Harry bumped into the wall and reached out to steady himself, holding it for
a moment to regain his balance. It was possible he should have passed on that last drink... or
four. Ministry holiday parties were generally insane, filled with too much alcohol, too much loud
music, and too much obnoxious behavior.
It was with some relief that Harry had detached himself from a clingy blond
woman--whose name he could not begin to recall--and went in search of the loo. The party was on the
fifth level of the Ministry building this year and Merlin only knew where they kept the
After staggering away from the third dead end hallway, Harry stopped at the
sound of singing. Not just singing, but incredible singing. Harry followed the sound and hovered in
the doorway of a large, dimly-lit conference room.
In one corner of the room sat a piano, currently being played by Pansy
Parkinson. Standing next to her--singing--was Draco Malfoy.
For a moment Harry thought he was hallucinating. Why was there a piano in
the conference room? And way did Draco Malfoy's voice send shivers down his spine?
Malfoy's voice was rich and beautiful as he sang Good King Wenceslas. Harry
felt the notes wash over him and felt bizarrely peaceful for the first time in a very long time.
Only part of Malfoy's profile was visible, but he looked almost angelic in the muted
They both worked at the Ministry, but Harry seldom saw Malfoy--he worked in
some obscure department--Magical Trading Standards, or some such. On this floor, Harry recalled.
They had always diligently ignored each other.
Harry studied him covertly and was surprised to note that Malfoy had grown
into quite a handsome adult. With an amazing voice, he added wryly to himself.
Harry slipped out of sight around the edge of the door frame when the song
"King Wenceslas," Pansy commented. "Was a Hufflepuff. Or possibly a
"Perhaps he was a do-gooder ancestor of Potter's."
"You said you were not going to mention Potter tonight!"
"You brought up Gryffindors," Malfoy retorted.
"Not that Gryffindor," she said. "What do you want to sing
"I don't."
Well, you have to. The only time I get to hear your beautiful voice is
during the holidays after you've had too much mulled cider. You are going to indulge me. Now, sing
The Holly and the Ivy."
Malfoy sighed, but when the music began his baritone voice lifted once more.
Outside the door, Harry listened, completely forgetting the reason he had left the
Harry's bladder finally drove him away from the makeshift music room and by
the time he returned Malfoy and Parkinson were gone. The piano had disappeared as well, apparently
Transfigured back into the podium in the corner. Harry went home and tried to suppress his
The following Monday, Harry found an excuse to visit the Department of
Magical Trading Standards. He refused to acknowledge the fact that it had taken him all weekend to
think of that particular excuse.
Malfoy's door was open and Harry lurked in the doorway for a moment before
entering. The space barely qualified as an office. It was even tinier than Arthur Weasley's old
office had been. Malfoy apparently shared the closetlike space with someone else--a second desk was
tucked into the back of the room while Malfoy's was closer to the door. His office mate seemed to
be a slob. That portion of the room looked like a hurricane had visited. Papers were scattered
Malfoy's half of the room was immaculate.
Malfoy noticed Harry standing in the door and made no acknowledgment of his
presence other than, "McWilliams is out today."
"I'm... um... not looking for McWilliams," Harry said. "I wanted to see
"Me? The Chosen One is looking for me? Did I do something wrong or shall we
all prepare for the Apocalypse?"
"Very funny. I'm working on a case and need to see if the suspect has
violated any Magical Standards. Do you happen to have a copy of Article Seventeen?"
"Could you not have pulled it from the records room yourself?" Malfoy
Harry tugged at his forelock. "Um... yeah. Actually I wanted to ask if you
would like to come carolling with me this weekend. I mean us. Carolling with us."
Malfoy actually quirked a grin, which was enough to send Harry's blood
sliding to places where it ought not be sliding. What the hell was wrong with him? He just wanted
to hear Malfoy sing. He wasn't... attracted to him, or anything ridiculous like that.
"Have you been drinking?" Malfoy asked.
"Of course I haven't been drinking!" Harry said with a scowl.
"Hit on the head too hard last mission?" Malfoy offered mildly.
Harry began to question his wisdom in seeking out the blond.
"Latent familial insanity rearing its ugly head?"
"Look, I just want you to come carolling."
"Absolutely not, Potter. Now run along. I have work to do and don't have
time for your little games, whatever they might be."
"No games, Malfoy. I really want you to come." Harry tried for
"Why?" Malfoy's voice was thick with suspicion.
Harry had prepared for Malfoy's distrust, at least. "Because I think there
should be more interaction and cooperation between the Ministry departments." It had sounded very
logical and almost Hermione-ish when he'd practised it in the mirror.
"Ah. You're asking on behalf of the Ministry, then?"
"Urm... no. Well... yes?" Harry was off-balance and mentally backpedalled to
no avail.
"Would you mind stepping back two paces, Potter?" Malfoy asked with a
shooing gesture.
Harry frowned, but immediately backed into the hallway.
The door slammed in his face.
Refusing to give up so easily, Harry drafted a formal invitation and sent it
to Malfoy. It was returned in several pieces with a two word note attached: Bugger
Next, Harry tried pulling strings. There were certain benefits to being the
famous Defeater of Voldemort.
Malfoy's next note read: Thank you for the spacious private office. I
will not go carolling with you even if I am subsequently downgraded to sharing a cubicle with a
Weasley. Stop asking me.
Naturally, Malfoy's continued refusal only made Harry more determined. He
decided the only way to wear down the Slytherin's defences was to spend more time with him. Thus
began Harry's stalking of Draco Malfoy.
"Coffee, Malfoy?" Harry asked, lounging outside the blond's new office with
two coffee cups. He had been waiting for Malfoy to arrive at work. Luckily the coffee was still
hot. Malfoy recoiled, obviously not expecting him. "Double tall hazelnut half caff with a dash of
cinnamon and heavy on the whipped cream."
"Why. Are you here?" Malfoy managed as he bypassed Harry and pushed into his
"Just being friendly," Harry replied and followed Malfoy inside. He set the
coffee on the desk and took the guest chair as though he planned to stay a while.
"Oh yes, inter-departmental cooperation and all that, right?" Malfoy's voice
sounded bitter.
"Well, yes, and your sparkling personality is a bonus." Harry smiled
A moment later Harry was covered in hot hazelnut flavoured coffee with
cinnamon and whipped cream.
Harry decided Malfoy was not a morning person.
Harry tried again at lunchtime. He strolled into Malfoy's office and dropped
a paper bag on the desk in front of the irritated-looking blond. Malfoy leaned back in his chair
with a sigh and rubbed both temples with short circular motions of his fingers.
"What is it this time?" he asked.
"I thought you might like some lunch. You don't seem to leave your office
much and you need to eat."
"I see. We can't have a Ministry employee fainting away from hunger, is that
it?" Malfoy asked.
Harry frowned. "Well... no. I just thought you might be hungry."
"Thank you. Go away."
"Aren't you going to open it?"
"No. I plan to toss it straight into the rubbish bin the instant you
Harry shrugged. "As you wish. Seems a shame to waste Cioppino from Madame
Lucidora's, though. It's quite good."
With that, Harry went out, grinning. There was no way in hell Malfoy would
throw that dish out. It was, apparently, his favourite. Harry had extracted the information
from Pansy Parkinson the night before, along with a veritable catalogue of Malfoy's preferences.
Not that it had been easy. Parkinson had demanded dinner in Tokyo, dessert in Stockholm, and
dancing in Paris. Harry was exhausted and had heard enough catty gossip to last him six
Harry followed up lunch with a gift that he placed strategically on Malfoy's
desk when the blond stepped away for a moment. The secretary sitting outside Malfoy's office was
quite accommodating at letting Harry know Malfoy's every movement. It was, of course, possible that
she just liked to watch the Slytherin.
She giggled from the doorway when Harry set the package on Malfoy's desk.
"Ohhh, is that a bottle of wine? How romantic. Have you two been dating long?"
Harry straightened with a jolt of surprise and stared at her.
"Ohhhh, are you still in the wooing stage?" she asked in a hushed whisper.
"Is he being reluctant?"
"Um... Miss Kelly..."
"Don't mind me, Auror Potter! I'll never tell! I will say that if you fancy
him you should follow your heart. You would make such a lovely couple. I think you would soften his
edges and he would... well, he would look beautiful on your arm, wouldn't he?" She gave a happy
sigh, but before Harry could set her straight, she jerked to attention with a gasp. "Oh, he's
coming! Better make yourself scarce!"
Harry fled.
When Harry appeared the next morning, dutifully holding coffee once more,
Malfoy glared at him.
"All right, Potter. If you agree to GO AWAY, then I will agree to go
carolling with you."
Harry blinked at him in astonishment. He had not actually expected the blond
to capitulate.
"However, I have some conditions. One. You will remove yourself from my
office and not return. No more bringing me gifts. People are beginning to talk, no doubt egged on
by that overly romantic Hufflepuff sitting out there--do stop eavesdropping, Ms. Kelly! Two.
I will not go carolling with a group of your irritating Gryffindor friends. I will go with you
alone. No Grangers. No Weasels. No Longbottoms. Your presence will be more than enough to
Harry was so excited he set the cups down on the desk and eagerly nodded his
acceptance of Malfoy's conditions.
The blond wasn't finished.
"Three. I will sing no more than four bloody songs and then I will go
home and you will leave me alone for the rest of the year. And by that I include next
Harry frowned. "Ten songs. And I'll buy you a drink after."
Malfoy glared. "Four."
"Five songs, no drink."
"Seven songs, a drink and dinner."
Outside the office, he heard Ms. Kelly squeal.
"I cannot believe I'm bargaining with a Gryffindor."
"I was nearly sorted into Slytherin," Harry said gamely.
Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'll believe that about the time
Mephistopheles places an order for mittens. You've been so very subtle in your
"I wasn't stalking you. I merely wanted you to come carolling."
"By stalking me. Never mind, Potter. You got your wish. My terms are dinner
first at a restaurant of my choice, five carols in a neighbourhood of my choosing, and no drinks
"I'll agree to dinner, but I want six carols and you'll leave the drink
option open."
