Breakfast in the Great Hall was proceeding as usual.
Hermione had her nose in a book, anxiously studying for the end of year N.E.W.T.S. that she was
more than prepared for already. Ron had at least a whole piece and a half of toast with marmalade
shoved into his mouth and he was on the verge of losing it as he laughed at the punch line of one
of Seamus’s jokes. Harry sat, eyes glazed, watching the grease on his bacon congeal as he wondered
why morning came so early.
Life as usual in the House of Gryffindor. Perhaps it was that Harry was paying absolutely no
attention to the rest of his house that he noticed the slight commotion at the entryway. Blinking
slowly he lifted his head a smidge, seeing Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson arguing quietly at the
end of the Slytherin table. Pansy was gesticulating fiercely and looked near tears. Blaise was a
bit calmer and tears weren’t even in question, however, he did look worried.
Heads began to turn as Pansy’s voice started to rise. “But what if he…!” Blaise shushed her quickly
with a finger over her lips and pulled her into a brief hug before taking her hand and pulling
her…towards the Gryffindor table? ~What the hell?~ Harry sat up straighter and nudged Hermione. She
glanced up irritably and then followed Harry’s gaze to the two Slytherins making a beeline for
their section of table.
Blaise and Pansy stopped directly in front of Harry. ~Well, color me surprised.~ Harry sighed
inwardly. “We need to talk to you, Potter.” Blaise said shortly.
“So bloody what?” Ron chipped in, finally having swallowed the wad of bread in his mouth. “He
doesn’t need to talk to the likes of you.”
“Sod off Weasley.” Blaise didn’t even look at Ron as he delivered his response. “Well, Potter?”
Harry glanced at Hermione, wondering what she thought about it. “What exactly do you need to talk
to him about?” ~Well, that answered that~ He nearly smiled as Hermione glared at Pansy like she
would a particularly reprehensible bug.
“None of your business, Mudblood.” Pansy glared back. “We want to talk to Potter, not you or your
Weasel boyfriend.” Hermione looked more miffed at the idea that she was an item with Ron than she
did being called a Mudblood. As a matter of fact, she’d opened her mouth to deliver a scathing
retort to just that end when Harry interrupted.
“I think you can see that the idea of me wandering off with two Slytherins to ‘chat each other up’
isn’t going to go over well with Ron and ‘Mione.” He said calmly. “Perhaps if you’re truly
interested in talking, you wouldn’t mind them joining us.” He didn’t even bother to couch it as a
request. Blaise and Pansy took a moment to have some sort of conversation with their eyes and
facial expressions before the male Slytherin sighed.
“Fine. Come on.” He turned on his heel and stalked out of the room, dragging Pansy after him, not
even looking to see if Harry, Ron or Hermione were following. Rolling her eyes, Hermione stood and
carefully closed her book before placing it in her bag and regally exiting as though it were her
idea. Ron snickered behind her back and trotted along as well. Harry took a moment to glance at the
Slytherin table.
It seemed as though he was part of a floorshow. Every Slytherin eye, from first to seventh year,
was trained on him. Curious, he hurried his steps to get to the bottom of the mystery.
“So what is this about?” Ron demanded as the door to the Charms classroom closed behind them.
Blaise sneered at him and turned to look at Harry.
“I know you think everyone in Slytherin is part of a Junior Death Eater Brigade,” he began,
shooting a glare at Ron as the redhead snorted, “But we aren’t. Most of us live in dread of the
letter that tells us we’re next in line to get the Dark Mark.”
“You-Know-Who came back insane, Potter.” Pansy chimed in. “We know it. Our parents know it.”
“But, whereas some of our parents realize that lining up behind him at this point would be
tantamount to suicide…” Blaise continued.
“Some of them are so deeply enmeshed in the Dark Lord’s world that they’ll follow him to hell and
take everyone they can get their hands on with them.” Pansy finished. Ron snorted again. Harry and
Hermione exchanged concerned looks.
“So why are you sharing Death Eater secrets with us?” Hermione questioned.
Blaise sighed. “Me and Pansy…our parents are backing off. So are Vin and Greg’s parents. But there
is one Death Eater that is determined to see this through to the bloody end.”
“Malfoy.” Harry said quietly. Blaise and Pansy nodded.
“Draco’s dad has been after him to take the Dark Mark for nearly six months.” Pansy’s voice
quavered. “He’s been able to put him off with one reason or another so far, but Malfoy finally
refused to accept any excuse.”
