1 The Momentum of Volition
Even after all this time, Diagon Alley still amazed
Harry. Little had changed over the years. The shops that had been destroyed during the war had been
rebuilt just as they were, right down to the creaking old chair and dusty boxes at Ollivander's.
Each time he tapped the bricks behind the Leaky Cauldron and walked through the entrance, he felt
the same sense of childish wonder he had when he was eleven.
"Hey mate, what's with the silly look?"
Harry's grin morphed into a genuine smile. Many things had remained the same since his childhood.
Sometimes Harry found himself longing for those days again, without Voldemort trying to kill him,
of course. He turned to Ron and shook his head. "Nothing. Just reminiscing I guess. Where do we
Ron pulled a long strip of parchment from his robe and scowled as he handed it over. They'd been
shopping in Muggle London for the last two hours, but had only managed to cross five items off the
"Do you think Hermione will ever trust me to stay at home with Margaret alone?"
Harry laughed and patted Ron on the shoulder as they weaved their way along the crowded street.
"She's only a week old, Ron. You had to know Hermione would be an overly protective mum."
"Yeah, but she... I'm Maggie's dad! I could at least—" Ron stopped so suddenly Harry almost
ran right into him.
"What?" Harry's stomach tumbled as he turned in the direction Ron was staring. Draco Malfoy was
strolling down the street, his deep blue robes swaying in the light breeze. "What's he doing here?"
Draco hadn't been to Diagon Alley since the war. That's what house elves are for, he always
used to say. Harry hadn't realised he'd taken a step forward until he felt Ron's hand grip his arm
"Harry, don't. You'll just reopen old wounds."
"That particular wound has yet to heal. Besides, I—"
"You can't still care about him, Harry. After what he did?"
"He didn't do anything, Ron."
"He walked out on you, or have you forgotten?"
Harry's eyes followed Draco until he disappeared in the direction of Knockturn Alley. Ron's hand
fell away, followed by an exasperated huff. His best friend had never understood how Harry could
have fallen in love with their oldest rival. Even after they'd moved in together and Draco had
attempted to be friendly, Ron had not understood. "I just want to see what he's up to."
"Come on, mate, you're too old to be repeating sixth year. Just let it go, all right?"
"I'm not!" Harry turned to Ron with an apologetic smile. "Go finish your shopping. I'll meet you
back at the Leaky Cauldron in an hour."
"Like hell you will. If you insist on going on this wild niffler chase, you'll need someone to
watch your back."
"I think I can handle myself. Just—"
"With anyone else, yes. With the Ferret? You've still got blinders on, I'm afraid."
Harry didn't argue. Ron could come, or Ron could stay. Either way, he was going to find Draco and
get some long overdue answers.
"Theo, don't be an idiot. The war's been over for years. It's time to move on. Let Pansy go."
It hadn't taken long for Harry to find Draco, even in the veritable maze of Knockturn Alley. His
instincts were better now than during the war, and his instincts regarding Draco had always been
good. They were down a narrow passageway just off the main alley. Draco's back was to Harry, his
shoulders stiff and alert. Nott, and presumably Pansy, were hidden behind a stall with barrels that
likely housed illegal potion ingredients.
"Move on, Draco? That's easy for you to say. I don't like being treated like a second class
"We're treated like criminals, Theo. Which, if you remember correctly, is precisely what we
"We're treated like criminals? You mean the rest of us, don't you? In typical Malfoy fashion
you seem to have escaped the worst of it."
"You think losing my parents was escaping?"
"Oh, but it all changed after that, didn't it Draco? I still don't know how you managed to finagle
your way into Potter's good graces. I suppose that fine arse of yours was worth something after
all. Who would have thought the Boy Wonder would fall for—"
"Shut up."
Harry's heart caught in his throat. Ron had always argued that Draco had only used him to get back
into society's favour, but Harry had never believed it. He knew that what they'd had was
more than that. Not even Draco was that good of an actor.
"This has nothing to do with Potter. If you want to punish me for whatever you think I've done then
get on with it. Just let Pansy go and leave Potter out of it."
Nott laughed hysterically and Harry could see him inching forward, his wand gripped tightly in his
hand. Harry ducked behind another stall to avoid being seen. "Leave him out of it? Oh, I don't
think so. See, without him, none of this would be happening. If he'd only died when he was supposed
to, the Dark Lord would have won."
Draco's shoulders slumped and he ran his fingers through his long blonde hair. When he spoke, he
seemed more exhausted than Harry had seen him for a very long time. "What's done is done, Theo. You
can't change the past."