"Only if you agree to stay away from me until December 31st of next
"Agreed, although I'm hoping you change your mind about that last
"In your dreams, Potter. Now be gone. I'll keep that coffee,
Feeling a curious mixture of satisfaction and unease, Harry obediently
On Saturday, Harry was a bundle of nerves. He changed his clothing eight
times and finally broke down and went to Madam Maulkins for some professional assistance. He felt
somewhat better about meeting the Slytherin once he was dressed in forest green robes adorned with
black embroidery. Soft black trousers and a white cashmere shirt completed the outfit. A sprig of
holly in one pocket added the perfect touch of holiday charm and Harry felt like a new man when he
looked in the mirror.
Hopefully Malfoy would be impressed. Harry frowned at the thought, wondering
why he cared what Malfoy thought. He just wanted to hear the git sing.
Regardless, Harry was twelve minutes early arriving at the restaurant where
they had agreed to meet.
Harry was nudged from behind by an ungentle elbow whacking into his
"I see you used your superior Auror skills to find the place," Malfoy said
snidely. Harry sighed, suddenly sensing it might be a very long night. Malfoy continued, "Never
mind, we're not staying."
"What? But you agreed to dinner--!"
"It's packed and I refuse to wait, not even for Gaston's food. Come along,
we'll go somewhere else." With that, Malfoy leaned closer and wrapped both arms around Harry's
waist, startling a squeak from him at the intimate contact. Malfoy's breath was hot in his ear as
he said, "Hold on, Potter."
Harry felt the wrench of Apparition and would have staggered if Malfoy had
not been holding him so tightly. It had been a long jump. He pushed away from the blond; his
nearness had a strange effect on Harry's senses. And what the hell cologne was he wearing? It was
ridiculously erotic.
"Where are we?" Harry asked as Malfoy's arms fell away. The surroundings
were strangely unfamiliar and the heat was almost stifling.
"Bangkok. You brought me to Thailand."
"This is the only place that can prepare a decent shabu-shabu. Come along.
And don't embarrass me. At least you look decent."
Dinner was surprisingly pleasant. Rather than becoming offended by Malfoy's
pompous attitude--not only did he speak the local language like a native, but he rattled off the
names of exotic dishes and forced the chef to prepare items not on the menu--Harry was amused and,
quite frankly, impressed. He wondered at his own change of attitude.
It was remotely possible that instead of being an arrogant arse, Malfoy
merely wanted to be better than Harry at something. Maybe it was something he had always wanted.
Harry tested the theory.
"You're amazing," he said and watched as the silver eyes widened in surprise
and then narrowed suspiciously. Harry grinned. "I mean it. Thank you for bringing me
Malfoy looked away and took a quick gulp from his glass before muttering,
"You're welcome."
Harry was pleasantly full when they left the restaurant. He had avoided
alcohol consumption, preferring to enjoy Malfoy's company without impairment.
"So. Where do you plan to take me carolling? Not some abandoned village, I
Malfoy cocked a brow at him. "That's a clever idea, Potter. Did Granger
think of it for you?"
Harry only smiled. "Once in a blue moon I try to think for
Malfoy smiled back and Harry blinked at him. The expression seemed genuine
and lit up his features beautifully.
"I'll believe that when I see it. Ready?"
Harry nodded and held his breath when Malfoy stepped close again and wrapped
him in another embrace. He wanted to ask why it was necessary to hold him so tightly when
Apparating, but there was no time before the spell was cast.
They appeared in a quiet-looking neighbourhood lined with leaf-barren trees.
Malfoy released Harry immediately, but grabbed him again when Harry took a single step and nearly
fell on his arse when his feet slid out from under him, caught by a patch of ice.
"Careful, there, Potter. We don't want the Destroyer of
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named taken out by a simple bit of frozen water."
"You don't?" Harry asked stupidly, distracted by the feel of Malfoy's arms
holding him for the third time that night. The blond righted him and then moved away once more. He
ignored the question.
"Let's get this carolling business over with," Malfoy said and marched up a
set of ice-slicked concrete steps to a narrow house with a red door. Harry looked around curiously,
not recognizing the house or the neighbourhood.
"Where are we?" he asked.
Malfoy rang the doorbell, which was answered a few moments later by someone
Harry had hoped never to see again.
"Hello, Rita," Malfoy said in a purring tone.
Harry was rigid with shock for a moment. Rita Skeeter's face mimicked his as
she stared from one of them to the other.
"Draco Malfoy," she said, recovering more quickly than Harry. "What brings
you here with… him?"
"We are carolling, dear lady. Spreading Christmas cheer and, what was it,
Potter? Inter-departmental goodwill or some such rot?"
Harry did not trust himself to speak. Thankfully, Malfoy had no such
"What would you like to hear? I can't vouch for Potter's voice, so you might
make it simple."
"You're carolling?" she asked dubiously. Her fingers twitched and
Harry knew she was dying to reach her quill and spew out some venomous story about Harry Potter
singing Christmas carols with a former Death Eater. He decided to make it easy on her.
Harry stepped forward and slung an arm around Malfoy's shoulders while
pasting a smile on his face. "That's right. Happy Christmas, Rita. Shall we sing Deck the Halls? I
can probably manage that one."
He felt Malfoy stiffen and allowed himself a moment of satisfaction at
finally surprising the blond. It was short-lived when Malfoy wrapped his arm around Harry's waist
and pulled him closer. "Fabulous idea, Harry," he said.
Before Harry could comment, Malfoy began to sing. His amazing voice left
Harry speechless for the first line, but a nudge made him join in the chorus. "Fa la la la la,
la la la la!"
Rita stared at them as though hit with a Stunner. Harry thought they sounded
surprisingly good together. His voice was slightly deeper than Malfoy's rich baritone and the song
was simple enough that Harry managed not to screw it up.
When the last note died away, Rita clapped her hands like a child. Her face
was alight and she looked like a human being instead of the newsgrubbing beetle Harry had always
"That was wonderful!" she cried. "Another!"
Malfoy shook his head. His arm was still clasped loosely around Harry's
waist and Harry's arm still draped over Malfoy's shoulders.
"Sorry, dear lady, this is a limited engagement. We have others to gift with
our brilliance. "Happy Christmas!"
"Happy Christmas!" she replied with something resembling a
"Happy Christmas," Harry said, feeling magnanimous in the warm afterglow of
Malfoy's voice.
Malfoy Apparated them away. They appeared before a single cottage that sat
atop a rocky bluff.
"You didn't tell me you have a decent voice, Potter," Malfoy said in a
teasing tone.
To Harry's disappointment, his arm fell away as he trudged up the gravel
"Yeah, well, it will never compare to yours."
Malfoy stopped and turned to look at him with an almost boyish grin. "You
like my voice?"
Harry nearly laughed. With all that he had done recently just to hear that
voice again? Still, Malfoy didn't know that.
"Maybe. I'll tell you when we're finished. Where are we?"
"Goyle's," Malfoy said and knocked.
Goyle. Harry groaned. Better and better. Malfoy was obviously trying
to kill him.
The door opened and Goyle's bulk blocked most of the light from the
fireplace behind him.
"Draco," he said pleasantly and then frowned when he caught sight of Harry.
His voice turned cold. "What's up?"
"Potter and I are carolling."
"Carolling," Goyle repeated.
"Yes. What Christmas song would you like to hear?"
"You don't sing for no one but Pansy."
"I do now," Malfoy said sharply.
Goyle scowled and then sighed. "Jingle bells."
Harry groaned inwardly and reluctantly joined in when Malfoy began to sing
Harry's least favorite Christmas song.
Goyle watched them expressionlessly, not even joining in on the chorus.
Harry wondered if the man had cracked a smile in the past decade, except possibly while watching
small animals being tormented.
When the final notes of the song died away, Malfoy looped an arm around
Harry's neck and said casually, "By the way, Greg, Harry is my boyfriend now."
Harry scowled and made a sound of protest, but his voice was muffled by
Malfoy's arm strategically covering his mouth. Goyle rolled his eyes.
"There's a fucking surprise," he muttered. "Bye, Draco. Potter."
He stepped back inside and shut the door with finality. Harry's fist caught
Malfoy in the midsection, but the blond did not seem to feel it—he was laughing, but he released
Harry, who stepped away with a glare.
"What are you doing?" he demanded.
"Amusing myself. Oh lighten up, Potter. You know it will be all over the
news tomorrow, thanks to our visit to Rita."
"You're evil."
Malfoy sobered and then sighed. "Don't worry, I'll deny everything. You
won't need to worry about sullying your pristine image."
With that he reached out and snatched Harry's wrist before Apparating them
"You don't always have to be such a prat, you know," Harry said and snatched
his arm away. He looked around curiously. They were in an older part of London that looked similar
to Grimmauld Place. The houses were tall and thin, built mainly of brick and old stone.
"According to you, I'm always a prat."
"How would you know? This is the first time we've spent more than a few
angry minutes in each other's company."
Malfoy only rolled his eyes.
"Where are we?" Harry snapped, annoyed that they had slipped back into the
old familiar pattern of sniping at each other. Were they to be forever destined to induce
"Kingsley's house."
"Kingsley? You know where Kingsley lives?" Harry was nearly flabbergasted.
He didn't know where the Minister lived. How the hell did Malfoy?
"Honestly, Potter. I thought you would have been invited to weekly Sunday
dinners, being the Chief Poster Child for Good, Righteousness, and the Ministry Way."
"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry said, giving vent to his frustration. He slammed
open the wrought iron gate and was further irritated when it slid open soundlessly instead of
scraping open with a horrific shriek common to most rusty iron gates He stalked up the concrete
Kingsley's wife answered the door and immediately gushed over Harry,
practically giving credence to Malfoy's words. Harry refused to look at the blond, not in the mood
to see the familiar smirk adorning his perfect lips.
Mrs Shacklebolt hurried to fetch Kingsley, who stood in the door looking
imposing and unimpressed. "Do I want to know why you two are here… together?" he asked. "Because I
think any complaints can wait until business hours, yes?"
"We're not here to complain, we're just carolling. For Christmas," Harry
said lamely.
Kingsley said nothing.
"Singing?" Malfoy prodded. "Sounds issuing from the diaphragm, through the
larynx, past the tongue and lips in a pleasing fashion? You understand? Music?"
"Shut up, Malfoy," Kingsley said.
Harry absently wondered how many times a day the blond heard those words.
A lot, he wagered.