“He demanded Draco come home immediately for the ceremony.” Blaise took over, reaching out a
comforting hand to the teary eyed girl. “Draco flat out refused this time. He told his father that
there was no way he was ever going to take the mark or join the Dark Lord and he said now that he’s
17, he wasn’t planning on coming home either.”
“He told his father to go ahead and disown him if he wanted. That he was going to become an Auror.”
Pansy wailed.
Ron looked mortified at the sight of a girl in tears. He scrabbled in his robe pockets until he
came up with a crumpled handkerchief and gingerly held it out to Pansy. She eyed it warily, then
took it with a tiny nod of her head and buried her face in it.
Harry could see the corner of Hermione’s mouth curl in a grin. “Well, I’m can’t say I’m sorry to
hear that.” He said instead of returning the smile. “I’m glad to know that Draco chose the right
side in the end.” His voice died off as Blaise shook his head.
“It’s not the end, Potter. Lucius is insane. There was no way he was going to sit by and let Draco
humiliate him like that. We thought we were ready for anything he could throw at us. We had plans
with Dumbledore, even, to find a way to keep Dray here and safe until his father screwed up and got
himself caught.”
Pansy wiped the last of her tears away. “We were wrong. We never though his father would go to such
an extreme.”
Hermione frowned. “What extreme?”
“Lucius broke through Hogwarts wards last night and kidnapped Draco from the dorms.” Blaise said
“We have to get him out, Potter.” Pansy pleaded, eyes wide.
“We?” Hermione asked, arching a brow. “Why we?”
Blaise sighed. “Dumbledore can’t do anything. Legally, Lucius can do anything he wants. If we tell
Dumbledore he’ll just refuse to let us do anything. So a rescue mission is the only way.”
“Besides,” Pansy glared at Harry, “Dray said if anything ever happened to him or if he went missing
or…dead…that we were to go to you, Potter.”
Harry blinked in surprise. “Me? Why me?”
Blaise snorted. “I have no idea. Maybe it’s cause you’re a Gryffindor with all that entails,
including crappy honesty, loyalty and bravery.” He rolled his eyes. “But mostly he just said that
his death belongs to you and he refused to gift it to anyone else.”
Ron and Hermione stared, stunned, at the Slytherin. Harry just nodded absently. “Er, what the hell
does that mean?” Ron demanded. Blaise shrugged.
“I understand.” Harry said softly. “I’d rather my death belong to Draco than Voldemort.” Everyone
flinched. “At least Draco would give it meaning. It wouldn’t be just another notch in Voldemort’s
Hermione’s face cleared, understanding sinking into her eyes. Ron still looked confused. Harry
smiled gently. “Draco may hate me, Ron, but he’d let me die honorably, or at least on even terms.
He wouldn’t just murder me. And he wouldn’t just hand me over to Voldemort. I can do no less for
Blaise looked hopeful. “So you’ll help us?”
Harry nodded. “Of course. I’ll need to get some things from the dorm, and then I’ll be ready to
go.” He turned to speak to Ron and Hermione. Ron just held up a hand.
“Please don’t waste your breath, mate.” He grinned. “You aren’t going anywhere without us.” Harry
grinned back.
“I knew that.”
Less than ten minutes later, the group of five teens gathered outside the entrance hall. Blaise
rode double with Pansy. Ron rode double with Hermione. Harry took to the air alone. As they flew
into the night sky, bright blue eyes watched their progress from a tower window.
“Go safely, children.” Albus Dumbledore whispered. “And bring him home.”
Draco bit through his tongue again as the spell wracked through his body. He hated this fucking
curse. It certainly wasn’t the first time it was used on him, though it had never been used as
coercion before. ‘Draco, you will not speak back to me! Crucio!’ Draco, you will never associate
with that mixed blood again. Crucio!’ Draco, you didn’t fawn over the Death Eater I was trying to
impress. Crucio!’
Yes, cruciatus as a punishment was an old hat. Never had his father applied it to force Draco to do
something. He rather thought this was worse. At least as punishment, the torture had a finite end.
As a coercion, not only did he have no idea how long his father planned to let it wrench his
muscles, guts and bones each time, but Lucius seemed to delight in repeat performances.
~At least the pain is everywhere this time. Not just in my ass.~ A disassociated Draco thought
wryly, remembering the rape from earlier. Actually, the cruciatus seemed to be avoiding the bloody
and raw area Lucius had abused. It was as if, in its determination to agonize every part of his
body, it realized that one area had already taken its share of suffering.
