart was beating wildly. He looked around and thought
surely he'd just walked through the pearly gates of heaven. There were vampires everywhere. Okay,
so they weren't really vampires, but they looked like vampires, and that was all a
kink was, right? Wanting something that looked like something that didn't necessarily have to
really be that something. Right?
"Right," Harry whispered to himself as he headed toward the bar for a drink.
1st November 2008, 12:30 am
"Well, well, what do we have here?"
Draco glanced up from the table he'd found in the very back of the club. He hated crowds.
Especially crowds that didn't seem to respect the fact that he was a Malfoy and a
vampire and could, on a good day, throw the entire lot of them against the wall and crush
their bones to tiny little fragments. "Fuck off," he said, looking back at his drink.
"Aw, now, that's no way to have fun."
One of the two men who'd approached him sat next to him, the other remained standing, eyes roaming
intently up and down Draco's body. "Not a bad costume, wouldn't you say, Bennett?"
The other man cocked his head, studying Draco's chest, then his face. "The attire is fair, a bit on
the stuffy side, but the teeth ... definitely fake looking. I mean really—" the man smirked and
waggled his eyebrows "—I think perhaps he's overcompensating for something."
Draco's mouth fell open and if he'd not had quite so much to drink, he would have hexed the man
into a toad. Muggle or not.
"And the hair? You really should have at least dyed it. Everyone knows vampires have dark hair. I
have to give you credit for the complexion though. Getting your makeup to look that natural must
have taken a bit of time."
"Why, I'll have you know—" Draco began, but was cut short by the arrival of a rather handsome man
dressed from head to toe in burgundy velvet.
"Don't mind them," the man said with a smile. "They're just jealous that they didn't think to
colour their hair blond. It certainly makes you stand out in the crowd. Not that you need any help
with that."
The man's voice was smooth as satin and Draco's cock seemed to twitch with every syllable. Perhaps
this hadn't been a total waste of time after all.
"Aw, Henry, we're just teasing him. He looked like he needed a bit of cheering up."
Henry cast one glance at the two men and they scurried away like the pesky little mice they were.
Yes, Draco thought happily, this was more like it.
"Henry Nottingham, at your service," he said, holding out his hand. Draco reached up to shake it,
surprised that he took it, not in a shake, but lifted it to place a gentle kiss on Draco's
knuckles. Oh, yes. This was definitely more like it.
"Draco Malfoy. Very pleased to meet you. Won't you join me?"
"I'd much rather dance with you. If truth be told, I've been watching you all evening."
"And yet you've only now asked me to dance? Why is that?"
"I was quite sure anyone as handsome as you would be meeting someone." Henry held out his other
hand and asked, "Shall we?"
Draco didn't hesitate. He stood, following the man through the crowd to the dance floor.
1st November 2008, 1:15 am
Harry had found a table near the dance floor where his eyes could feast on the wanton display of
sexy vampire look-a-likes doing various things to various parts of each other's bodies. He'd been
chatted up by no less than five men since his arrival - all with less than spectacular results. He
was trying desperately to focus on his most recent suitor when a flash of white caught his eye. He
craned his neck to get a glimpse of the somehow familiar blond-haired man, but he'd disappeared
into the crowd too quickly. Harry shrugged it off and glanced back at the man who'd been talking
his ear off for the last half hour.
The man was attractive by any standard. Extremely attractive, actually. He was dressed in an
expensive costume that spoke of style and grace. Just what Harry had found so appealing about the
pictures of vampires he'd seen and the many movies he'd rented. He was intelligent, a great
conversationalist and he smelled wonderful - a bit spicy, but not too overbearing. Harry stared at
the obviously plastic fangs in the man's mouth and sighed. It wasn't working. Maybe if things got
more physical. And he closed his eyes and imagined ... maybe then his cock would at least pretend
to be interested.
Harry scooted closer, letting his knee graze the inside of the man's thigh. "I like your costume.
Did I tell you that already?" Harry asked, leaning in, pretending to whisper into the man's
The man grinned. Harry thought perhaps he should ask him his name again, but he'd already told
Harry twice and he still couldn't seem to remember it. "Yes. I believe you've said that a few times
"Oh," Harry whispered, trying for seductive. "Perhaps I should stop talking then?" He lifted his
chin, baring his neck like an offering. The man took the bait, the fake plastic teeth scraping
across Harry's jugular, just as Harry had fantasised about a thousand times. The man kissed and
licked and sucked and ... nothing. Not a twitch. Not a tingle. Not a jump. Not a damn thing.