"Well, I think it's just lovely!" cried Mrs Shacklebolt. "Do you know Silver
Malfoy raised a brow at Harry, who nodded curtly. They launched into the
song and, despite his annoyance, Harry felt the powerful spell of Draco's voice easing his tension.
It even seemed to have something of a magical effect on Kingsley, who allowed his wife to snuggle
beneath his arm and curl against him happily. The Minister looked almost bemused as he watched
"Happy Christmas, Minister. Mrs Minister," Malfoy said cheerfully when they
had finished. She giggled.
"If you two start fighting, leave me out of it," Kingsley warned.
"Posh, we're getting along swimmingly tonight, aren't we, Potter?" Malfoy
looped an arm around Harry's neck and patted his cheek with the other hand. Harry wondered what hex
he could use that Kingsley wouldn't notice.
"Goodnight, Malfoy. Potter."
"'Night, Minister, Mrs Shacklebolt," Harry managed even though Malfoy's arm
threatened to cut off his air supply. The Minister's wife gushed happily at them, but finally
Kingsley was able to pull her inside and shut the door on them.
Harry shook off Draco's strangling arm. "Okay, I understand Rita Skeeter and
Goyle, because you hate me. But why Kingsley?"
"He's our boss, Potter. Of course we need to visit him. Can you imagine his
hurt and chagrin if Rita Skeeter told him we had gone carolling at her house, but not his? He would
have been crushed."
Harry sighed heavily and spun on a heel to stalk back down the path. He was
starting to realize this whole evening had been a very bad idea.
"Where are you going, Potter?" Malfoy called. "Do you plan to walk to our
next destination?"
Harry stopped and glowered at the blond when he stepped up beside him. "So
far our destinations have left much to be desired."
Malfoy laughed. "You should have known I wouldn't play nice, Potter. Your
alleged Slytherin streak is hopelessly overwhelmed by Gryffindor." He sighed. "Come on, I promise
you won't be upset about our next stop."
Harry slid a sidelong gaze at him, suspicious, but he allowed Malfoy to
grasp his wrist once more even while absently wondering what had happened to the close embraces.
Had that been part of a game?
For once, Harry recognized the house when they appeared before it. He stared
at Malfoy in surprise, but the Slytherin was already ringing the bell. Christmassy chimes sounded
from inside the small house.
The door banged open and a small boy let out a squeal of delight. "Cousin
Draco!!!" He launched himself into Malfoy's arms and Harry's jaw dropped. It took a smirk from
Malfoy to get him to close his mouth with a snap.
Andromeda Tonks appeared behind her grandson and smiled at Malfoy. "Hello,
"Good evening, Auntie Drommie. I'm sure you know Harry Potter."
She stepped out and took Harry's hands. "Of course I know Teddy's godfather.
Come in out of the cold, both of you."
"Perhaps for a moment," Malfoy said and allowed Teddy to drag him indoors.
He smirked at Harry, who wondered what he was up to, but followed, glad to see Teddy and
"What brings you all the way out here?" Andromeda asked as she moved toward
a table where a silver teapot rested next to a grouping of sturdy-looking cups.
"Harry and I are carolling," Malfoy explained.
Andromeda paused with the teapot in mid-pour. "Carolling?"
"We've been getting that reaction all night," Harry explained and gratefully
stripped off his outer robes. Teddy flung himself at Harry's midsection and squeezed
"Did you bring me presents?" he demanded.
"Teddy, I brought your presents last week. They are already under the
Teddy pouted. "I want more."
"Teddy," Andromeda admonished. "Any more of that behaviour and I'll be
sending your gifts straight back to Harry!"
Teddy looked sheepish and his formerly green hair darkened to brown. "I'm
sorry," he said. "You don't have to get me any presents, Harry."
"We're here to sing to you tonight, Teddy," Malfoy said. "What Christmas
song would you like to hear?"
"Jingle Bells!" Teddy shrieked and bounced up and down.
"Oh Godric, please no," Harry said with a groan.
Teddy frowned at him. "You're not very Christmassy spirited, Harry," he said
reprovingly, leaving his side and clinging to Malfoy.
"Frosty the Snowman?" Andromeda suggested.
"Frosty the Snowman?" Malfoy looked at Harry in puzzlement; apparently
Frosty was not part of the pureblood repertoire. He smiled and launched into the song. Malfoy
quickly picked up the chorus. He also made up several ridiculous verses and soon had Teddy giggling
Even Harry was smiling when they finished. He looked at Malfoy through new
eyes, never having seen such a playful, relaxed side to him.
"And the children cried when the snowman died…" Malfoy sang and Teddy
clutched at his stomach with laughter.
"That's not how it goes!" the boy cried happily.
"Well, it melts, right?"
Teddy nodded and giggled.
"A snowman would be a terrible friend," Malfoy explained, holding the boy
close and kneeling down to his level. "You could never sit on your bed with him and sort Bertie
Bott's Beans. And can you imagine him playing Quidditch? He would roll right off the
Harry thought Teddy might injure himself laughing. Andromeda
"Draco, thank you so much for stirring him up. He will be awake until
Malfoy grinned. "My pleasure, Aunt Drommie."
"Drommie," Teddy repeated and snickered.
"I believe it's time for small boys to be in bed," she said sharply. Teddy
sobered instantly.
"I'm sorry. I'll be good."
"We need to go, anyway, Teddy, love," said Malfoy.
"Give us a hug."
Teddy flung his arms around Malfoy's neck and squeezed hard. Harry felt a
pang on his heartstrings. Teddy let go and ran to give him the same treatment. He held his godson
tightly for a moment.
Malfoy hugged Andromeda and kissed her cheek. "Happy Christmas,
"Happy Christmas, Draco." She released him and leaned over Teddy to hug
Harry. "Happy Christmas, Harry."
He held her closely and Teddy squirmed away. "Harry, hug Cousin Draco, too,"
he said.
"What?" Harry asked.
Andromeda let go and smiled at her grandson. "Teddy."
"Hug, hug, hug!" Teddy demanded.
"Yes, your majesty," Malfoy said and took two quick steps to envelop Harry
in a hard embrace. Harry froze for a moment and then determinedly gripped the blond
"Happy Christmas, Harry," Malfoy said huskily and his warm breath tickled
Harry's ear.
"Happy Christmas," Harry repeated and let his lips brush against Malfoy's
neck with a flash of wickedness. If the blond wanted to play games, Harry would castle his rook and
give it his all.
They held each other for much longer than seemed prudent, until Andromeda
cleared her throat and said, "Stop trying to crush each other and be off with you two. It's Teddy's
Harry reluctantly let go and Malfoy grinned at him. The blond gathered his
outerwear and Harry shrugged into his winter robes once more. After bidding goodnight to Andromeda
and Teddy, they made their way back into the cold. The instant the door shut behind them, Malfoy
turned and gathered Harry into another embrace, surprising him into immobility.
"Only two more, Potter," he said and then Disapparated them both.
They appeared in deep snow and Harry noted absently that fluffy snowflakes
were falling steadily. It was somewhat hard to concentrate with Malfoy holding him so closely. He
tipped his head back to find Malfoy studying him and Harry watched with interest as snow began to
gather atop the platinum hair.
His glasses quickly became dotted with melting snow, blurring his vision.
Malfoy released him and reached up with both hands to remove his glasses. Harry watched, feeling
strangely tongue-tied, as the blond cast a spell and then replaced Harry's glasses.
"There. Impervious to the elements. For an Auror, you seem to know very few
practical spells. I'm beginning to think you need a keeper."
"Are you volunteering?" Harry blurted before he could stop himself. He felt
a blush tint his cheeks.
Malfoy studied him until Harry thought about casting a spell that would
allow the ground to open up and swallow him, but then a smile curved Malfoy's fascinating lips. "I
might consider it," he said in a low voice that caused something warm and unfamiliar to uncurl
somewhere around Harry's midsection.
"Where are we?" Harry asked to drag himself back to more familiar territory.
What the hell was he doing? Flirting with Malfoy?
The blond stepped away and started up the snow-covered path. "You'll see,"
he said enigmatically.
Harry sighed, knowing from the glee in Malfoy's voice that he wouldn't like
the answer. He trailed the blond as slowly as possible, but Malfoy patiently waited for Harry to
join him on the portico before ringing the bell.
Harry braced himself, but the door seemingly opened of its own
Malfoy said, "Please announce us, Tombo."
It wasn't until the diminutive figure shuffled away that Harry noticed it
was a house-elf. He mentally groaned. Great, they were at a pureblood's house.
A pale face appeared at the door and Harry nearly sighed in relief. He had
not been consciously expecting a former Death Eater with a grudge, but it had been a possibility.
Then again, Pansy Parkinson probably fit into that category.
"Draco. What a pleasant surprise." Her eyes flicked to Harry and she cocked
a brow. "And Potter, too. How interesting. Are you here for a threesome?"
"In your dreams, darling. Actually, Potter talked me into carolling and I
knew you would be terribly perturbed if we neglected you."
"But you refuse to sing unless you're completely pissed."
"Things change," Malfoy said mildly.
"Things change," Parkinson mocked. "What did you offer him,
Harry blinked at her, not quite sure how to answer. Had he offered anything
to Malfoy? Nothing other than to be left alone for a year. Harry frowned, recalling that
"Don't bully the Saviour, Pans. We're here to sing and nothing more. What
song do you want? And do invite us in out of the cold, won't you?"
She pouted. "Oh all right. Come inside."
Harry felt like he entered the lair of a hungry Siberian tiger by the way
Parkinson's eyes measured him. Once wrong move and he would be eviscerated.
"Would you like a drink, Draco, darling?" She paused and asked,
"No, thank you," Malfoy replied. "We are only staying for one song. Choose
She looped her arm through one of Malfoy's and leaned close to him, pressing
her generous breasts into his forearm. Harry felt his jaw muscles clench. For some reason he wanted
to snatch her away from Malfoy. She seemed like a malignant tumour that might poison the pristine
"Such a venomous glare, Potter," Parkinson commented in a purring tone. "One
might think you were jealous."
"Pansy. Stop baiting Potter or we will leave right now."
"Oh all right. You know what I want."
Malfoy smiled. "Very well. Go sit down so that you may properly bask in our
brilliance. Come here, Potter."
