Dear Hermione,
I hate Kingsley. Just because Malfoy and I had a disagreement in the Atrium last Wednesday and
broke a couple of things (including Malfoy's nose and my left pinkie finger) the bastard (Kingsley,
not Malfoy) has decided to send us on an enforced "vacation" in order to "work out our
differences". The only difference I would like to work out is the one between a breathing Malfoy
and a non-breathing one. Honestly, the stupid prat shouldn't even be an Auror! Anyway, I know you
don't like to listen to me ranting about Malfoy, so I'll just close now. Oh, we'll be in Finland.
At some resort hotel that's supposed to be posh or something. I hope they have insurance. I'll
write again once I get there.
Love, Harry
Dear Mother,
I will be in Finland for the next two weeks working on an important Ministry assignment with
Potter. If I write to request any items of a certain Dark nature, do NOT send them to me. I do not
want to accidentally kill the Saviour in a fit of rage, which I am certain to experience.
(Kingsley, if you are monitoring our owls like the conniving bastard I think you are, I didn't mean
that literally. Much.)
I hope that you are enjoying your time in France. Perhaps I will join you when I am through here -
if spending two weeks trapped with the Golden Prat doesn't send me round the twist.
Love, Draco
Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy,
Welcome to the Heart of Levi Resort and Spa! We hope you find your room to be satisfactory during
your stay with us. Please avail yourselves of the brochures provided to fulfil your entertainment
and dining needs. Feel free to contact the hotel staff for any assistance you may require. Enjoy
your stay!
The Management and Staff
Heart of Levi Resort and Spa
You have got to be joking! The hotel manager refuses to give Malfoy and me separate rooms! On your
rather sleep out by the pool on a CHAIR. Call this bloody hotel and straighten this out.
You and Draco are in Finland to learn to work together harmoniously. Living together amicably can
be the first step in that direction. Or else.
Dear Minister Shacklebolt,
Auror Potter informs me that the single room for the duration of our stay in Finland was by design
and not an inept clerical error. As such, I would like to tender my resignation from the Auror
Program, effective immediately.
Draco Malfoy
Mr Malfoy,
This letter is to inform you that your request for resignation has been denied. You will be
expected to return to work with Auror Potter in two weeks. Please enjoy your stay at the Heart of
Levi Resort and Spa.
Amelia Codswollop
Assistant to the Minister for Magic
P.S. Some of us would KILL for a paid vacation, you ungrateful sod.
I have been kidnapped and am being held prisoner. Please send the following provisions:
- Four bars of the French bath soap that I like
- Several boxes of those Belgian chocolates you always get me for Christmas
- Twenty bottles of Ogden's Finest Firewhisky
Much Love,
Stop being a baby. You're at a beautiful resort with the man of your dreams. (Stop glaring. You can
lie to yourself all you want, but I've seen you ogling Potter's arse firsthand.)
I'm enclosing your soap and chocolates. You do not need twenty bottles of
Firewhisky unless you plan to get Potter drunk and take advantage of him. I heartily encourage this
plan; therefore I'm enclosing a bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII Grande Cognac. Yes, I stole it
from Daddy's private stock and I will deny it to the death, so you had better use it
You will also note the bottle of Lybecker's Lubricious Lusty Lavender
Lubricant. I assume you won't need instructions.
Have fun, darling!
Since we are apparently forced to share a room, I plan to spend as little time in it as possible.
I'll be at the tennis court until ten and then the pool. I assume you'll be in the spa having your
nails done, so I will avoid that area completely.
Have a nice vacation.
I am so proud of your Auror accomplishments. Although I wish you wouldn't speak so poorly of Auror
Potter. Our family owes him a great deal and on the occasions that I have spoken to him at Ministry
functions, he has been both charming and delightful.
I am enclosing some of that chamomile tea you like, as I know it is difficult to find in parts of
Finland. Also, I have met a delightful pastry chef who is keeping me well supplied with the most
amazing crepes. He is a treasure.
I look forward to your visit when you complete your assignment.
All My Love,
More like the man of my nightmares. (And I have never ogled his arse!) We've hardly been here a day
and already half the contents of his luggage is strewn across the floor. He is apparently even more
of a pig than I originally thought.