~Either that, or it doesn’t want sloppy seconds.~ He snickered though gritted teeth. The snicker
grew into a chuckle and Lucius stared in confused anger at his insanely laughing son.
Abruptly, he cut the spell. Draco dropped like a ton of bricks. His arms wrenched up in their
sockets and he stopped laughing. “Either I’ve broken that rather pitiful mind of yours or you are
still defying me.” Lucius growled. Draco forced himself back to his feet, hiding the winces. Baring
his teeth, he defiantly flipped his index and middle fingers out from their fist clenched
Lucius grinned. “Oh, goody.”
“This way,” Blaise whispered, waving the others under the clinging ivy. As the last of the rescue
team moved past, he took one last glance around and then slipped in behind the covering green
foliage. Pansy grabbed his arm as soon as he came beside her. He gave her a reassuring smile and
pulled his wand. “Lumos.” He whispered.
The tiny beam of light illuminated frightened, yet determined faces. “Leave the brooms here.” He
murmured. “We’ll try to come out the same way.”
“Do you know where Lucius is keeping him?” Harry asked quietly, dropping his broom onto the
Blaise shook his head. “I know he’s probably in the dungeons. And I have a general idea of which
part from Dray’s stories.”
Harry frowned. “Stories?” Blaise looked startled and then shot a worried glance at Pansy. She
raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, Blaise. Stories?” She crossed her arms.
Blaise sighed. “Bloody hell. Okay, fine. Dray’s dad had a special room made in the dungeon
for…entertainment. He built a torture chamber attached to a viewing room with a one-way
invisibility spell on it. A group of, say, ten people could sit in armchairs, sip drinks and watch
while he tortured muggles or mudbloods.” The trio looked mortified. Pansy just frowned.
He winced. “Dray told me how his dad would punish him in there. Letting all his Death Eater friends
see how well disciplined Dray was.” Pansy gagged and clamped a hand over her mouth. Tears rushed to
her eyes and she shook her head desperately. Blaise looked at her in sorrow. He nodded.
Hermione caught Pansy as she bolted for the door. She wrapped her arms around the slight shaking
shoulders and pinned her against the wall. “No, Pansy. No leaving.” She whispered fiercely. “We
have to rescue him. If he is in that room, we have to get him out. We need you. Please. Draco needs
you.” Pansy stood stiffly in Hermione’s embrace and then crumpled, her body quaking with silent
Hermione rocked her until she calmed. Sniffling, she pulled away from the Gryffindor. “Okay. Let’s
go.” She gave a tremulous smile to the other girl. Hermione returned it and took her hand as they
continued down the hallway.
*Thwak!* Draco’s head hit the rock again.
*Whoosh!* Once again, Draco struggled to suck air back into his lungs.
*Snap!* A whimper was swallowed as a rib was finally pushed beyond it’s limits.
“Beg me, boy,” Lucius hissed. “Beg me to let you become a Death Eater and I might stop.” He swung
again at Draco’s face causing yet another line of blood to spew from vermilion painted lips.
“Fugh you,” Draco snarled and then spat a mouthful of bloody saliva towards Lucius.
“Then again,” Lucius sneered, “I may just move on to something more…painful.”
“It should be just past this outcropping,” Blaise whispered. The other teens didn’t bother to
answer, silence utmost in their minds. True to his word, as soon as they stepped around the corner
they met with a steel door. Blaise waved them forward. “This is the door to the viewing room I told
you about. We should be able to see if Dray is in the…other chamber from there.”
Hermione pursed her lips, “And what if someone else is ‘viewing’ Draco already?” Astonishment
turned to embarrassment.
“Er, I never even thought of that,” Blaise admitted.
“So, we just get ready to hex anyone that moves in the room as soon as the door is opened.” Ron
declared. “They aren’t expecting us, so they won’t have their wands ready. We should have the
element of surprise.”
Harry nodded appreciatively. “Good idea.” They each settled into a position in front of the door,
Ron and Blaise kneeling and Harry and the girls standing behind them. Everyone had their wands at
the ready and a hex or curse on their lips. Blaise reached up and shoved the door open.
There was no one there. They exchanged flushed looks and shrugged awkwardly, moving into the plush
room. Blaise had been correct. It was truly a room meant for comfort. Cushy armchairs sat at
various points around the room, heavy carpeting and tapestries in rich colors decorated the rock,
making it almost cozy. Then your eyes were drawn to the centerpiece of the room.