Harry pushed the man away gently. "I'm sorry," he said, and the man would never know how true those
words were. "I think I should ... I'm sorry, I have to go to the loo."
The man looked at him incredulously but Harry didn't hang around long enough to hear what he had to
say. He really did need to go to the loo ... to wash away the smell of plastic on his throat.
1st November 2008, 1:30 am
The dance floor was crowded, but Draco didn't mind so much when he had Henry Nottingham rutting
against his thigh to the beat of the music. The ludicrous amount of alcohol he'd consumed was
starting to make him feel a bit dizzy, so he held on to Henry to make sure he didn't lose his
balance and make a fool of himself. He licked the man's neck, smelling cologne mixed with that
ever-alluring scent of blood pulsing just beneath his tongue. Draco had never bitten a human before
and he wasn't about to start with a Muggle, but it smelled so good and he was a bit hungry.
In hindsight, he should have had an extra cup of blood before he'd left home. He scraped his teeth
along the man's neck, not expecting the yelp or the squirming the man did to get his throat
"Sorry," Draco whispered, grinning.
"Perhaps you should take the teeth out? It is well past Halloween by now, after all."
Draco shrugged, feeling a bit put out. "It's all part of the package, I'm afraid. They could be
fun, you know." Draco leaned in to kiss those inviting lips only to be pushed back a bit
The man was shaking his head. "Not with those things in your mouth, you don't."
The alcohol had finally gone to Draco's head, or maybe it was the mixture of the alcohol and the
smell of blood that had done it, but he was horny and he was hungry and this man, however smooth
and attractive he might be, was being a complete prat. Couldn't he appreciate what he had? Draco
was a damn good catch and he knew it. The fact that this pathetic Muggle didn't realise it only
infuriated him. "Fuck you," he spat, and turned with a swish of his cape to storm off the dance
The swirling and storming was perhaps not the brightest idea though, because he suddenly felt like
he was going to be sick. The last thing he wanted to do was lose his lunch, as it were, in the
middle of a Muggle club. He located the loo and started to head in that direction when he was
stopped by a tall, overly masculine man. Talk about overcompensating!
"Hey, what's your hurry, Blondie?" the man asked, leering down at him.
Draco looked around, realising too late that he'd stumbled into a dimly lit corner. What was it
that made him stumble into the wrong places with the wrong people at the wrong time? That was what
had landed him in this mess in the first place. "Excuse me. If you don't mind, I was just leaving."
Draco was trying for calm and authoritative, but from the look on the man's Hagrid-sized face, he
hadn't managed it very well.
"Aw, but the party's just getting started. A pretty vampire like you wouldn't want to leave until
daybreak, now would you?"
"If you don't let me go, you will regret it. I can promise you that." Draco cursed himself and
everyone living for letting him get to this state of inebriation. He was too weak to use vampire
magic and the man had effectively trapped his arms so he couldn't reach his wand.
The man laughed, and Draco tried his best not to panic. "Seriously," Draco insisted, attempting to
wrench himself free of the man's clutches. "I really need to go." He was starting to feel
light-headed, even more so than before, but this wasn't because of the alcohol and he knew it. If
he didn't get back to the Manor soon the results could well be catastrophic.
"I don't think so, beautiful," the man said gruffly, pulling Draco against him with arms bigger
than Draco's thighs. "No one walks away from me until I say they can."
Draco knew he couldn't win against this hulk of a man in a fair fight, but if he could just free
his arm and reach his wand, he had no compunction about playing fairly. "Please, I need to—"
Luckily Draco stopped before he finished his sentence. Saying he needed to feed would probably be
the wrong thing to say. "I really need to go to the loo."
1st November 2008, 2:30 am
Harry had had enough fun for the night. He was even more miserable now than before. At least
before he'd had his fantasies to keep him warm at night. Now all he had was the realisation that
someone pretending to be a vampire wasn't enough. It had to be a vampire and Harry had read
enough about vampires to know they rarely got involved outside their own circles. It was possible
for a vampire to have a long-term relationship with a human, but it was extremely uncommon and had
lasting side effects for both vampire and human.
Harry didn't want to be a vampire, he just wanted to fuck one. Okay, it was a lot more than
just wanting to fuck one, but he'd gladly start with that and see where it led. But now even that
hope was shattered. By nature, vampires were clannish and tended to keep to their own kind. Harry
didn't have a chance in hell.