Parkinson released Malfoy and flounced to the couch. Harry stepped closer to
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…" Malfoy sang.
Harry quickly joined in, although he was shocked at her choice of such a
simple, pleasant song. Her entire demeanour seemed to change. She leaned back into the sofa
cushions with a delighted smile. Harry pitched his voice to contrast nicely with Malfoy's, pleased
anew with their sound.
When the last notes died away, Parkinson sat forward and laughed.
"Brilliant! Draco, you sound even better with Potter! Imagine."
Harry flushed and Malfoy laughed. Harry was relieved when the blond moved
toward the front door, thankfully intending to leave instead of hanging about exchanging Harry
Potter insults with Parkinson all evening. Harry followed, more than happy to leave the abode of
the dark-haired witch. They had reached the foyer when Parkinson cleared her throat
"Draco, darling," she said in a decidedly amused tone. Malfoy turned and
Harry looked at her curiously. She grinned wickedly and pointed above their heads.
Harry's gaze moved upward and his jaw dropped when he beheld a gigantic swag
of mistletoe bedecked with twinkle lights and magical glitter. Surely she didn't mean…?
"Don't be prudish, Potter," she said, confirming his suspicions. "Let's have
Harry closed his jaw with effort and then his eyes met Malfoy's. The blond
watched him with a half-smirk; his grey eyes were dark and seemed to glow with
Harry swallowed hard and wondered if he had been set up. It was more than
likely. Bloody Slytherins.
Even as the thought flitted through his mind, the light seemed to fade from
Malfoy's eyes and his face began to shift back into a familiar cold mask. Harry's heart lurched and
he stepped forward resolutely. He knew he was being tested, but by hell he hated to see the Ice
Prince returning. He was growing rather fond of the softer, more relaxed Malfoy he had glimpsed
many times in the past few hours.
Harry reached up with both hands and cupped Malfoy's face, wondering at the
stubble-free smoothness beneath his palms. Malfoy's platinum eyes widened at the touch, but he did
not pull away when Harry leaned forward.
Harry's lips brushed Malfoy's as lightly as a snowflake, half-expecting the
blond to jerk away and hex him, or laugh, which might have been worse. When that did not happen,
Harry pressed a bit harder, pushing his lips against Malfoy's. Their breath mingled, expelled
through noses that just touched. The scent flooded Harry's senses and he drank in that which had
been previously forbidden—the unique smell and flavour of Malfoy.
Emboldened, Harry opened his lips gently, allowing the more sensitive part
of his lower lip to slide against Malfoy's, leaving a wet tease in its wake. In the same motion he
drew in Malfoy's upper lip with light suction.
Incredibly, Malfoy's lips parted. The motion seemed to open floodgates of
heretofore unacknowledged desire. Malfoy's teeth grazed his lower lip and then their tongues met.
Harry heard a groaning whimper and thought it might have issued from his own throat. His tongue
slid over Malfoy's, sending tingles of brilliance careening through his blood. He was seized with
the need to explore every iota of Malfoy's excellent tongue even as it lapped over sensitive places
Harry had never discovered.
It had been a long time since Harry had kissed anyone, but it was far more
than pent-up emotion. Malfoy was an incredible kisser.
The need for air forced Harry to stop plundering Malfoy's brilliant mouth.
His hands were still tightly holding Malfoy's face. Harry panted as he stared into Malfoy's eyes,
half-lidded and slightly dazed-looking. His lips were wet from Harry's saliva.
I kissed Draco Malfoy, Harry thought in bemusement. He noted absently
that Malfoy's hands were curled tightly in the material of his robes, one on either side of his
waist, as if holding on for balance. Malfoy blinked slowly and Harry thought he needed to be kissed
again, in order to maintain the amazing expression on his face—it looked like a cross between
wonder and confusion.
"Bloody hell, Potter," a voice said suddenly and Harry jerked his head away
from its intended trajectory. He had completely forgotten Pansy Parkinson's presence. "So much for
prudish. Damn me, I need a cold shower." She conjured a lace-trimmed fan and rapidly swished it in
the air as if cooling herself.
Malfoy's hands loosened from Harry's robes and Harry quickly let go of his
face, although he could not stop his fingers from tracing the edges of Malfoy's jaw on the way. He
forced himself to step back, but could not come up with a single word of explanation.
"Shall…?" Malfoy's voice was rough and he coughed once before starting
again. "Shall we go, Potter?"
Harry nodded and walked quickly to the door, suddenly terrified of the
coming aftermath of… that. Whatever that had been.
Harry went outside without bothering to acknowledge Parkinson. At the
moment, rudeness was the least of his concerns. The icy air was a welcome coolness on his
overheated skin. Harry tipped his face to the sky and felt the snowflakes touch his
"You all right, Potter?" Malfoy asked beside him. Harry shut his eyes and
wondered how Malfoy could move so silently on the ice-covered walk.
"Never better," Harry said flippantly without lowering his head or opening
his eyes. "One more stop, then?"
"Yes," Malfoy said quietly. "Ready?"
Harry stopped allowing snow to accumulate on his upturned face and nodded.
He felt a strong hand reach out and grip his elbow. Back to that then, eh? he thought and
mourned the loss of the Apparition embraces even as he was swept away to the next location of
Malfoy's choosing.
They appeared on a silent street populated with tall buildings that seemed
to have been smashed together during construction. Each one had a miniscule front lot with a white
picket fence enclosure. Harry pictured identical, perfectly manicured gardens in the summertime,
but right now they all contained identical, perfectly shapeless masses of snow. Dim streetlights
vainly struggled to provide illumination beneath the overhanging branches of leafless trees heavy
with snow, but instead only showed off thick flakes that fell ceaselessly from the sky.
"Where are we?" Harry asked as Malfoy moved away through the snow, leaving a
path as his dark robes dragged over the whiteness.
"You'll see."
Harry sighed and followed, slightly depressed at knowing this to be their
last stop. He was reluctant to end the evening. A drink afterward had been a potential part of
their deal, but he seriously doubted Malfoy was in the mood to accompany him to a pub.
The blond opened the door and stood in the darkened doorway.
"I'm coming," Harry said and walked through the collected snow. He felt it
cling to his trouser legs and chill his calves. He stomped his feet after ascending the steps,
trying to shake off as much of the whiteness as possible.
Malfoy sighed heavily and cast a spell that cleaned and dried Harry's
clothing immediately. Harry bit back a comment regarding needing a keeper, since Malfoy had refused
to volunteer for the job. Harry tried to stamp down his disappointment over the
In the narrow foyer, lights came on as soon as the door closed. As Harry
watched in amazement, the place expanded until they stood in a mansion-sized entry, complete with a
crystal chandelier overhead. Magic was a magnificent thing.
Malfoy took off his outer robes and slung them on a nearby coat tree before
heading for the curving marble stairs. "Come along, Potter. Someone is definitely overdue for a
Christmas carol."
Harry took off his own robes with a moue of displeasure. Who had Malfoy
dragged him to see, now? Someone bedridden? It had to be someone close to Malfoy, or he would not
have had such ready access to the house.
Please don't let it be Blaise Zabini, Harry thought.
Harry followed Malfoy up the marble stairs. His footsteps were muffled by
the thick, chocolate coloured carpet. Malfoy bypassed a number of closed doors and halted in a
darkened doorway. A quick wave of his wand lit several wall sconces to reveal a wall covered with
portraits and photographs.
Curious, Harry stopped next to him and tracked Malfoy's gaze to a portrait
in a heavy frame.
"Happy Christmas, Severus," Malfoy said in a singsong voice.
Snape looked up from his chair and calmly turned a page in the book he had
been reading. He sneered.
"Is it Christmas again, already?"
"You know it is and it is also time for the annual Christmas carolling. And
look! This year Harry Potter is here to help me. I'm sure you remember Harry?"
Snape's eyes narrowed. "I had hoped he was a figment of my
Malfoy laughed. "You are amusing, Severus. Harry, Severus particularly
enjoys the Twelve Days of Christmas. Shall we? On the first day of Christmas my true love gave
to me…"
Harry joined in, feeling more than a little foolish singing to a portrait
and vaguely wondering if Malfoy had imbibed something at Parkinson's without his knowledge. Snape's
expression grew more and more sour. To his credit, he made it as far as six geese a laying
before leaping to his feet and flinging aside the book.
"Enough!" Snape bellowed. "I am going to Hogwarts. Even listening to the
doddering fool prattle on about Christmases past is better than suffering this torment." With that,
Snape marched out of the portrait.
Malfoy erupted into peals of laughter, bracing his hand against the wall and
nearly leaning his head against the empty portrait frame. He laughed so long and hard that Harry
felt the corners of his lips turning up.
"Oh, Potter, that was brilliant. Every year I torment him in revenge for
giving me this bloody portrait as a Christmas gift. He gave them to all the Slytherins in my fifth
year. Can you imagine?"
Harry wrinkled his nose in sympathy. "I'm glad McGonagall did not do the
Malfoy laughed again and Harry grinned and then sighed, realizing the
evening was nearly over. Suppressing the dismal knowledge that he wasn't ready for it to end, he
turned and made his way back to the stairs before walking down to the entrance hall. When he took
in the stylish décor, Malfoy's words finally sank in. Snape had given him the portrait. It was his
house. Malfoy's house.
Harry stopped short. "This is your house?" He should not have been so
surprised, but he had always assumed Malfoy to still be living with his parents at the Malfoy
ancestral home.
Malfoy halted next to him and smirked. "Indeed, Potter."
"It's nice."
"You expected flames and pitchfork-wielding demons?"
"I expected more green," Harry admitted. The colour scheme in the
entry hall consisted of chocolate, amber, and muted splashes of burgundy.
"I saved that for the bedroom."
Suppressing a sudden flare of interest at the thought of seeing Malfoy's
bedroom, as well as fighting a rush of even stronger interest at simply hearing Malfoy's voice say
the word bedroom, Harry glanced upward at the sparkling crystal chandelier.
"No mistletoe," he commented stupidly.
"Are you sorry?" Malfoy asked in a quiet tone and he suddenly seemed to be
standing too close. His nearness was almost stifling, or perhaps the heat in Harry's cheeks only
made it seem so.
"Yes," he blurted.