Thank you for the soap and cognac and chocolates. Hopefully they will keep
me sane. I would say I can't believe you sent me lubricant, but actually I can. Although it won't
do me any good. I can't even have a proper wank while I'm here seeing as Kingsley thought it would
be a good idea to force us to SHARE A ROOM. Bastard.
And since Kingsley was kind enough to book us at a ski resort in the middle
of summer, I won't even be able to hit the slopes while I'm here. Sadistic bastard.
All the best,
While I am sure you are quite fetching in your tennis skirt, you have no fear of running into me on
the courts. I intend to spend my vacation RELAXING and the only sweating I'll be doing is in the
sauna. I think I will avail myself of the spa, FOR A MASSAGE (not a manicure, you prat).
Also, stay out of my things, Mother and Pansy sent me items to keep me sane
and I don't want you pawing through them.
PS I hope you drown in the pool.
I have no intention of "pawing" through your things. You've most likely attached some Dark spell to
them, anyway. I noticed it took you 23 minutes to line up your toiletries on the counter. Are you
always so ridiculously neat? And do you really need six different moisturizers? Try not to melt in
the sauna. With all that moistness, you might ooze into the drain. Not that that would be a bad
PS (No danger of drowning in the pool, sorry. I seem to have forgotten to pack swimming
Merlin, you really are in denial, poor dear. It was cute at first, but now it's getting on my
nerves. Don't make me come up there.
Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy,
Thank you for signing up for our Exhibition Quidditch Match! I know our guests will be delighted to
watch such esteemed Aurors play against our staff team. Your renown as Quidditch players is
well-known, even here in Finland. We have arranged a very brief autograph session after the game.
Thank you again for joining us!
Amelia Lehtonen
Events and Entertainment Director
Heart of Levi Resort and Spa
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, Rose is keeping us busy! She's almost sleeping through the
night, which is good. I think Ron will be falling asleep in his breakfast if she wakes him up
crying one more night. He's always adorably concerned, though (don't tell him I said
As for Malfoy, maybe you should TRY to do as Kingsley suggested and learn to
get along. Even though he can still be an obnoxious prat, I do think he's grown up quite a bit.
Also, they wouldn't have let him in the Auror program if he didn't show some aptitude. Just do your
best to make peace with him, yeah?
Enjoy your vacation. Oh, and I'm including some pictures of Rose for you!
Isn't she too cute?
Thank you for the tea. Hopefully the chamomile will soothe my nerves.
I will take your word for it about Potter being "charming and delightful". Personally, I don't
think he could accomplish that with all the magic in the world.
I look forward to meeting this pastry chef of yours. I think I will need a few dozen hazelnut
crepes as a reward for surviving this trip. The place we are staying is actually very nice but all
of my enjoyment is coloured by close proximity to Saint Potter.
Much Love,
I am not in denial. Potter is a loud, ridiculous, obnoxious Gryffindor. I am not attracted to him
in the least.
Please come up here. Intelligent company would be most welcome.
Unlike you, I am able to quickly and efficiently find my things. Instead of banging around like an
erumpent while some of us are trying to nap. Was it really necessary to slam all of the doors in
the room?
If you would like some tips on hygiene and personal grooming, just ask,
Potter. I'll be happy to suggest a few products for your skin. Although your hair may be beyond
even my help.
No swimming gear? Honestly, who goes to a resort without their swimming
gear? You are a disgrace, Potter. Although, I'm sure the hotel management would make an exception
and allow the Golden Boy to swim in the nude. I don't think everyone here is an adoring fan yet,
swimming in your altogether should fix that.
And what the hell is this Exhibition Quidditch Match nonsense? I didn't sign
up for any Quidditch match. With an autograph session? Honestly, Potter, your ego knows no bounds.
I refuse to participate in some ridiculous Quidditch match. Especially if we will be playing on the
same team!
Dear Hermione,
Rose is absolutely adorable! Give her a kiss for me. I will be sure to bring back a gift for her.
The hotel gift shop has a nice selection of Finnish-themed gifts even for someone her size. I'll
bring back something for Ron, also, so he won't pout. I'll be back soon and promise to watch Rose
for a night so that you guys can have some personal time.
PS (I do not want to talk about Malfoy and his excessive fussiness and insistence on looking
model-perfect at all times, even while napping. I was pleased to note that he sleeps with his mouth
open and even snores a bit. He's not so perfect, after all.)