A huge 8 by 10 wall, totally see through lay in front of them. What was worse…was so did Draco and
Stumble. *Hiss*
Chuckle. *Crack!*
“You know, son. This hurts me more than it does you.” Lucius pouted, pulling back the crimson laden
whip for another swing.
“Well, now, old chap…I already fucked you,” Lucius snickered. “Did you forget already?” He tsk
tsked. “Must have taken one too many blows to the head.”
“So, here we are, alone again.” The amusement was heavy in Lucius’ voice.
“You and I together. Just like it was meant to be, son. Together.”
“It’s so right. How can you deny that we are meant to sit at my Dark Lord’s hands together? A
matching set.”
“I will n-never-“
“Sit with you at Voldemort’s side.” Draco spat.
“I think you will, son. You have a strong survival instinct in you.” Lucius sounded almost
“And if you refuse my Lord tomorrow, then you will die by my hand. Now, I know you don’t want to
die. Do you, son?”
“Please, Blaise!” Pansy wailed softly. “Stop him!”
“You get Draco, I’ll choke Malfoy with his fucking whip.” Ron grated.
Hermione looked startled to see Ron so angry, and about Draco too. Harry just shook his head. “No.
We can’t go rushing in there.” Pansy’s wail turned to a growl.
“You know Lucius has guards standing outside that door. Probably more Death Eaters. They’d be on us
before we could even unhook Draco from the bars. We have to wait until he leaves. You heard
him…he’s going to keep Draco alive at least til tomorrow. That means we can slip in and free him
tonight, when no one is around to catch us. We just have to grit our teeth and wait.”
Blaise pulled Pansy into his arms and whispered in her ear. After a moment, she nodded and flung
herself into a chair, burying her face and covering her ears with her hands.
“Master Lucius?” a quavering voice broke Lucius’ concentration. He turned with a snarl.
“What is it?”
The house elf cowered under the weight of Malfoy’s wrath. “The Dark Lord requires your presence at
the fireplace in your study, sir.”
Lucius swallowed the comment on the tip of his tongue and nodded brusquely. The house elf scampered
away quickly, knowing how lucky he was to escape this time. Lucius turned back to his son’s ripped
flesh. “I will be back in a few moments, my son.” He purred. “I’ll do you a favor and not tell the
Dark Lord of your temporary lack of faith, as I’m sure that will change by tomorrow.”
Draco didn’t have the strength to even hurl an insult at his father as the man left the room. He
slumped against the wall, hanging weakly on the chains. The pain was breaking in black waves over
him. His vision wavered and he blinked away a rivulet of sweat and blood that trickled from a cut
on his eyebrow. He grinned, though with his swollen lips, he knew it was more of a sneer. “I didn’t
know that being on the side of light would hurt so much.” He laughed hollowly.
The waves were coming faster now and he felt his head droop to his chest. In panic, he jerked it
up, banging it on the rock behind him. “Do not pass out…do not pass out. He’ll only make it worse
if you do.” He fiercely ordered himself. Listening to his own voice gave him something to
concentrate on, rather than the individual pains throughout his body.
“Just stay awake, Dray. Stay awake.” He gave a small whimper. “Fuck. Think of something to think
about. I wonder if Blaise and Pansy went to Harry.” A snort. “Of course they went to him. You told
them to, prat. Of course that idiot Weasel probably convinced him it was just some plot to hand the
Boy Who Lived over to Voldemort.”
In the hidden room, Ron flushed darkly, embarrassed at being so predictable. “Can we get him now
and get the hell out of here?” He asked sulkily. Harry shook his head. “Lucius said he’d be right
back.” Ron sighed in irritation.
“Even if he didn’t,” Draco continued, “Potter has better things to do than save your ass, Dray.
Even if it is a fine ass…or at least my father thinks so.” He sniggered, which turned into
hiccupping, sobbing laughs that caused Pansy and Hermione to press closer together and blink away
tears. They watched as he got himself under control.
“Bloody hell, even if they managed to convince Potter, they’d never convince Weasel or the
Mudblood.” Ron glared, his embarrassment quickly forgotten. Hermione just sighed sadly. “I wonder
if they have any idea how much I envy them?” He continued, barely above a whisper. He leaned his
head back and closed his eyes, shifting against the jagged rocks and wincing as they cut against
his flesh.
“Fucking Weasley has more honor in his little finger than you have galleons in the bank, Dray.” He
snorted. “No one doubts that he’d die for Harry. Or that Harry would die for him. Of course, Harry
would rather let Ron kill me than look twice at me.” He let out a bitter chortle.