He heard Malfoy's intake of breath and then strong fingers were touching his
face and lips were greedily seeking his. Harry surrendered with a blissful sigh and waited for the
inner voice to start screaming, demanding to know what he was doing snogging Draco Malfoy without
benefit of mistletoe or rationality. That voice never surfaced, apparently smothered by the one
that chanted, brilliant, simply wonderfully awesomely brilliant.
They kissed until Harry was gasping for breath. His hands tightly gripped
Malfoy's shoulders and he tried to loosen them before he left bruises. He noted dimly that Malfoy's
breathing sounded just as uneven. Malfoy's hands were curled in his hair at the back of his head,
lightly stroking with his thumbs. His lips left Harry's only to press against the side of his neck
just beneath his left ear.
"Stay for a drink?" Malfoy murmured.
Drink, yes, fabulous idea. Then he could blame this insanity on
alcohol consumption.
He allowed Malfoy to take his hand and lead him through an archway at the
back of the hall. Despite the fog clouding Harry's brain, he took in the new room appreciatively. A
huge stone fireplace demanded notice from the rear wall and a low fire flickered in the grate.
Harry's attention was captured by the large Christmas tree that dominated one corner. It had been
completely decorated in silver and white, bedecked with white fairy lights and glittering tinsel. A
scattering of presents lay beneath it and their bright colours contrasted warmly with the icy
beauty of the tree.
Malfoy gestured to a pale leather sofa and Harry sat down, feeling slightly
self-conscious as Malfoy made his way to a nearby sideboard and began to pour drinks. "Firewhiskey
all right, or do you prefer something more festive? Eggnog, perhaps?"
Harry wrinkled his nose. "I can't abide the stuff. Firewhiskey is
Malfoy brought him a heavy crystal glass filled with dark liquid and a
handful of ice cubes. Harry took a grateful sip and relished the burn that worked its way down his
throat. Malfoy sat next to him, not touching, but close enough to lean in to.
Harry nervously clenched his fingers around the glass. He didn't want to
drink too much, despite his earlier rationalization. He tried to think of something to say, but his
mind kept tracking over the kiss and he could barely concentrate on not spilling his
Long fingers finally reached over and took the sweating glass from his
hands. Malfoy leaned forward and set both glasses on the low tea table before leaning back and
gazing at Harry with a soft expression.
"You look terribly warm in those robes, Potter. Would you like me to help
you out of them?" Without waiting for a response, Malfoy's hands reached out and began to unbutton
Harry's outer robes, exposing the white cashmere beneath. Harry was uncomfortably warm so the
cooling effect felt lovely, even with the renewed heat caused by the intimate gesture.
He blushed furiously when Malfoy's hands reached the buttons over his lap,
but thankfully sheer terror was keeping his erection at bay. He had been half-hard during their
snogging session in the entry. When the last button was free, Harry shrugged out of the material
and watched with interest as Malfoy's fingers moved to unfasten his own robes. Harry would have
liked to help, but he could not seem to locate his Gryffindor courage.
Malfoy stood and let the robes fall before he reached down and slung the
fabric across the arm of the sofa. He sat down once more and immediately reached out and touched
Harry's jaw with one hand. The knuckles of his other hand grazed lightly over the cashmere that
covered Harry's chest, following his breastbone down to a point just above his navel and back up
The fingers on Harry's jaw tugged lightly, urging him forward. His eyes
fluttered closed as he capitulated. He knew he was being seven kinds of a fool for allowing this to
continue, but he could not seem to get enough of Malfoy. His mild attraction had grown throughout
the evening, but their first kiss had been like a bludgeon, forcing him to admit that he wanted
Draco Malfoy. He wanted him quite badly.
Their lips met and Malfoy was surprisingly gentle, teasing and tasting
Harry's mouth, urging his lips to part. The gentleness did nothing to ease the torrent of white-hot
need that tore through Harry's blood, sending his pulse skyrocketing. He was focused so intently on
Malfoy's mouth drawing unexpected responses from him that he nearly didn't notice the knuckles
still sliding over his torso, until they moved lower, and lower still…
Harry broke away in near-panic and stared at Malfoy through wide eyes. The
back of Malfoy's hand had slid over Harry's waistband and stopped excruciatingly close to something
hard and throbbing. Harry was not quite sure he was ready to cross that line—he didn't even know
Malfoy's motive.
"What are we doing?" he asked hoarsely, hating to destroy the moment with
words, but hating the thought of being used even more. Was Malfoy planning to set him up for a hard
"I thought it was obvious," Malfoy purred.
"I know that, but why?"
"Why? It is necessary to ask why?"
Harry stiffened slightly. "You know it is."
Malfoy sighed and his gaze refused to meet Harry's. One hand softly played
over his neck, sending tendrils of flame on wayward paths, keeping the fire burning in the pit of
Harry's abdomen. "I plan to send Rita an owl tonight. I'll buy her off so she won't print anything
about you. And Goyle will keep his mouth shut. Pansy… well, no one ever believes her, anyway. She's
a notorious gossip. Your virtue is safe, Potter."
Harry frowned at the almost bitter tone of Malfoy's voice. The fingers of
his other hand had lifted and they played with the edges of Harry's waistband, tickling first one
way and then the other, back and forth. Harry struggled to find words.
Malfoy's silver eyes locked with his suddenly, filled with intensity. He
leaned forward and planted a hungry kiss on Harry's lips before pulling away only to slide his
cheek against Harry's, pressing closer until Harry could feel hot breath panting against his
"I want you so much, Harry. I don't mind being your dirty little
The words shocked Harry into near immobility. He pulled away sharply and
glared at the blond, who watched him with a guarded expression. Harry could practically see him
drawing into himself, visibly expecting rejection.
"Hey," Harry said, softening his gaze and reaching up to grasp the fine
features of Malfoy's face, cupping it in both hands as if gentling a scared child.
Confusion clouded Malfoy's grey eyes, but Harry brushed a thumb over his
lip, silencing him.
"I don't want you to be my dirty little secret," he said quietly. "I don't
want you to be a secret, at all. I know it won't be easy and my friends will likely freak out and
the press will have a field day and your friends… well, your friends don't seem to bat an eye… but
what about your parents? Are you willing to put up with the reporters and the Howlers and the drama
that will result from being seen as my…"
Malfoy swallowed hard. "Your what, Harry?"
"My… well, my…my… Mine," he said with finality.
"Will you be mine, Draco? Will you let me be yours?"
As he said the words, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against
Malfoy's lightly, questing, hoping for a positive response.
Malfoy jerked back, pulling away from Harry's hands to stare at him through
wide eyes. Not quite the response Harry was hoping for.
"Are you telling me you want a… a…. a…?"
"Relationship?" Harry supplied helpfully.
"A relationship," Malfoy finished. "With me?"
Harry grinned and nodded before gamely putting his hands back on Malfoy's
face and leaning in again, pressing him against the arm of the sofa and likely crushing the
expensive fabric of Malfoy's robes.
"Yes. I want a relationship with you." His fingers quested over Malfoy's
cheeks, temples, and jaw.
"When did you come up with this momentous idea, Potter?"
"When I kissed you at Pansy's," Harry said and pressed feather light kisses
against Malfoy's lips.
"Bloody Gryffindor," Malfoy muttered, but Harry felt him relax slightly.
"It's completely ridiculous."
"I want to buy you Christmas presents and birthday presents and anniversary
presents," Harry added breathlessly between kisses.
"Are you trying to bribe me, now?"
"Is it working?" Harry asked hopefully.
"It might be."
Harry laughed.
Before Malfoy could think of any more reasons to protest, Harry decided to
curtail the speaking altogether by locking his lips over Malfoy's once more.
Malfoy did not push him away. Instead his hands slid around to Harry's back
and began their caressing motions once more, this time travelling up and down Harry's spine. It
nearly distracted him from the incredible movements of Malfoy's tongue playing against his own,
stroking deliciously until Harry thought he might combust from within.
He allowed his own hands to move over Malfoy, first touching shoulders and
arms, and then sliding lower to caress pectorals and ribs. It wasn't enough. Even the thin silk of
Malfoy's shirt was a maddening barrier. Harry stopped kissing long enough to tug lightly at the
shirt, loosening it from the waistband even as his eyes silently asked permission. His breath
caught at Malfoy's nod, and the he pulled the material free. He continued the motion, dragging it
up and over Malfoy's head. He let the shirt float to the ground, forgotten, as his eyes drank in
the newly bared flesh.
Malfoy's hands were limp, resting on either side of his platinum hair in a
pose of casual relaxation, but Harry read tension in every line of his body. Harry smiled
encouragingly and reached out to take both wrists gently in hand. He traced light circles over
Malfoy's pulse points with his thumbs for a few moments and then drew his thumbs down over Malfoy's
smooth forearms, leaving a trail of gooseflesh. He was vaguely gratified to note no sign of a Dark
Mark and gave brief thanks that Malfoy had been spared that, at least. Harry had killed Voldemort
in time to prevent marring his beautiful skin.
Harry's fingers traced over the velvety soft flesh where Malfoy's arms bent,
earning an intake of breath, and then he continued the movement down over taut chest muscles. His
questing fingers ghosted over Malfoy's nipples and then touched them again, feeling the stiff nubs
with a rush of adrenaline. He could scarcely believe the blond was allowing him to
"What are you doing, Potter?" Malfoy asked, but his voice had an uneven
quality Harry had never heard before.
"Touching every bit of you that I can," Harry replied.
Malfoy looked at him with a guarded expression. "No one… No one ever did
that before."
"Hmmm, well I have two words to describe them," Harry said. At Malfoy's
puzzled look, Harry continued, "Fucking idiots."
That earned him a smile that warmed him even more than the feel of Malfoy's
skin under his palms. He left off playing with Malfoy's nipples, although the slight quiver that
rippled through the blond made him want to keep doing so, possibly for hours. Instead he splayed
his hands over Malfoy's abdomen while shifting slightly, drawing his legs up until he sat with his
thighs cradling Malfoy's arse, and both of Malfoy's legs spread on either side of his hips. If he
dared to shift forward a bit, their erections would be touching—and Malfoy definitely had one of
those, thankfully straining against his trousers, seemingly as hard as Harry's.