Salazar no, I will not come up there. It's revolting enough watching you and Potter dance around
each other at the stupid Ministry events you drag me to. I refuse to be subjected to it at such a
romantic location. The spa does look nice, however, from the brochures. Have you tried the
Perhaps you should take Potter dancing. Not because you're attracted to him,
merciful heaven's no, but think of how mortified the hero would be if you asked. I am laughing
Have a good time!
I was not banging the doors, they automatically shut by themselves and there are only two. And I
was trying to be quiet but I was looking for my sunblock. And who naps for six hours a day?
I do not need assistance with my personal hygiene, thank you very much. (But
that pinkish-tinted stuff smells pretty good. What is it?) I will not be swimming in the nude any
time soon—wait, was that a compliment? Yes, it certainly was. You suggested that my swimming in the
nude would garner more fans. Thank you, Malfoy. That means a lot, coming from you.
I didn't know anything about the bloody Quidditch match! I spoke to Amelia
Lehtonen and apparently it was arranged through Kingsley. I swear to Merlin that man will pay when
I get back. If I survive this. I tried to cancel but Amelia must have been born into whatever
passes for Slytherin in this country. She was holding an adorable little boy who kept distracting
me with questions about Quidditch and before I knew it I was agreeing to everything. Fuck, why am I
such a pushover for children? Rose is going to be spoiled sick.
So, anyway, the match is still on. I plan to ride you into the ground. Just
so you know.
So nice to know you'll come to my rescue in my time of need. Potter and I do not dance around each
other, we usually just punch each other in the face. Mostly because he is too barbaric to fight
with spells like a proper wizard.
I'm scheduled for an in-room massage later today and the parafango tomorrow.
And the sauna is divine! Small favours, all things considered.
Do not think for a moment that I will be fooled by your wiles. I most
certainly will NOT ask Potter to go dancing as it will likely end up in bloodshed.
Dear Harry,
I'm sure Rose will enjoy anything her Uncle Harry gives her. I'm sure Ron will enjoy anything you
bring him as well, especially if it is garishly orange.
We will definitely take you up on the babysitting offer! I think we could
both do with a few hours that don't involve colic or soiled nappies.
I would make a comment on the fact that you were observing Malfoy so closely
while he slept but you've already heard my opinion on that matter. Do try and examine where this
desire to watch him so closely comes from, please?
Much love,
Potter and Malfoy,
You will play in the match at the resort or I will take the expenses from this trip from your
Darling Draco,
Do try and get along with Auror Potter, you might even find you have quite a bit in common. Perhaps
when you are done with your current assignment you could bring him here to France. Pierre would
love to meet you both and I'm sure you could both do with a vacation.
Don't work too hard.
I was only napping for two hours, thank you. Also, I have an in-room massage scheduled for this
afternoon. Please make yourself scarce.
You've been sniffing my lotions? Merlin. The "pinkish-tinted stuff"
is a very expensive, very rare hand cream. Very few people even know how to brew it. Naturally, I
am one of those people. Although if you use it all, you will be buying the ingredients for me to
make more.
I certainly was NOT complimenting you. Prat. I was just stating that your
ego is probably withering away from not being fawned over every second of every day and that only a
desperate bid for attention would save you from fading into obscurity.
I can't believe you can't have a five minute conversation without being
distracted by small children and kittens. Honestly. Unfortunately for us, I, too, spoke with Ms
Lehtonen and, as I'm sure you saw, Kingsley signed some sort of agreement that said we would play
in the match for a discounted rate on our room.
While I would be perfectly happy to pay for the room, Ms Lehtonen was
definitely a Slytherin as she won't allow it. To make matters worse, we are to play as Chasers so
as to not give our team an "unfair advantage". I begged her to let me play Beater but she was
somehow under the impression that I might attack you instead of the other players. I have no idea
PS (What was that about riding me into the ground? No one will be riding anyone on this vacation
however, I assure you, Potter, if either of us was going to "ride" the other, it would be me riding
you. Although I am impressed that you even have the ability to make sexual innuendos. You must be
really tired of your hand to be making them at me.)
That was NOT a sexual innuendo! You have the gall to talk about MY ego when yours could contain the
whole of Europe? And I wasn't sniffing your bloody lotions and hand cream. I just happened
to catch a whiff of the fragrance as I walked by. But since you're offering, I'll buy you the
ingredients to make some for me. I do like it.