“And then you have that fucking muggle born Granger. Of course, she has to be smart, pretty,
talented and able to be with Harry anytime she wants. Fucking Holy Trinity.” He growled and jerked
at his bonds. He hung his head and stood quietly for long moments. Just when the watchers thought
he had finally succumbed to a blackout, they heard his voice again. Thin, reedy, full of tears.
“If they’re so bloody horrible, Father, then why do their parents love them so much? Why are
Mione’s parents not jealous of her, even though they’re muggles? They support her. They’re proud of
her.” He jerked against the chains again and screamed. “But you can’t stand that I might be a
better wizard than you, can you, Father? You can’t stand that you can only ride Voldemort’s
coattails, draining power from him like a leach!”
He slumped again, moaning as he caused his body to throb in protest. “And the Weasleys.” He gave
another ironic laugh. “Who the fuck wouldn’t give their right arm to be in a family like that? Who
wouldn’t trade a drunken, spell addicted mother who never wanted children for one who bakes you
cookies, knits you god awful sweaters and adopts your best friend because he has no one to love
His tears came faster. “Who wouldn’t give up a power hungry father who beats and rapes you, and
plans to turn you over in bondage to the most evil thing in existence? Especially when the
alternative is a goofy clueless dork that works his fingers to the bone to feed and clothe his
family. I bet Arthur Weasley kisses his wife goodbye and hugs his children every day before going
to work.”
A slight smile lit his face as his eyes closed. “I bet he sits at the head of the table and asks
how their day was and then goes out for a round of Quidditch before bed.” His smile turned into a
glower. “But then, I’m so very lucky.” He spit. “I get to sit, staring at a fucking centerpiece, 12
chairs away from my father in dead silence. Then I get to participate in a rousing hour or two of
learning how to kill someone with a fucking word.”
He smacked his head against the wall, in penance. “I hate you…I hate you…I hate you!” He
The door opened and Lucius stalked back in. “Is there a reason you’re shouting, son?” He asked,
quirking an eyebrow.
“Don’t call me son, you bloody bastard!” Draco shrieked. “ I hate you! I hate everything you stand
for! I will never serve you or Voldemort.”
Lucius just smiled fondly, an expression that held no affection. “Then you will die, my son.”
“So kill me already, you cowardly bastard!” He screamed. “What the hell are you waiting for?”
Lucius smirked. “I’ll give you this evening to think about it. I must go. My lord requires my
Draco snorted and then sent a mouthful of bloody spittle sailing through the air to spat on Lucius’
pristine robes. “Run along then, puppy. Run to your master. I just hope that Harry leaves you alive
long enough to witness the bloody, painful death of the moldy arse you lick.”
Lucius finally pulled his eyes away from the glob sliding down his robe. His expression turned from
disgust to anger. He stepped forward and punched Draco in the stomach. Air whooshed out of the
boy’s lungs in a tortured wheeze. His father then snatched the hair falling into Draco’s eyes and
slammed the boy’s head back into the rock with a sickly thud.
“Is that why you’re resisting so very hard, son?” He sneered. “You thing that Harry perfect Potter
is going to save you? Do you think he’s going to save your tortured soul? Do you think he will
defeat our dark lord and free you from your ‘horrible duty’ of absolute freedom and power? Do you
think for a moment that he doesn’t believe you are here of your own free will? That you aren’t
begging to sit at our lord’s left hand?”
Lucius ran his hand lovingly over Draco’s face. “He won’t save you, son. He hates you. He loathes
you. If he weren’t such an honorable Gryffindor, he would kill you himself, laughing himself
stupid. You are nothing to him.” He smiled softly, a terrifying expression that had no place on
Lucius Malfoy’s face. “You aren’t anything to anyone, Draco. You are a means to an end. An
annoying, whining, disgusting means to a glorious end. Which is the only reason I have tolerated
your existence to this point. He will not save you, Draco. No one will save you.”
Draco smiled through the blood staining his lips and teeth. “He’s already saved me…father.” Draco
whispered. “He may not rescue me from you before you can kill me. Or even from Voldemort before he
destroys me. But he’s already saved me.” He sneered back into eyes so like his own. “He may think
I’m here because I want to be, but if he were to meet me on a field of battle, he’d still weep at
my death. Because he gave me a choice, father. A choice in my destiny. Maybe he thinks I’ve picked
the wrong one, but he will grieve my loss just as he would grieve anyone’s. Because of who he is.