His hands moved lower, petting down the fine hairs on Malfoy's stomach and
tracing a circle around the dip of his navel. And then lower still…
Malfoy swallowed hard as Harry touched the waistband of his trousers and
halted over the fastenings, once again asking wordless permission. Malfoy's pink tongue flicked out
and then disappeared as he nodded. Harry felt both elated and slightly terrified as he screwed up
his courage and began to free Draco's straining cock.
The buttons were quickly undone, exposing black silk that bulged in a
fascinating manner. Harry tentatively touched it, caressing it with his fingertips. Malfoy jerked
and Harry lifted his gaze from Malfoy's crotch in order to gauge the expression in his eyes.
Fuck, the silver had gone nearly black and Malfoy's lips were parted in a beautiful O. Harry
stared at him in rapt wonder, thinking he might have been the most tantalizing sight Harry had ever
He stroked again, dragging his fingers from tip to base and back again.
Malfoy's back arched and he groaned. "Harry," he murmured. It was the hottest thing Harry had ever
experienced but it was also not nearly enough. He left off stroking Malfoy only long enough to drag
the blond's trousers completely off, pausing only long enough to yank at Malfoy's shiny black boots
and toss them somewhere past the couch. When Malfoy's legs were bare, Harry could not resist
touching the newly exposed flesh, sliding his hands over ankles, calves, knees, and
His hands rose high on Malfoy's thighs and slipped beneath the black silk to
tuck into the soft curls surrounding Malfoy's hardness, and then nearer still, until his fingertips
Malfoy's hands suddenly curled around his wrists, gripping tightly. "I want
to see you," he said hoarsely.
Harry blinked in surprise, but gave in to the pressure of Malfoy's hands on
his wrists, tugging his hands out of Malfoy's pants. Malfoy released his arms and bent forward to
pull at the cashmere, removing the hem from Harry's trousers and pulling it over his head in a
fluid motion.
Harry nearly bit his lip in uncertainty as Malfoy's eyes travelled over his
bared skin and felt indescribable relief when a soft smile curved Malfoy's lips. "I've wanted to do
that all night," he said.
"You have?" Harry asked.
"Bloody hell, yes. Watching your muscles ripple under that cashmere… Once
the shock wore off that you actually own a cashmere sweater, of course."
Harry could not respond to the jibe, amazed that Malfoy had not only watched
him, but had been wanting to remove his clothing all night. He wondered what he had done to deserve
such brilliance. Perhaps his reward for killing the wretched evil threatening the world had finally
come due. If so, he forgave the wait—it was worth it.
"Trousers off," Malfoy said imperiously. Harry shifted back, feeling a vague
sense of loss as he moved out from under Malfoy's long legs even though he planned to return to
that position straightaway. He got to his feet and stood up, toeing off his shoes and shucking his
trousers with abandon. He paused with his hands on the waistband of his pants, suddenly
self-conscious, even though his erection was more than evident beneath the straining
Surprisingly, it was a smirk from Malfoy that put him at ease. "Green?" the
blond asked in an amused tone.
"It was Christmassy!" Harry protested.
"And had nothing to do with the fact that you've been dreaming of shagging a
certain Slytherin."
Harry swallowed hard at hearing the word shagging from the 'certain
Slytherin'. "Of course not," he lied and wondered how long he had actually dreamed about Malfoy.
Generally his dreams had been of the pounding with fists variety, but he had to admit there had
been a few times he had awakened with the disturbing knowledge that perhaps fists were not
what he wanted to use to pound the blond, but something else equally hard that he'd been forced to
stroke into submission with the thought of a hot mouth sucking his cock while his hands were buried
in soft blond hair…
His throat went suddenly bone dry at the realization that his fantasy might
actually become reality, if the current hungry expression on Malfoy's face was any indication. His
erection twitched in eager anticipation.
"Of course not," Malfoy repeated, disbelief evident in every syllable.
"Pants off."
Harry's throat worked, but his salivary glands had ceased functioning, so he
took a deep breath instead and shoved. He stepped out of the material and kicked it aside to stand
fully exposed before the blond. He realized his eyes were closed tightly about the time the silence
became unbearable. He opened his eyes reluctantly to see Malfoy's wide eyes fixed on his jutting
"Malfoy?" he asked uncertainly.
Malfoy did not speak, but moved instead, swinging his feet to the floor and
leaning his lithe body forward. Before Harry could react, a pale hand wrapped around the base of
his cock and the very hot mouth of his fantasies wrapped itself about the head. Harry inhaled so
sharply he felt a flare of pain in his lungs. Silver eyes shot up to his and Harry stared down at
Malfoy, who had Harry's cock in his mouth. His cock was in Draco Malfoy's mouth.
Before he could fully register the astonishing sight, Malfoy's tongue flicked over the vein at the
base and then swirled over the sensitive tip, dipping in to the slit that was most definitely
leaking fluid. The taste did not seem to bother Malfoy, whose gaze remained locked with Harry's as
he repeated the manoeuvre several times, sending shivers of delight racing though Harry's blood and
bringing him dangerously close to spilling quite a lot more fluid into Malfoy's eager
"Fuck, Draco," he squeaked.
Horrifically, the words stopped Malfoy's blissful motion and he pulled away
to leave a cold sensation where the air touched Harry's wet cock. "All right. If you
The words finally penetrated the confused fog that had formerly been Harry's
brain. Malfoy removed the silk that had covered his loins and reclined back upon the couch. One
foot remained on the floor while the other propped on the seat of the sofa, giving Harry a
tantalizing view of Malfoy's jutting cock and his down-covered testicles. He would have spent quite
a long time allowing his gaze to greedily take in the display, but an impatient sound from Malfoy
yanked him from his reverie.
Harry fairly launched himself forward, sliding back into position as Malfoy
lifted both of his legs and once more placed them on either side of Harry's hips. This time Harry
did not hesitate to thrust forward and the first touch of his cock against
Malfoy's—Draco's—was blissful. He rocked slightly, rubbing their testicles together and
thought the resulting moan from Draco to be the loveliest sound he had ever heard.
He leaned forward and kissed Draco again, adoring the feel of so much smooth
skin touching his. The pressure on his cock was almost unbearable, however, so he pulled away
before losing himself in Draco's kiss. He straightened and then looked down at their dual
erections, suddenly having no idea what to do next. He lifted perplexed eyes to Draco's and the
blond laughed.
"Harry. You've never done this before?"
Harry shook his head and flushed, but Draco merely fumbled in his discarded
robes for his wand. After a brief lesson, in which Harry was rather embarrassed but even more
turned on, Harry found his fingers touching parts of Draco Malfoy that he had not imagined even in
his wildest fantasies.
Apparently he touched correctly, judging by the whimpering cries that issued
from the blond every time Harry moved his fingers like… so. Draco's back arched and Harry decided
he was perfectly content with finger-fucking Draco for however long it was allowed. The Slytherin,
however, had other plans. "Good, Harry. Very good, but I need your cock. Inside me. Right
Harry nearly snatched his fingers out in his haste to comply, and felt a
moment of chagrin when Draco winced, but he said nothing, so Harry quickly positioned the head of
his well-lubed cock over the newly-vacated entrance.
"Slowly," Draco said and Harry nodded. He eased his erection forward,
guiding it with his hand, and bit his lip when he realized it would never fit. No amount of
delightful foreplay stretching could ever—he yelped in shocked amazement as Malfoy slammed his hips
forward, impaling Harry nearly to the hilt.
Draco sagged against the sofa cushions, trembling. "Wait a moment," he
"Of course," Harry said, not sure he could move if he tried. He was too busy
trying to process the fact that he was sheathed in the tightest heat he had ever experienced—not
that he was all that experienced.
After long moments during which Harry finally recovered his senses along
with the desperate need to move, Draco said, "Okay. Okay, Harry."
Harry drew in a steadying breath and pulled back, nearly moaning aloud at
the feel of slick warmth gripping his cock as he moved. The mental chanting began again and
threatened to spill past his lips in a torrent of nonsense. He pushed forward again, gently, but
Draco rocked with him, pressing him deeper than intended. A low cry made Harry's eyes snap to
Draco's, but the silver orbs were tightly closed.
"Again, Harry. Again, again."
Harry did it again. And again. And several more agains, until he was nearly
mindless in his motions, thrusting hard and fast with Draco's cries urging him on. His hands
gripped Draco's hips tightly for leverage until he feared he would leave bruises, but he dared not
let go. Draco's hands held the sofa as if hanging onto a lifeline.
Harry felt his orgasm building, rising like a flood tide, and he realized
Draco's leaking cock was quite neglected. He let go of one pale hipbone to grip Draco's erection.
He would have felt some satisfaction when it immediately throbbed in his hand and liquid fairly
exploded from the tip, but he was far too distracted by the spasms gripping his own cock. He threw
his head back with a near-shriek as he came so hard his vision went white. His shuddering spasms
seemed to last forever, but they finally subsided enough for him to collapse in a limp heap on
Draco's chest.
"I think you finally killed me," Harry said against the damp strands of
blond hair tangling over his face.
Draco's arms tightened around Harry's back, yet another thing he could
quickly become used to. "How so, Harry?"
"I can't move. I think I died of bliss."
"It seems to be catching. Perhaps we're both dead."
Harry chuckled. "I wasn't sure I'd make it to heaven."
Instead of making a snide comment about the Chosen One, Draco only tightened
his grip.
Harry's arse was cold, but the rest of him was warm and he felt far too
languid to move. The body beneath his shifted slightly and he asked, "Am I crushing
"No," Draco replied.
Harry smiled at the single word, but he suspected Draco lied. He pushed
himself up and grimaced at the stickiness between them. Draco took care of it with a quickly
whispered Charm that left Harry breathless for a moment. He smoothed a hand over his clean abdomen
and grinned.
"Are you leaving?" Draco asked when Harry sat back on the couch, feeling
slightly self-conscious about his nudity, but unable to stop himself from ogling the reclining
blond. Draco held his wand loosely in one hand while the other trailed along the top of the couch
in a random pattern. Harry suddenly wanted those fingers to slide over his skin, but Malfoy's
question startled him from that line of thought.
Harry frowned. "Do you want me to?" he asked, suddenly nervous. Had he
pushed too hard? Had he asked Malfoy for more than he was willing to give? He mentally kicked
himself for using the word relationship so soon, especially when he had barely entertained
the notion, himself.