I would prefer to fade into obscurity. Trust me on that.
I don't mind Chasing. Try to keep up.
PS (You are such a bottom it's not even a question.)
Draco darling,
It will end in bloodshed? I doubt that. It will end up in the bedroom, more likely. Why don't you
just try snogging him? You might be pleasantly surprised.
PS (Do bring me back some of that Finnish massage oil.)
I hate you.
Harry Potter
It's not ego if it's true. And the scent you liked was vanilla mint. If you buy the ingredients I
might be persuaded to brew some for you. If you ask nicely.
Potter, you couldn't be a janitor at Fortescue's and manage to fade into
obscurity. Just accept it.
I think it will be an issue of YOU keeping up with ME. I'll be flying
circles around you.
PS (There is not enough Firewhiskey in the world to convince me to bottom for anyone. Especially
What do you have against me that you keep suggesting these insane schemes? Schemes that will end
with me in Azkaban for killing Potter, or vice versa.
I will bring your massage oil.
As long as you and Malfoy get along by the time you come back, I don't care how you feel about
Vanilla mint. Brilliant. If you leave me the ingredient list, I'll place the order as soon as we
get back. If you don't mind. Please.
Can I use some of yours in the meantime?
I can't believe you actually made me laugh. Do you feel the world coming to
an end?
You're not supposed to fly circles around ME, you're supposed to fly circles around the PITCH. Do I
need to explain the rules of Quidditch? (Look there, the world isn't ending. And I feel better
PS (Damn, I'll cancel that Firewhiskey order immediately. How about cognac? Brandy? Gin?
PPS (I saw the way you handled that loud homophobic arsehole outside the spa
garden this morning. It was hot impressive. Well done.)
PPPS (See you on the pitch!)
If you use some of that charm of yours on Potter instead of acting like a complete prat around him,
he could be eating out of your hand. Literally.
Think about it.
Thank you, darling! Blaise says hi. (Actually, he says "Fuck off and have fun fucking Potter" but
he means hi.)
Actually, the thought of Potter eating out of my hand is rather enticing. Strawberries perhaps,
covered in cream. Hmm...
Tell Blaise I said "Ditto." Except for the Potter bit. I don't share.
Did you actually say please? To ME? You're right, the world is ending.
I can't believe I'm saying this but... yes, you can use my hand cream. As long as you use it
Oh look, you're back to being a bastard. Things feel much more normal
Alright, you can't deny that the Firewhiskey comment was flirting. You're flirting with me, Potter.
However, Pansy actually sent me an exceptionally expensive bottle of cognac (not that you'd know a
good cognac if it came up and bit you on the arse) if you'd like to share a drink after this farce
of a Quidditch game.
The idiot outside of the spa was obnoxious. I almost went back for another
massage after having to deal with him. Some people are pathetically close-minded. Also, I can't
believe you complimented me. The world feels like it is ending again.
Yes, see you on the pitch.
Congratulations on finally disposing of your denial. It was getting tiresome. I am curious,
however, as to what prompted it. Details, darling! Blaise says if Potter was his type he would have
had him at Hogwarts instead of arsing around for years.
Don't Crucio the messenger.
Good game, yeah? Bloody hell, it's been awhile since I've played Quidditch! I can't believe we won.
I nearly dislocated my hip on the last goal when that burly Beater almost took off my head. How are
the massage services here? I think I need one.
Nice ball handling out there, by the way. Your flying skills haven't diminished a bit. And yes,
that was a compliment. Again. And I am definitely flirting with you. I had no idea you'd be
amenable to that or I would have started years ago.
Cognac sounds brilliant. But not as brilliant as a massage. I had to take
the lift instead of the stairs. I feel like an invalid. And I can't until I meet with the Finnish
delegate, as Kingsley demanded. I am really not liking him. Kingsley, I mean, not the delegate. I
haven't met him yet. On my way there now. How did you escape this duty? The bloody mosquitoes are
eating me alive.
I thought I was still in shape but apparently not. Quidditch obviously needs to be added to the
Auror workout regime. I haven't been this sore since our first week of training.
Thank you for the compliment. Again. I am shocked. You were pretty brilliant yourself out there. I
suppose I can admit I've always enjoyed watching you fly. Except when you were beating me to the
YEARS ago? Are we talking "since Hogwarts" years ago or "since Auror
training" years ago?