"But that's where you're wrong, Draco."
In the split second it took for Nott to raise his wand, Harry's instincts kicked in as never
before. "Draco, no!" he yelled, and barrelled forward, knocking Draco to the ground just as the
spell hit them both.
Harry felt as though he'd been swimming for hours in a very narrow tunnel. His limbs felt weak and
his head throbbed. He wished he could see where he was going, but his vision was blurred by
thousands of bright lights, as if he were in the middle of a busy street with thousands of Knight
Buses flashing by him at lightning speed.
"Potter, get off me, you oaf."
Harry tried to open his eyes to see who was talking to him, but his lids were too heavy. He groped
around for something to hold on to but found only emptiness.
He felt someone grab him and he tried to hold on, but his fingers were too weak. His chest felt
constricted, each breath taking more effort than the one before.
"Harry, snap out of it! What the hell are you doing?"
Harry felt warmth against his chest, and after what seemed like hours, he finally managed to open
his eyes to find he was lying on a plush carpet with Draco half underneath him. He sat up slowly,
blinking to clear his vision, and looked around at a room he didn't recognize. "Where are we?"
"How the hell should I know?" Draco scurried backwards as though the mere touch of Harry's hands
had burned him. He started to stand, but then paused as he looked around the room. "No," he
whispered. "It can't be."
"What?" Draco's eyes were wide with confusion. "Where are we?" Harry repeated.
Draco shook his head, drawing his knees up to his chest to wrap his arms around them. "We can't
be," he repeated, his confusion giving way to something that looked almost like terror.
"Draco?" Harry reached out to lay his hand on Draco's forearm. "What's the matter?"
When Draco finally met his eyes, for a moment, Harry saw the man he'd fallen in love with. "We're
at the Manor."
Harry tightened his grip on Draco's arm, worrying for the man's sanity. "We can't be. Malfoy Manor
burned to the ground years ago, remember?"
"Thanks for the history lesson, Potter." Draco pushed Harry away and stood, crossing the room to
the bedside table. He picked up a photo, holding it up for Harry to see. It was the Slytherin
Quidditch team. "The first year I made Seeker," Draco explained. The next photo he held up was
clearly a wedding photo of his parents. "There's no question of where we are," Draco said as he
replaced the photos carefully. "The question is, when."
Harry glanced around the room. A large Slytherin banner hung on the far wall. Bookshelves lined
another, filled from top to bottom with books – many of which Harry recognized from his days at
Hogwarts. He looked back to Draco, who was now sitting on what was apparently his old bed. "You're
not supposed to be here. Were you following me?"
"No," Harry said immediately. "I just saw you and I ... I just wanted to talk to you. You won't
return my owls."
"Now is not the time—"
"Is it true? What Nott said? Did you use me to get back into favour? Is that all it was?"
Draco glared in a way Harry hadn't seen in years. "Believe whatever you wish."
"I want to believe you told me the truth when you said you cared about me, but if that were true,
you wouldn't have just walked away without so much as an explanation."
Draco pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. The exhaustion Harry had noticed earlier
seemed to seep into his very bones. "Harry ... if Theo has been fool enough to do what I think he
did, we may be stuck here for a very long time. Can you please hold your accusations until
Harry knew Draco was right, but these questions had been eating away at him for months. He bit down
on the urge to demand answers, hoping there would be time for that later. "What were you doing
there? What do you think he's done?"
Draco pulled a piece of parchment from his robe pocket and handed it over. I have Pansy. If you
ever want to see her again, meet us in Knockturn Alley at noon. You know the place.
"If he hurts her I swear I'll kill him and don't you dare try to stop me."
"He won't hurt her." Harry wasn't completely certain that statement was true, but from what he'd
learned during past investigations, he thought it probably was. "Nott's unstable, but he's not
vicious. He lost his family too, remember."
"We all lost family!" Draco screwed his eyes up tightly as though he was trying to block out the
past, but how could he when it was all around them? Reminders of everything he'd had and everything
he'd lost. When his eyes opened, Draco appeared perfectly unaffected. Something Harry had learned
to recognize during the time they'd been together. The man could compartmentalize his emotions in a
way Harry had never imagined possible. "The spell," Draco asked calmly. "Did you hear what he
Harry thought back to the moment he'd seen Nott raise his wand. He'd been so focused on Draco, he
hadn't been paying attention. He shook his head.
