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   Harry Potter Slash Fics


A Whiter Shade of Pale
There is only one path of reckless passion, generation after generation. [Harry/Draco, James/Lucius] Words: 4,064

Draco Malfoy's Christmas Wish
Harry gives Draco an interesting Christmas surprise as yuletide cheer gets around in more ways than one. Words: 1,099

Irresistible Poison
Under the influence of a love potion, Draco learns that poison doesn't always bring death -- there are other ways to suffer and live. Chemical emotion runs feverish as Harry and Draco discover the intoxication of love. Words: 123,712

Night of the Round Table
Things seem more complicated than they are when Harry and Draco serve detention together. Words: 2,049

Draco shows up on the doorstep of #4 Privet Drive wearing nothing but a raincoat and rubber boots. It doesn't get any better than this. Words: 8,134

Time and Eternity
Harry knows exactly what will happen when he kisses Draco. Or so he thinks. Pre OotP Words: 1,146

When You Say Nothing At All
Harry Makes a Birthday wish.  Words: 3,732




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