Their massage services are not bad, but mine are better. What do you say we
have a glass of cognac and I'll give you one after my shower?
PS I escaped that duty because I am clever, and Kingsley doesn't trust me with diplomatic
I don't kiss and tell. Mostly because we haven't kissed - YET.
Tell Blaise to keep his filthy hands to himself.
I don't feel so bad now that I know you're feeling the pain, too. I'll definitely ask Kingsley to
add Quidditch to the training regime. In fact, we should have Interdepartmental teams. Why don't
I will have to say "since Voldemort's defeat" years, because you were a
dreadful prat at Hogwarts. Gorgeous, but a prat.
You are offering expensive cognac and a massage? I would be an idiot to
refuse either. (Despite what you think, I'm not an idiot.) What time is good for you?
PS (If your massage skills are up to par, I'll buy us both dinner.)
Sure you don't. I'll wait for the Pensive memory when you return.
We probably don't have Interdepartmental teams because some of our departments are hopeless
(Improper Use of Magic office) and some are just plain creepy (Unspeakables). But Auror Quidditch
games might be enjoyable from time to time.
I might admit I was not my usual charming self where you were concerned at
Hogwarts. However, you weren't exactly a ray of sunshine either.
I see your idiocy comes and goes. I am glad you're having a lucid day today
My shower should take about forty-five minutes so... 7:30? Unless you'd like to join me in said
shower? Then probably closer to 9:00.
If my massage skills are up to par (and they are) you'd better have ordered
room service ahead of time because you won't be able to move.
Sorry for not being more gracious and friendly at Hogwarts. It's difficult with an undead madman
plotting to kill you every moment.
A lucid day? Thank you for that. I would attempt a worthy comeback but I'm
afraid your offer of a dual shower has destroyed all rational thought.
Unless you are joking. In case you're not joking, I'll be there at 7:30.
With dinner. Please don't be joking.
PS (I'm not even sure the Auror Department could field a decent Quidditch team. Ron and Dean can
fly, but Harris couldn't stay on a broom if his life depended on it. Perhaps we should just try
one-on-one Seeker games?)
PPS (I can't wait to experience your massage skills. And other
The shower and I are waiting. Hurry.
Draco, Malfoy,
In case you wake up before I get back, I just stepped out to fetch some proper coffee and
breakfast. I think we're going to need it, especially since we sort of skipped dinner. You still
owe me a massage, as well, although your soaping-up talents are prodigious. I'm not sure I can
manage on my own. Perhaps another shower will be in order after my massage?
Thank you for I want you to know Fuck, you're gorgeous.
Anyway, I'll be right back. I hope you're still in bed. I promise to make it worth your while if
you are...
Thank you for the note letting me know where you were. If you had run out without a word I might
have been forced to throw your belongings in the pool.
Breakfast sounds divine. If you can track down a dark cherry mocha and some decent scones, I will
let you find out if that hand cream you like so much is edible.
I intend to demonstrate my massage skills when you return, as well as a
re-visitation of my soaping-up abilities as you called them. Both of those are definitely in
Again, hurry. I shall be languishing away in the bed, nude, possibly wanking, until you
Why did I not do Potter this years ago? I think I'll work on making up for lost time now. See you
in a month or so.
I'm hurrying! It's taking them some time to locate your beverage syrup. Also, the hotel manager
asks that you refrain from using the maids as couriers. And also from opening the door in the
altogether to shout at them while requesting messenger services.
If you're wanking, please try to hold off on the finale until I get there. I would love to watch.
And help.
You're about to get a vanilla mocha because this is taking too long.
PS (I'm sending this note by maid-courier because she graciously offered to wait for a reply.
Please note that I'm the jealous type. I'd hate to have to kill her.)
Malfoy and I are getting on much better. I suppose this was a good idea after all, therefore we've
decided to extend it for another few weeks in the interest of departmental cooperation. Don't
bother to owl. We'll be far too busy cooperating to reply.
Finally, it's about time. Wait, a MONTH?
I hope you both survive.
You were, as always, right. It took a few days but Potter Harry and I are getting along MUCH
We will be in Finland for a few more weeks but I promise we'll stop by your villa on France on our
way home.
Mission accomplished. I was certain they would kill each other but you were right. Enclosed please
find your Canons season tickets, as promised.
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Minister for Magic