Draco sat up. "If you want to," he said quickly.
They sat next to each other, suddenly awkward. Harry's eyes studied Draco's
profile. His platinum eyes were fixed on the tree and Harry saw a light blush tinting his cheeks.
His blond hair was tousled and a strand of it was caught on his impossibly long lashes. It twitched
when he blinked and Harry instinctively reached out and brushed it aside, allowing his knuckles to
trail over Draco's forehead and down the side of his cheek.
"I definitely don't want to leave," Harry said thickly and Draco's eyes
snapped to his in surprise. Harry groaned and curled his hand around Draco's neck to pull him into
a greedy kiss. Bloody hell, he was already getting hard again.
Draco's arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. They kissed
until they both gasped for air and then Draco asked, "Bedroom?"
"Absolutely," Harry said. He fumbled for his robe and pulled out his wand
before reaching for his clothes.
"You won't need those," Draco said in a seductive tone. Harry grinned at him
and followed Draco's nude form as he returned to the foyer and ascended the stairs. Harry could not
resist reaching out and caressing the curves of Draco's arse it moved in front of him.
"Hey, Draco, how many times have you told me to kiss your arse?"
The blond tossed a saucy smirk over his shoulder. "Too many to count.
"You're about to get your wish." Harry tackled him at the top of the stairs,
sending Draco sprawling on hands and knees over the thick carpet with a yelp. Before he could
protest, Harry began to press soft kisses all over his pale arse cheeks, dipping tantalizingly
close to Draco's crack and swiping his tongue over sensitive areas.
"Potter, fuck," he said in a breathy tone.
"Okay," Harry replied agreeably. He got to his feet and helped Draco stand,
glad to see that the Slytherin's cock was now as hard as his.
"Bedroom. NOW," Draco demanded and pointed down the hall.
Harry did not need further urging. He trotted down the indicated hallway and
cheerfully called, "Hi, Severus," as he passed, somewhat surprised that the former Potion's Master
had returned so soon.
Draco fairly collapsed on Harry's shoulders when they entered the huge
bedroom at the end of the hall, shaking with laughter. "Did you see his face?"
Harry laughed with him as they both fell onto the bed.
Sex on the couch had been fabulous, but Harry much preferred Draco's massive
bed. The room itself looked almost Christmassy, with varying shades of green highlighted with white
and bright glints of silver. Draco's furnishings were whitewashed oak.
He took only moments to appreciate the décor as he was rapidly distracted by
Draco's lips and hands. Foreplay was slow and immensely satisfying. They explored each other's
bodies with hands and lips and tongues.
Draco paused once, hovering over Harry, whose legs were spread wide to give
Draco access. His throbbing cock ached for attention, even though Draco had been very diligent with
that. Harry almost felt worshiped by Draco's attentive actions.
"You're actually going to let me fuck you?" Draco asked.
Harry frowned. Let him? If Draco didn't get to it soon, Harry might
actually hex him. "Of course. Why wouldn't I? You let me."
"Yes, but you're the Savior of the World and I'm a lowly Death
Harry touched the beautiful face above his with a glare. "I know you don't
believe that. You're one of the few people in the world who never put me on a bloody pedestal. We
both did the best we could with the cards that were dealt us."
Draco's features seemed to soften. "You really believe that, don't
For answer, Harry pulled Draco into another kiss. Draco's lovemaking was
slow and sensual. He took care to ascertain Harry was not in pain—which he was, but seeing the
blissful expression on Draco's gorgeous face made him determined to withstand anything as long as
it brought that much pleasure to his new lover. Once the pain subsided he quickly decided that
Draco could fuck him six times a day, if he chose.
In the brilliant afterglow Harry stared into Draco's warm silver eyes and
realized he had fallen in love in one short night.
"What are you thinking about?" Draco asked.
"Trying to think of a way to ask you to marry me," Harry replied.
Draco laughed, another sound Harry knew he would never tire of hearing. "You
can't be serious."
"If I'm not now I soon will be, so you might give it some
Draco's eyes went wide. "You weren't joking about the relationship idea,
"Of course I wasn't joking. Are you willing to be my permanent, exclusive
lover, or not?"
"What if I'm not?"
Harry grinned. "I've been called stubborn."
To his relief, Draco burst out laughing. "You mean you will continue to
stalk me daily until I give in?"
"You haven't seen stalking," Harry assured him.
"And if I date other people?"
"Then I will hunt them down and hex them without mercy."
"That doesn't seem very Savior-like."
"I'm willing to become the new Dark Lord, if necessary."
Draco's smile was brilliant. "You would become the new Dark Lord for me? You
would sacrifice honour and nobility and all that is good and kind?"
"Well, I'm hoping it won't come to that, but yeah," Harry
Draco pulled him into a bruising kiss and then whispered, "I guess I'm
yours, Harry."
Harry held him close, basking in the wonder of utter contentment.
"Mine," he said possessively.
Harry felt so warm and contended and happy that it took him a moment to
figure out where he was. He shook off the last vestiges of sleep and opened his eyes to view a head
of pale hair.
The sight made his heart swell and his arm tightened around Draco's waist.
The reason for his warmth was suddenly obvious—he was completely tangled around the man.
Draco made a petulant, almost inaudible, sound and snuggled back against
him. Harry lifted his head and found the blankets were mostly bunched on Harry's side, nearly
abandoning Draco, who was probably getting cold.
He reluctantly removed his hand from Draco's waist and tugged the covers
firmly back over the blond.
"You're not… leaving?" The voice was rough and sleepy, but it made Harry
He nuzzled the back of Draco's neck and returned his arm to its former
position, settling himself against Draco's backside. "Try and get rid of me," he replied and
pressed several kisses on the sensitive flesh.
Draco's hand found his and their fingers entwined. "You stay," Draco
mumbled. "You're warm."
Harry shut his eyes, more than willing to drift back to sleep, but a banging
noise jolted them both. Draco's body tensed as it came again.
"Merlin, someone is at the door. What time is is?"
Harry turned his head and glanced at the ornate clock on Draco's mantle.
"Just past eight. Are you expecting visitors?"
"Fuck, no. Ignore them. They'll go away."
Instead, the hammering grew louder. Harry pushed himself away from Draco and
sat up. "You rest. I'll get rid of them, yeah?"
"Harry, I take back several of the mean things I said about you over the
years. You're a prince." Draco yanked the covers nearly over his head and seemed to dismiss him
Harry chuckled as he dragged his trousers on and made his way to the hall
and down the stairs, making a mental note that Draco was not a morning person.
Harry flung open the door, expecting to see some overzealous vendor, but his
jaw gaped at the sight of his friends. Ron and Hermione stood on the front step with snow
accumulating in their hair from the random flakes that fell.
They stared at him with identical expressions, obviously taking in his lack
of attire and Malfoy-mussed hair.
"Um. We got worried when we didn't hear from you last night," Ron said.
"You're all right, then?"
"We thought Malfoy might have hexed you and left you for dead somewhere,"
Hermione added. "But, you are obviously alive and well."
"Very well," Harry said with a slow smile.
Hermione nodded, looking at him speculatively. "We'll just be going, then.
Come along, Ron."
Ron frowned. "Were you drunk, or something? Did you sleep on Malfoy's couch
last night, Harry?"
Harry burst out laughing. "Well, I was on his couch for a bit," he
Hermione blushed, but Ron only looked more confused as she tugged at his
Draco's voice called from the top of the stairs, "Harry? Who is
Harry grinned again, realizing Draco was about to find out how serious Harry
was about not keeping him a dirty little secret. "You two should come in for a cup of tea, I
Hermione looked slightly panicked, but Ron just stared at him as though he
had lost his mind.
"Come in?" Ron repeated.
By then, Draco had reached the bottom of the steps. He crossed to the door
and threw Harry a look that was hard to decipher—part distrust and part curiosity, it seemed. Harry
shivered in the cold air, realizing he was clad only in trousers. Draco, at least, had thrown on a
warm-looking black dressing gown.
"Yes, come in!" Harry repeated. "It's freezing out there. Draco, you don't
mind, do you?"
"Naturally not." Draco's tone sounded only mildly sarcastic. "Come inside,
intrepid friends of Harry. Did you come to rescue him?"
Harry reached out and dragged Ron inside before Hermione could concoct an
excuse, even though she was already tugging on Ron's coat before Harry yanked him out of her grasp.
Her lips thinned into a fine line, but she gamely trudged inside and allowed Harry to shut the
Draco gestured toward the doorway that led to the living room. "Have a seat.
I'll prepare tea and crumpets."
Harry rolled his eyes, realizing Draco was being an arse with that
statement, but then he noticed the smirk on Draco's lip and knew it had nothing to do with his
words as Ron and Hermione walked uncertainly through the indicated passage.
It wasn't until that moment that he realized the trousers he had dragged on
in a tired daze actually belonged to Draco—Harry's clothing, as well as Draco's from the prior
night, were scattered around the living room couch.
"You are evil," Harry said.
Draco shrugged. "You let them in."
Harry slung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close before pressing
a kiss into his temple. "Let's go face the music, then, boyfriend. I hope you're ready."
Draco didn't move, despite Harry's urging. "You were serious?"
Harry laughed aloud. "What am I going to have to do to prove it to you?
Wait, I know." He took Draco's hand and led him into the living room, where Ron and Hermione had
parked themselves next to the still-glowing tree, avoiding the couch completely. Ron's face was red
as a ripe apple and Hermione stared fixedly at the tree, as though it was the most fascinating
thing she had ever seen.
"Ron, Hermione. I have an announcement. Draco and I are dating," Harry said
without preamble. With that, he pulled Draco into a scorching kiss. The blond was tense for a long
moment, but then slowly relaxed in Harry's arms, finally melting into his kiss and tangling his
fingers into Harry's hair.
Harry had nearly forgotten his friends completely until Hermione cleared her
throat and Ron's choking noises became audible.
"Harry, I think we will just see ourselves out. You can stop by when you
have time, yes?" Harry knew her question was a command, but at the moment, he had little interest
in how his friends would deal with his love life. He knew they would; that was all that
"See you guys later!" Harry said cheerfully and eagerly returned to his
When the sound of the door closing came to them, Draco pulled away and said,
"I think you're well on your way to that Dark Lord position."
Harry grinned. "They'll be fine. Now, where were we?"