With that depressing thought, he headed for the door. Before he got there, though, he saw the head
of blond hair he'd seen earlier. Something in him tingled and he turned to the dark corner where
the man seemed to be snogging a burly, tattooed man twice his size. As Harry got closer, he
realised they weren't snogging, but that the blond was struggling to get away and the larger man
was mocking him for it. The tingle in Harry's chest became a bolt of electricity and he stormed
toward the man without thought, his wand in his hand.
"What the fuck is going on here?"
The large man looked over the blonde's shoulder at Harry and sneered. "This is none of your
business four-eyes. If I were you, I'd walk away while you still can. Blondie here is mine."
"I am not yours!" the blond spat. As he turned toward Harry, the pleading in his eyes turned
quickly to disbelief. "Potter?"
Harry's heart raced and his hand tightened on his wand.
"Potter, I need to get out of here," Draco half-whispered, half-mumbled. "I need to feed."
By the time Harry understood Draco's words he'd already whispered a number of spells that would
leave the oversized bully in pain for a very long time. He pulled Draco from the man's grasp and
dragged him toward the door. "Are you okay?"
"I..." Harry could see Draco's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "I need ... I need to get home. I
have ... blood."
Holy fuck, then Harry had heard him right. And those teeth ... hell, this was not the
time for his cock to finally jolt to full attention, but bloody hell, those teeth! He wrapped his
arm around Draco who seemed so weak he could barely stand on his own. Once they made it through the
doors, the cold air sobered Harry enough to know what he had to do. Unlike the vampires in Muggle
horror films, Harry knew real vampires weren't invincible. It was true that they couldn't be
killed in the obvious ways and yes, they could live forever if they wanted to, but they
needed blood to survive. If they went without it long enough, if they reached a point where they
were no longer conscious, it could result in serious damage to their heart and they could
die. The fact that Draco had let it go this far without assaulting a Muggle already told Harry more
than he really needed to know. "You can't Apparate to the Manor like this. I'm taking you home with
Draco shook his head furiously. "I need to go to my home. I need—"
"I know exactly what you need, Draco, but we can't do it in the middle of Muggle London."
Grey eyes widened in disbelief as Draco processed what Harry was offering. Harry stared into those
eyes until their intensity overwhelmed him. He slipped his arms around Draco's waist and thought of
home, feeling Draco's lips against his neck just before he Apparated.
They landed in the middle of Harry's living room, Draco's breath hot against his throat and holy
mother of all things magical Harry thought he might come in his pants just from that. Draco ran
his nose up the length of Harry's neck, inhaling deeply. "Fuck, Harry, if you don't get me out of
here soon..."
Draco's hands were trembling as he clenched the back of Harry's cheap vampire cape, his voice rough
and dry. Harry cupped Draco's face in his hands and lifted it gently so they were face to face
again. Draco's canines seemed to be even more pronounced and Harry couldn't resist rubbing his
thumb along the tip.
"Potter. I wouldn't put your wrist that close to my teeth if I were you."
Harry grinned, relieved that Draco still sounded like himself, only ... different. Wild and
dangerous and bloody sexy as hell. "How much blood do you need?" he asked softly.
"I..." Draco's eyes flashed to Harry's pulse point and a pink tongue flicked over his teeth. "I
don't know. I've never had human blood before and you need much more sheep's blood to satisfy the
hunger. A few gulps should make me strong enough to Apparate home."
Harry's heart fell to his feet. Draco must have seen it in his eyes and of course misinterpreted
what he was thinking. "You don't want to do this. Of course you don’t. I can Floo to the Manor from
here. I'll be fine." Draco tried to pull away but stumbled and Harry reached out to catch him
"Please. Don't go."
Draco's head shot up, his eyes again as wide as Galleons. "But you don't—"
"I do. I want to. Fuck, Draco, I want to." Harry barely recognised his own voice, so laced with
desire, with need. He wondered who really needed it more.
Draco's smile was almost feral, those fangs sparkling as if made of polished ivory. "Harry Potter
has a vampire kink." His voice was light and teasing, almost mocking, but when he swallowed again
nervously, Harry knew it was all a show.
"Let's just say we'll both enjoy it and leave it at that, shall we?" Harry leaned forward, running
his tongue along Draco's right canine, rewarded by the tremor that shook Draco's whole body. "Neck
or wrist?" he whispered against Draco's mouth.
"Bloody hell," Draco answered, moving to swipe his tongue along Harry's pulse point again.