"Reneto tempum," Draco said slowly. Harry looked at him blankly. The words meant nothing to
"You always were pants at Latin, weren't you?" Harry detected a hint of a smile and it made his
heart soar and ache in equal measure. He'd always hated it when Draco would shut him out, but he'd
learned to accept it as part of who the man was, learned to respect it even. At times like this,
Draco could always be counted on to keep a cool head when Harry wanted to fly off the handle and do
something he'd likely regret. "It means, you will unspin time. "
"Unspin time?" Harry asked, no less confused than before. "But what does that—"
"We need to get to the library. My father had a book ... I was forbidden to touch it. Spells
involving time travel can be a dangerous thing. Mother was afraid I might do something foolish if I
ever got my hands on it."
"A spell? But that's not ... that's not possible, is it?"
"Where do you think Time-Turners got their magic? You'll remember all about those, yes?" Again,
there was that hint of amusement in Draco's eyes that Harry couldn't quite interpret. Harry had
told him all about Sirius's escape during third year. He'd told Draco all of his secrets when they
had been together. Harry had questioned the wisdom of that decision over the past few months,
waiting for them to turn up in the headlines of the Daily Prophet.
"No, I never told anyone," Draco said quietly, as if he'd read Harry's mind. "I wouldn't."
Harry didn't know what to say. There were so many things he didn't understand about Draco, and yet
he'd been sure, at least for a while, that he'd known Draco better than anyone ever had.
The door to the room suddenly opened and both men froze. "Draco?" Narcissa Malfoy peeked her head
into the room, staring directly at Draco.
"Mum?" Harry watched a myriad of emotions flit across Draco's face at hearing his mother's voice.
His mother, who'd been dead for years.
"Draco? Are you in here?" she called out.
Draco's gaze moved from the door to where Harry still sat on the floor, his face now the cool
Malfoy mask he'd perfected so well after the war. "She can't see us, I suspect. If the spell works
the way I think, no one will be able to."
"Then why are we here?"
Draco appeared uncertain, and then shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. Let's go find out, shall
They searched the library for what felt like days, although the clock said it had been less than an
hour. Harry felt as though he'd fallen into his worst nightmare. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy
wandered in and out of the library several times and Draco ignored them as though they didn't
exist. Harry wondered what was going through his mind. It couldn't be easy. Harry couldn't imagine
how he would feel if he was suddenly transported to a time when his parents were alive. He'd tried
to talk to Draco about it but was met with nothing more than a glare of warning. He decided it was
time to change tactics. If Draco wouldn't talk about his parents, maybe he'd talk about something
"So, how have you been?"
Draco's eyes lifted from the book he'd been reading, his long fingers pausing on a passage to hold
his place. "Lovely. And you?" he asked sarcastically.
Harry shook his head and sighed. "I was just trying to make conversation."
"Well, don't. If you want to be useful then make me a cup of tea."
"Make your own damn tea," Harry snarled as the anger he'd been holding in for much too long came
rushing to the surface. Fucking Draco Malfoy always did have an innate ability to make him lose his
"Sorry. That was uncalled for," Draco said quietly. "I'm just ... you shouldn't even be here. Why
is it that you always feel you must play the hero?"
Harry stopped pacing – something he hadn't realised he'd been doing until that very moment – and
sat in the chair across the table from Draco. "I don’t mean to. Ron and I were shopping and you
were there and I ... I didn't mean to follow you, although now I'm glad I did."
"Why?" Draco asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "You could have been killed, you know? That spell
was meant for me." Draco slid his book across the table and pointed to the paragraph he'd been
studying. "Nott had to drink a potion containing my blood before he could perform the spell. By all
rights, you should not be here."
"We were touching. Maybe—"
"No. That wouldn't have been enough. Whatever Nott wants changed has to involve you. I just have to
sort out what it is and how to get us both back without changing it."
It sounded like a tall order. Harry could see the doubt in Draco's eyes, the way they wrinkled
around the corners as if he were concentrating particularly hard. "If anyone can sort it out, you
can. You're brilliant, remember?" There was a sadness in Draco's eyes that made Harry's heart ache.
He wasn't sure how he could still care for the man, but there was no denying that he did. The
months since Draco had walked out on him hadn't diminished that in the least. "Are you seeing
Draco chuckled and directed his attention back to the book. "This isn't exactly the time to be
delving into my personal life, is it?"
"I'm not. I'm just—"
"Making conversation?" Draco looked up pointedly and Harry was rather sure he was blushing. "No.
I'm not seeing anyone. Nor do I plan to. I'm not very good at relationships, if you'll
Something about the way Draco said it made Harry's heart soar. "I thought you were rather good at
it, right up until you decided it wasn't worth the trouble."