Because of how he thinks and how he feels.” Draco laughed, a horrible gurgling sound. “Anyway, I’d
rather have Harry Potter laughing at my death than a single tear from you.”
Lucius’ face disintegrated into a feral mask. He slammed Draco’s head into the rock one last time
and then stormed to the door. With a growl, he turned on his heel and pointed his wand at his son.
“Crucio!” He snapped, ignoring the muffled howl from Draco as he slammed and locked the door behind
“Now!” Harry stated firmly. The teens poured out of the viewing room and rushed towards the
twitching, whimpering blonde.
Hermione aimed her wand. “Finite Incantatum!” And Draco dropped. Harry stepped up and hoisted the
bloodied body up to ease the strain on his wrists.
Ron took care of the cuffs. “Alohomora!” As they snapped free, Harry gathered Draco in his arms.
Ron stepped forward and pulled his cloak off, wrapping it around the nude, battered body of his
Draco whimpered and his lashes fluttered, determined to see why his sense of equilibrium seemed
off. He looked up, dazed and confused, into green eyes bright with unshed tears. He frowned.
“Harry?” he whispered.
Harry smiled gently. “Yes, Dray. It’s me. It’s Harry. You’re going to be okay. We’re here. He can’t
hurt you anymore. You’re safe.”
Draco smiled slightly and closed his eyes again. “Harry…safe.” He muttered, and buried his face
into Harry’s chest.
Harry bit his lip to keep from crying. “Mione? Can you lighten him a bit so we can move
Hermione nodded and pointed her wand again. “Exonerare!”
Harry easily climbed to his feet, carrying his burden. “Blaise, get us the hell out of here.”
Harry held Draco tenderly, easing him past rocky outcroppings and trying to keep a steady pace so
as not to jostle him. Draco was about a quarter of his weight, but even that was beginning to wear
on Harry’s arms and he was quietly relieved to see their brooms leaning against the wall up ahead.
He watched Blaise grab his for him and he began to mentally figure out how he was going to get an
unconscious Draco to hold on to the broom.
As he stepped out into the night, he heard a terrified squeak, an angry shout and the words, “Omnis
Stupefy!” A cold, heavy feeling settled in his stomach and he lifted his head out of the covering
of ivy leaves. Blaise stood frozen, his and Harry’s brooms at his feet. Pansy was motionless as
well, though she had her hands up covering her mouth. Hermione stood, wand in hand and mouth open
to cast something. Ron stood snarling, fists frozen in clenched balls.
A low chuckle came floating to his ears. He turned. Lucius waggled the fingers not currently
holding his wand at him. “How very strange.” He smiled slyly. “Draco was right about something. Had
I known that kidnapping my own son would bring the vaunted Harry Potter to me, I would have done it
years ago.” He shrugged elegantly. “No, matter. I have you here now. Come with me willingly and I
will let your little friends go. Fight me, and I will kill them while you watch…and you’ll still
come with me.”
Harry snorted, unconsciously clutching Draco closer to his chest. “Bollocks. You’d never let them
go anyway. They’ve seen what you’ve done.”
Lucius grinned coldly and inclined his head. “Indeed, Potter. You seem to have grown in wisdom
since our last encounter. On that note, though…I suppose I should get started on eradicating your
friends.” He laughed almost gleefully. “I think I’ll begin with my idiot son.” His wand tip lowered
a couple of inches, pointing right at Draco’s chest.
Harry watched in horror as a sickening green light began to build on the tip. He knew that casting
Avada Kedavra didn’t take this long. He knew it. He’d watched it; he’d felt it somewhere in the
back of his mind. But everything seemed to be going in slow motion and he didn’t know why. He
didn’t complain, however, as it gave him time to make a decision.
His life or Draco’s? Every rotten meeting, every hateful word, every spiteful action and horrible
glare they’d shared whirled through his head. But each time he began to focus on one thought in
particular, Draco appeared to him as he had in the dungeon; a terrified, beaten boy who looked up
at him with trusting eyes and said, “Harry…safe.”
It really required no thought at all. He spun, presenting his back to Lucius Malfoy. Closing his
eyes against the horror in his friends’ eyes, he began to concentrate. ~Invertere… Invertere…
Invertere… Invertere… Invertere…~ He willed it to work with every fiber of his being.
“Avada Kedavra!”
He felt a cold chill surge towards him and then a warm pressure surrounding him, like a protective
comforting hug. A flash of green shone through his closed eyelids and he squeezed Draco tightly.