Harry felt the vibration of a moan against his chest and then a sharp pain as those teeth punctured
his neck. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. Like his whole world had narrowed into those
two teeth, like his heart was being sucked out through those two holes in his neck, and Harry
never, ever wanted it to stop. He wasn't sure when his hands had tangled into Draco's hair, but he
found himself with handfuls of the silky strands, holding Draco tightly against his neck as he
rutted uncontrollably against Draco's hip.
"Oh, fuck, Draco. Fuckfuckfuck..." It seemed to last forever, the pain and the pleasure both so
intense Harry wondered if he was flying or dying. Whatever he was doing he didn't want it to stop.
He must have said as much, because Draco hummed his approval against Harry's neck and his hands
tightened around Harry's hips. He twisted Harry so that his cock lost contact with Draco's hip,
making Harry whimper, only to groan in delight as Draco pressed his cock into Harry's and oh,
that was so much better! "Draco." Harry wasn't sure if he'd thought it or whispered it, but he
felt the jolt of one last suck on his neck and his cock exploded, soaking his trousers thoroughly.
All he could do was hang on to Draco until it was over and then slump against him, his energy
completely gone.
"Fuck, Potter," Draco whispered as he picked Harry up with the strength of a fully-fledged vampire
and carried him into the bedroom, laying him gently on the bed. "How do you feel?" Even with his
eyes closed and only half conscious, Harry could hear the concern, the insecurity, in Draco's
He cracked his eyes open enough to see Draco staring down at him, lying on his side, propped up on
one elbow. "I feel like I just died and went to heaven. How do you feel?"
A crimson blush covered Draco's cheeks and Harry was amazed to see that vampires really could still
blush. "Much the same," he answered softly, looking everywhere but Harry's eyes.
Harry reached up to touch Draco's chin, turning his face to look at him properly. He was perfect, a
beautiful picture of alabaster skin and storm grey eyes. He lifted his head, running his tongue
over first one canine, and then the other, licking away the remaining blood before covering Draco's
mouth and flicking his tongue inside to deposit the blood on Draco's tongue. Draco groaned in a way
that told Harry he liked it, but his lips didn't move. "Kiss me."
Draco pulled away, only a fraction. "I ... I can't. The teeth, they ... get in the way."
"Do you want to?"
"Fuck, yes, but—"
"Then kiss me."
Apparently, that was enough coercion, because Harry's tongue was practically swallowed up and he
felt sharp teeth grazing against his lips and oh, hell, how many times had he fantasised
about this and it was so, so much better than he'd ever imagined it would be. He knew he was
moaning like a wanton whore, but fuck. He wrapped arms and legs around Draco, anything that
could bring him closer and wished he'd taken the time to get undressed because he wanted skin ...
hot, sweaty, pale skin.
Draco pulled away, a wide grin on his face. "You're forgetting I'm a vampire, aren't you?"
Harry looked up, hazy through his lust. "Bloody hell, no, I'm not."
"Then you don't know that a vampire, in a completely healthy state, can read the minds of their
Harry just stared, trying to decipher what Draco was actually saying, then he felt warm skin
against his and realised their clothes were suddenly just ... gone.
"Your wish is my command," Draco whispered. "Anything else you want?"
Harry felt his face flush as he realised what Draco was saying and what ideas were going through
his mind at that very moment. Visions of Draco's teeth scraping against his skin, his nipples, his
arse, of Draco latched onto his neck while buried so deep inside Harry he could hardly breathe, of
waking up to Draco sucking his neck, hand wrapped around his cock. But even more pathetically
embarrassing were the thoughts of how wonderful it would be to fall asleep, safe in the arms of a
vampire who would never leave him.
Draco's eyes widened again and he swallowed slowly, his hand shaking slightly as he reached up to
gently sweep a sweaty strand of unruly hair out of Harry's eyes. "Is that really what you want,
Harry? Even if the vampire is Draco Malfoy?"
Harry held his breath. He didn't know what he wanted. It had been a fantasy for as long as he could
remember but now that it was real he ... it all seemed to be happening so fast. His mind was
swirling and he knew if he couldn't make sense of it, Draco certainly couldn't. "Shh," Draco
whispered, brushing his lips with an almost indecently gentle kiss. "That wasn't fair of me to ask.
You've only just—"
"Yes." Harry didn't know what had made him blurt it out, but he knew it was the truth. Yes, this
was what he wanted. What he'd wanted for as long as he could remember. And that it was Draco? Maybe
that made it more complicated, but it was definitely what he wanted. "Yes," he repeated more
calmly, threading his fingers through Draco's hair, pulling his vampire down on top of him. "Yes,"
he whispered again before kissing Draco with everything he had. Every pent up desire, every
unfulfilled fantasy, every emotion he'd ever held back, and Draco responded with a growl, pushing
forward, demanding that Harry give him everything, promising that he would take everything Harry
could throw at him and repay it ten-fold.