"Right about here," Draco said and dove back in.
Harry was nervous. He checked his appearance for the eighth time, but
restrained his fingers from touching his hair, knowing he would only make it worse by constantly
messing with it.
Instead, he smoothed his fingers over his robes one last time, knowing that
those, at least, looked good. He had spared no expense to ensure that Malfoy--Draco, now--would
have no cause to shun him.
Well, no visible cause, at any rate. Their relationship was too new for
Harry to have much faith in its ability to withstand the pressure of the public eye. He had spent
almost the entirety of the Christmas holiday ensconced in Draco's house, mostly sans
A brief stint to the Weasley's on Christmas day had led to several stilted
conversations with everyone in attendance, although they each had kindly withheld their questions
to private moments with Harry, all except George, who had bellowed out at the dinner table, "So,
Harry, I hear you're bent with Draco Malfoy, now. That true?"
The cessation of movement and stunned silence had brought an embarrassed
flush to Harry's cheeks, but he had merely replied, "It's true."
George had raised his glass in a toast and said, "Good on you, Harry." Ron
had snorted a laugh, but it had been a laugh of amusement, rather than sarcasm. Molly had loudly
asked if anyone wanted more potatoes and that had been the end of it.
He had actually debated the idea of bringing Draco with him, but knew
without asking that his new boyfriend would flatly refuse. He knew he would have to save that
battle for another day. If there was another day after today.
He cast a Tempus Charm and sighed. It was time. He glanced in the mirror one
last time, ignored his image, and Disapparated.
Every time he attended a Ministry party, Harry remembered how much he hated
them. Of course, at the last one, he had encountered Draco Malfoy singing to Pansy Parkinson in a
secluded room and everything in his life had changed, but still, this one began much as the last
Harry smiled inanely and shook hands at the spouses of Ministry employees,
apparently a brand new batch than those who had attended the Christmas party, since this was New
Year's Eve and he would have expected to recognize more than a few. Perhaps the alcohol was to
blame for his faulty memory. Harry had downed a glass of champagne to calm his nerves. It had
worked so well that he had imbibed a few more.
His eyes steadily scanned the room for a familiar head of blond hair,
frowning with impatience. Draco had promised he would attend, although he had made no promises
about giving in to Harry's insistence that they reveal themselves as a couple.
"Beware the mistletoe, Harry," Ron said and pointed over Harry's shoulder.
He glanced behind him and saw an ominous bundle of leaves and berries that someone had charmed to
float around the room. Devious, that. Probably some former Slytherin.
He sidled away from it and once again looked over the attendees, nearly
holding his breath when he spotted a familiar flash of blond. Draco had arrived! Harry took an
unconscious step in his direction, but a tight grip on his arm stayed him.
"Don't do it, Potter," a voice warned. Harry turned to glare at Pansy
Parkinson. "Draco told me to ask you to stay away from him tonight."
"What?" Harry demanded.
"He means it. The reporters have been sniffing around you all night like
vultures. Give him a break."
Harry had barely noticed the reporters, although he supposed they were being
more aggressive than usual.
"He's the one who incited the reporters in the first place by dragging me
carolling to Rita Skeeter's house!" he hissed, annoyed.
"Yes, well he meant to call her off. But he was distracted," she said and
gave him a knowing smirk.
Harry glared and tugged his arm away. "I'll hear it from him,
"Suit yourself, Potter, it's on your head if you make him angry."
Harry paused at that, suddenly uncertain. His mind tracked back over the
last couple of days. Was it possible Draco didn't really want a relationship? Had it been Harry
deluding himself, making himself believe things that weren't there?
He glanced at Draco, who was ignoring the gaggle of reporters crowding
around him as he exhanged pleasantries with the Minister. Kingsley warned off the camera-toting
crowd with a look, unintentionally giving Harry a better look at his blond lover.
Draco wore cashmere robes. Harry knew they were cashmere, because Draco had
modelled them for him just yesterday, shortly before Harry had put his hands all over them prior to
stripping them away from Draco's trembling body, slowly kissing every inch as it was revealed. He
felt a wrench, looking at them now. They were silver-grey to match his eyes, and possibly his
cold-as-steel heart.
Draco avoided looking at him and Harry snarled, "Fine" in Pansy's general
direction and then headed toward the buffet table, where more far more potent drinks than champagne
or punch resided. There were several deadly-looking concoctions in potion vials that Harry knew
were legal, considering this was a Ministry event, but probably still borderline deadly.
"What's that one?" he asked the attendant, pointing at a toxic looking green
"Salazar Stinger."
Harry snorted. Perfect. He would drown himself in some bloody Slytherin
potion. It was fitting. "What's in it?"
"Firewhiskey, Absinthe, vodka, simple sugar, and lime."
"I'll have six."
"Just do it," he snapped. He waited impatiently while the man located a
twisted metal carrying rack and selected six of the vials. He handed it over to Harry, who forced a
smile and said, "Thanks."
He threaded his way through the crowd, pretending to be in a hurry to get
back to some group or another in order to avoid conversation. Once near one of the exit doors, he
surreptitiously ducked out and headed for his office. He was finished with crowds and
Once in his comfortable office chair, he fished out one of the vials and sat
back in his chair, propping his feet on the desk. He pulled the cork and took a swig. It was
sweeter than expected, and tart, with a sharp bite and a slow burn. Potent. Just like a certain
blond that had infected his blood far worse than any alcoholic beverage ever could.
He tipped his head back and downed it, ignoring the flamelike burn in his
throat. Perhaps if he got drunk enough, he could pretend the past few days had never
Harry was pulling the cork on a second vial—it was sticking—when the door
banged open and the object of his annoyance stepped over the threshold. Harry stared at him for a
moment and tried to suppress an uncontrollable surge of emotion. Fuck, but he was gorgeous. And
Harry knew what the robes concealed now, every creamy curve and flat plane.
"Drinking alone on New Year's Eve, Harry?"
Harry looked away disdainfully and pulled at the stubborn cork. "I was
informed that my presence was not wanted."
Draco walked to Harry's desk and then skirted it, increasing Harry's heart
rate with every step. Draco plucked the vial out of Harry's hands and examined it. "Then you heard
wrong, Harry." He popped the cap with ease and then lifted the vial to his lips. Harry watched
helplessly as Draco drank, admiring the curve of his throat and the perfection of his
"Then what? Pansy told me to stay away from you." He heard the bitterness in
his own voice, but he did not bother to prevent it.
Draco stopped drinking and held the vial up to look at it with a curious
expression. "It's for your own good, Harry. Obviously, your instinct for self-preservation has
fallen by the wayside."
"What are you talking about?"
Draco downed the rest of the vial and then tossed it on Harry's desk. "You
saw them out there. They would have torn you to pieces if they thought the speculation was true.
Someone of your stature cannot afford to be seen with someone like me." Draco lifted one of Harry's
feet from the desk and tugged his leg open in order to step between them. Harry frowned as Draco
slowly sank to his knees. His hands trailed up Harry's thighs, moving higher, but Harry caught his
wrists and stilled his movement. He slid his feet from the desk and sat forward to look down at
Draco's guarded features.
"Do you know what really annoys me, Draco?" he asked mildly.
Draco leaned forward, obviously seeking a kiss, and his eyes fluttered
partially shut. "What, Harry?"
Harry felt a flare of annoyance, because it almost worked. The prat knew his
seductive power over Harry and he was using it in a very Slytherin fashion. The temptation to kiss
those lips, just once, was almost overwhelming. Instead, he dredged up some willpower, bypassed
Draco's inviting mouth, and pressed his lips against the edge of Draco's ear.
"It annoys me when people tell me something is for my own good," he
With that, he got to his feet. Draco looked somewhat alarmed as he scrambled
up. Harry had not released his wrists, but he let go of one as he headed for the door, towing Draco
in his wake.
"What? Wait, Harry! What are you—?"
Harry paused at the door and turned to look at his lover. "One final
question for you, Draco."
Draco's face was set in obvious annoyance, but he nodded curtly.
"Were you serious when you said you agreed to become my permanent, exclusive
Draco scowled. "You know I was. Were you serious when you said you would
become the next Dark Lord?"
Harry frowned. "All right, I might have been joking about that. But I meant
it when I said I want you to be mine, Draco. I won't hide in the shadows and keep you hidden like
something shameful. Unless you don't want to be seen with me."
"I'm only thinking of you, Harry," Draco snapped. "I'm not good for
Harry's annoyance dissipated at that, draining away instantly with Draco's
words. "I think I should be the judge of that, don't you?"
Draco looked worried for a moment and then scowled. "Your judgement hasn't
always been the best."
"Says the man who dressed up as a Dementor."
Draco flushed and tried to pull his wrist from Harry's grip. "I was a
"I know. Will you trust me?"
A groan met Harry's question and then Draco's gaze was locked with his,
intense and serious. "Harry. I want you to be sure. Don't do this if you aren't prepared for the
Harry released his hold on Draco's arm only to lift his hands and cup
Draco's face gently. "I've never been surer of anything. And the consequences can go hang. I want
you, Draco. And I want the world to know it."
Blond lashes fell shut over grey eyes and Draco drew a trembling breath.
"All right."
Harry leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips. "Are you sure? I
won't do anything you don't want me to. I promise."
Draco's hands rose and looped around Harry's waist, gently pulling him
closer. "Merlin, no, I'm not sure. I'm…"
Draco snorted. "You wish." It was obviously reflexive and Harry felt his
tension drain away as they both laughed. "All right, yes, maybe a little." Draco's breath was warm
against Harry's neck.
"I am, too. A little. But we'll be fine."
Draco held him more tightly. "We'll be fine," he repeated and then lifted
his head. His eyes met Harry's and they kissed for long, lovely moments. Harry's hands moved over
Draco's soft cashmere robes, itching to remove them again. Judging by Draco's response, there would
be time for that later. Years worth of time, hopefully.
"Let's go do this," Harry said finally, stepping back and linking his hand
with Draco's.
Draco nodded. "All right."
"And maybe later, you can sing for me," Harry suggested, threading his
fingers through Draco's and opening the door.
"Don't push your luck, Potter," Draco growled.
Harry laughed and went to introduce his boyfriend to the Wizarding World. It
was going to be a bright new year. End