After a moment, he cracked an eye open. He glanced down at the still form in his arms. Well, he
obviously wasn’t dead. He opened his other eye and scanned Draco for injuries.
He nearly fainted in relief when he heard a slight wheeze emanate from the boy. He moved his glance
to the others. Still in the same positions. He closed his eyes again, briefly, knowing what had
happened. With a sigh, he knelt, easing Draco onto his lap for support. He pulled his wand from his
cloak and ended the spell holding the other four teens motionless.
As they began to move, he dropped his wand and hugged Draco to him knowing that as soon as the boy
woke, this small precious moment of safety was gone. “Harry?” Hermione murmured, stepping forward.
Ron reached out and stilled her with a gentle hand on her arm. She looked at him in confusion, but
when he shook his head, she fell into silence.
Harry was grateful.
Pansy was the first to break. Tears in her eyes, she shuffled forward and dropped to her knees in
front of Harry. “Is he okay?” she whispered.
Harry managed a small smile. “He will be. Just as soon as we can get him back to Hogwarts.” Pansy
picked up one of Draco’s hands and stroked it gently. They sat together like that for long
Finally, Blaise stepped forward. “I’ll see about getting us a carriage. It’ll be easier than
brooms and now we don’t have to worry about…” He trailed off, miserably looking for a conclusion to
his statement. Harry just nodded, closed his eyes and dwelt in the moment.
The carriage ride to Hogwarts was long and the silence was heavy. Hermione had contacted Dumbledore
via the floo network in Lucius’ study and had been informed that the hospital would be ready for
them when they arrived.
Ron, Hermione and Blaise sat on one side of the carriage, eyes locked on the three inhabiting the
other side. Harry and Pansy only had eyes for Draco who didn’t stir once during the whole ride.
Harry had refused to let go of the blonde boy and Pansy seemed to relapse into hysteria if she
wasn’t touching some part of her friend at all times.
And so, Pansy rhythmically petted Draco’s knee as Harry had him tucked up under his own chin,
resting his head on Draco’s silvery curls. Hermione began shaking halfway home and couldn’t seem to
stop. In unspoken agreement, Ron and Blaise each grasped a hand and held on while she fought off a
When the carriage arrived at Hogwarts, Hermione visibly pulled herself together and took charge of
Pansy. Between her and Blaise, they pulled the moaning girl away from Draco, reassuring her that he
was in good hands. That Harry wouldn’t let anything hurt him. That statement was met with a nod and
a noticeable relaxation. Not that it was a big surprise, Hermione thought. He did just save him
from the Killing Curse.
Harry had no idea where the sudden protective urge came from. Granted, he did just kill Draco’s
father and that left him feeling slightly responsible, but he couldn’t seem to force himself to
unwrap his arms from around the other boy. He caused no few startled looks when he literally
growled at Snape, who attempted to divest Harry of his burden.
He brushed past Pomfrey, ready with her wand, and headed to the infirmary. A cold glare from his
green eyes chased all eyes away from him as he passed students in the corridor. Kicking open the
infirmary doors, he headed for the closest bed. Gently laying Draco down, he pulled up a chair
right next to the bed and dropped into it.
He was staring stoically at the pale, dirty face when the entourage of adults made their way into
the room. Pomfrey tut-tutted at the shape Draco was in and quickly went to work stripping him of
his clothes and casting cleansing spells onto his skin to rid it of the dirt and excess blood.
Snape cleared his throat. “Potter-“
“No.” Harry stated coldly, never taking his eyes off of Draco. “I will not leave him alone.”
Snape looked taken aback that he should be spoken to in such a manner. “But-“
“I said no, Professor.” He glanced up and met the black eyes for the briefest of moments. Snape’s
lips pursed, but he turned away, muttered to Pomfrey and took his leave.
“Harry,” Dumbledore said kindly.
“No.” Harry repeated, looking into gentle blue eyes this time. “If you want to know what happened,
ask the others. They have just as good of an idea as I do. And I’m not leaving him.”
Dumbledore smiled softly. “I’ll have some fresh clothes sent down to you.” Harry nodded in thanks
and Dumbledore made his way from the room. Pomfrey eyed him for a moment, then turned away shaking
her head and went to retrieve more bandages.
Harry woke to the strange feeling of fingers in his hair. He blinked groggily and green eyes met
gray. He sat bolt upright. “How are you feeling?” He asked quietly.