"Potter," Draco finally said, pulling slightly away. "Harry," he repeated breathlessly. "Do you
realise what you've just done?"
Harry stared at him blankly, wondering why Draco looked so dazed and alarmed.
"You've just promised yourself to a vampire. I'll never," Draco swallowed slowly again and Harry
was starting to figure out what that little nervous habit meant. Draco shook his head, disbelief in
every motion. "You can't have meant to do that. I won't hold you to it until you know what it
"I do know. I know it means you can only drink my blood. That you'll never leave me and you'll
never let me go. That I won't live as long as you, but I'll still live a lot longer than a wizard
should, and that when I die, you can choose to die with me." Harry almost smiled at Draco's
dumbfounded expression. "Was there more?"
"No. That's ... and you want that?"
Harry's mind was telling him this was happening too fast, that he should take some time to think it
over. But his instinct was telling him this was exactly what he wanted. That he may have lived
through an Avada Kedavra to kill Voldemort but that he was born for this. "That's
what I'm offering. If you want it, that is."
Draco smiled, his teeth shimmering in the light of the streetlamp that was streaming through the
window. "Your blood tastes a hell of a lot better than sheep's blood, that's for sure."
"And these—" Harry reached up to run his fingertip over the pronounced canines, "—are much better
than those plastic imitations."
"There's more to me than my teeth, you know?"
Harry smiled, feeling more relaxed than he'd felt in his entire life. He let his hand trail down
Draco's body to discover lines and curves that had been previously hidden by layers of clothing.
Down Draco's back, over his firm arse, down his strong thighs – then back up to warm balls and a
hard cock, jutting out as if standing at attention.
Draco held perfectly still, letting Harry know he was free to do whatever he wanted, giving himself
up completely for Harry's pleasure. "Yeah, I can see that," Harry whispered as he pushed Draco down
onto the bed. He let his lips explore that long pale neck and hairless chest, tweaking a nipple on
the way down to where his mouth would meet his hands to work in perfect unison, making Draco squirm
and whine and beg. Fuck, if he'd thought rutting against Draco's cock felt good he couldn't wait
until Draco's glorious cock was buried balls deep in his arse.
"Gods, yes, Harry, please," Draco pleaded and Harry thought this whole reading minds thing could
definitely come in handy. Then he felt his arse bathed in lube and decided vampire magic might be
even handier. He straddled Draco's body, positioning his hole over Draco's cock. He didn't want
preparation; he wanted to feel the burn as he'd felt the sting of Draco's teeth. He lowered his
body, slowly impaling himself on Draco's cock, thinking maybe, if he were very good, Draco would
bite him again.
"Oh, fuck, yes!"
Harry wasn't sure if that was in response to his tight hole swallowing Draco's cock or if it was an
answer to his unspoken request, but either way, it felt so bloody good it didn't matter. Draco's
fingers dug into his hips, lifting him with inhuman strength and then slowly lowering him down with
a moan. Harry found a rhythm that seemed to suit them both, then leaned over Draco, his weight
resting on his hands on either side of Draco's shoulders. A pale hand released Harry's hip and
wrapped around his cock, moving up and down in time with the rhythm Harry had set. Grey eyes burned
into his, searing straight through to his soul. Harry lifted his chin to bare his neck, letting
Draco know exactly what he wanted, but also making it clear that it was okay if Draco didn't want
"Oh, fuck, Harry. How could I not want to?" Draco thrust up, his cock battering Harry's insides as
his teeth sank into the tender flesh of his neck and Harry cried out, too overwhelmed by the
sensations to think coherently. Draco's hand was still wrapped around Harry's cock, trapped between
their stomachs and Harry covered it with sticky white streams as soon as Draco sucked his first
drop of blood and oh, sweet heavens it felt so good, Harry would have gladly died right
there on the spot.
Draco pulled his teeth away, throwing his head back as he came with a shout, his body trembling
from head to toe. Harry collapsed on Draco's chest, going as limp as a ragdoll. He never wanted to
move again. Draco wrapped an arm around him, kissing him gently on the forehead. "Thank you," he
whispered, something thick and unspoken in the words, but Harry understood.
He lifted his head enough to look up. The expression on Draco's face said more than words ever
could. Harry had finally done it. He'd found his own vampire, and he was keeping him. Forever.
The End