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   Harry Potter Slash Fics

The Cicatrix Cycle by Ivy Blossom


Draco was already far gone on Harry before Haven started, so I figured we might as well have a look and see how that happened.
91,117 words. 18 chapters.


After a whirlwind romance with Draco Malfoy that ends in an explosion of clashing political beliefs, Harry Potter graduates from Hogwarts and takes a job with the Ministry. He hopes that Draco wil not join the Death Eaters and will come to him in time, and he doesn't guess what Voldemort has in store for him.
21,624 words. 9 chapters


Having betrayed Harry Potter and been forgiven by him, Draco Malfoy tries to be worthy of a normal life, but strange elements of his past keep him from looking as though his is. With Voldemort on the lose, his father's image appearing in strange places, and all fingers pointing at him, Draco hopes he can clear his own name and save the world before Harry admits that Draco can't be trusted.
67,790 words. 18 chapters


Ivy Blossom Index

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- John Doe, US -