Draco smiled weakly. “Like I’ve been tortured?” Harry nodded, not returning the smile. Draco let
his hand fall to the bed. “I understand I have you to thank for saving me,” he croaked.
Harry shook his head. “Not really. Pansy and Blaise came up with the idea and led us in. Hermione
ended the crucio and Ron freed you. I really didn’t do anything but carry you and…” his voice
faltered and his eyes squeezed shut.
“And?” Draco prodded gently, his hand itching to bury itself in Harry’s hair again. “And saved me
from the killing curse by shielding me from it with your own body?” Harry’s eyes shot open. Draco
smiled sadly at him. “I know. Hermione and the others were in here earlier. We didn’t want to wake
“I’m so sorry, Draco,” Harry whispered chokingly.
Draco gave in to his desire and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Harry’s ear. “Why should you
be sorry, Harry?” He asked gently. “You didn’t kill him. He killed himself.” Harry winced. “You
didn’t cast Avada, Harry.”
“But I reflected it.” Harry said so quietly that Draco had to strain to hear him.
“Yes you did.” Draco nodded. “But that spell would have reflected any hex, any curse, any charm.
You didn’t choose that part. My father did.”
“But he’s dead, Dray!” Harry burst out. “He was your father and now he’s dead because of something
I did.”
Draco struggled to sit up. Harry hurriedly moved to help him and then waited while he caught his
breath. “Hermione told me what you saw in the viewing room. What you all saw.” Draco began. “I
can’t say that I’m not humiliated beyond all belief, but I know that no one who was in that room
would ever betray my confidence. You saw what he did to me. What he’s done to me for years. Just
think, Harry. If he’d do that to his own son, what has he done to others? To muggles? All in the
name of Voldemort.”
He sighed. “My father died a long time ago, Harry. As a matter of fact, I don’t remember ever
having a father. I had a master. I had an owner. But I never had a father. He deserved to die years
ago, before he could hurt so many others. And I think it’s only fitting that he died from the same
curse he used so viciously on others. That he tried to use on his own flesh and blood.”
He wiped away a tear coursing its way unnoticed down Harry’s face. “I’m so very sorry you had to
bear witness to his downfall like that.” He continued softly. “I can only imagine what his death
must feel like to you. I know you feel guilty. That you feel sorrow for the passing of another’s
life. You wouldn’t be Harry Potter if you didn’t.” He smiled wryly.
“But please…please don’t add any guilt on my part to your shoulders. Because I feel none. I feel
no anger, no sorrow, no gladness. I truly feel nothing but relief. I’m free, Harry.” A twin tear to
the one on Harry’s face appeared on Draco’s, and Harry returned the favor.
“So, Boy Wonder.” Draco sniffed, smiling. “Why did you do it?”
Harry gazed steadily into deep gray eyes. “I suppose I’ve saved a lot of people in my life.” He
began. “Nameless, unknown people who may or may not have died barring my interference. But it’s
never been real. I’ve saved them as an after effect; as a secondary goal. I saved them because it’s
what I have to do. What I’m expected to do.”
He cocked his head to the side and traced the lines of Draco’s face. “I’ve always been willing to
die for the cause, Draco. Always for the cause. Never for me. It must seem strange to you, that I
long for the right to choose my own death. But I’ve never been granted that right. My life is on
hold until Voldemort decides to take it.” He smiled sadly.
“But tonight, I finally realized something. You showed it to me, Draco.”
Draco hardly dared to breathe. “What was it?”
“I saw the cause. In your eyes.” Harry’s gaze turned hazy as he thought back. “I saw the reason I
do it. I saw the trust in your eyes as I held you, helpless in my arms. I watched the panic recede
when you realized it was me. And I realized that you are the cause.”
Draco blinked, confused.
Harry smiled. “You are the cause, Dray. Hermione is the cause. Ron and Dumbledore and even
Snape…all the cause. I’m not fighting for a nameless responsibility. I’m fighting for you. And for
Hermione and Ron, Blaise and Pansy. I’m fighting so that you never have to have that terrified look
in your eyes again. I’m fighting to keep you safe.”
Harry’s eyes lit up his face and Draco caught his breath. “I can choose my own death, Draco. Better
yet, I can choose my own life. I can choose to sacrifice it, throwing myself blindly about,
valiantly waving the flag of light; or I can live it, reveling in the fact that it is mine to
Draco watched, transfixed by the emotion on Harry’s face. Harry smiled sweetly at him and took both
his hands.
“So why did I do it, you ask? Because you saved me too, Dray. You saved me too.”