The look Draco shot him in response was cold as ice, and Harry thought he probably deserved that
"Yes, Mother, I'll find it." Harry stiffened as the door to the library opened and a younger
version of Draco entered, sauntering toward the wall of bookcases next to them. "Is it the one by
Libatius Borage or Arsenius Jigger?" he called out.
Narcissa Malfoy's voice floated through the room as if on a breeze. "The one with the burn-healing
paste, I do believe."
Harry watched as the younger Draco ran his fingers along the spine of each book. He looked even
worse than Harry had remembered in sixth year, thin and lanky with sunken eyes that appeared as
nothing more than holes in his skull.
"Jigger," Draco said quietly, studying the younger boy with an odd sense of curiosity.
The boy paused, and then moved back to an area of the bookcase he'd already passed. He pulled out a
book and opened it, smirking as he must have found the potion he'd been sent to retrieve. "Jigger
it is," he said to himself before turning to leave.
Harry looked at Draco with astonishment. "Did he hear you?"
Draco shrugged and looked at the clock on the wall. "I don't know, but I need to find a way around
this spell soon or..."
"Or what?"
Draco simply shook his head and returned to his book.
It was late evening when Draco slammed yet another book onto the table in frustration. Harry left
the window he'd been staring out of and crossed the room quietly. "What? Did you find
Draco looked up at the clock again, something he seemed to do every few minutes, and shook his
head. "I don't know how to fix it. I can't ... I don't know how to get us back." Draco seemed
unusually shaken, his face paler than usual.
"What does Nott want you to change?" Harry asked for what seemed like the hundredth time. He could
tell Draco knew, but the man wouldn't admit it. "What happens if you change it?"
Draco stood suddenly, his chair falling over with a loud crash. He turned to Harry with his jaw
clenched tightly, his eyes wild. "You die," he said tonelessly.
At that moment, there was a commotion in the room next door and, as Harry went to investigate, he
understood. He watched mindlessly as a younger version of himself, face swollen horribly, was
dragged through the door. It was as if he were there all over again, the fear and uncertainty
mounting as he watched himself be pushed and shoved beneath the large chandelier.
"This is it. The moment in time we were sent to relive." Harry was grateful for the warmth against
his back as Draco looked over his shoulder.
"You couldn't change it, even if you wanted to. They can't even see us."
"Pick up the teacup," Draco said softly. The young Draco fidgeted in his chair, looking at his
teacup with a bewildered expression. "Pick up the teacup, Draco. You're suddenly feeling very
thirsty." To Harry's surprise, the younger Draco reached out for the cup, taking a tentative sip as
he looked around the room in confusion.
"Then he can hear you."
"Not really, no. But there must be some kind of connection. That's why he changed books earlier."
Harry felt Draco's hand on his elbow for a brief second before it fell away. "Harry, Theo wants me
to convince myself to identify you. And if I do that..."
Draco didn't need to finish his sentence. Harry knew full well what that would mean. The world as
they knew it would no longer exist.
"You can't," Harry whispered.
"I know that!" Draco hissed in his ear. "It's what I've been trying to find a way around for the
last three hours! But if I don't change the past, then we're stuck here forever."
Harry reached back to take Draco's hand, expecting it to be pulled from his grasp, but it wasn't.
Draco's hand was warm and firm as it gripped his tightly. "Would it really be so horrible to be
stuck with me forever?"
Draco suddenly pulled away as if Harry's words had stung him. "That's not the point. You have a
life, a future. There has to be a way."
Harry turned his attention away from his younger self long enough to look into Draco's eyes. He
wanted to be angry. Angry that he was here or that Draco had left without even a note of apology.
But he couldn't find it in himself to be angry, not when Draco was looking at him like he used to.
Not when he knew that whatever Draco's reasons had been, he still cared. "That life was
supposed to include you, you know."
"You can't still want that? Not after—"
"Why not?"
Draco looked away and when it became obvious he wouldn't answer, Harry turned his attention back to
the problem before them. There had to be a way. There was always a way.
"They say they've got Potter. Draco, come here." Harry watched with rising panic as the younger
Draco rose from his chair. Harry remembered this moment as if it were yesterday, but watching it
now, it seemed very different than he'd remembered. Lucius Malfoy was practically bouncing on his
toes in excitement while Draco studied him as if he was a strange beast dragged in from the
Forbidden Forest.
"Harry, what if I'm supposed to change the past." Draco took a step toward his younger self
and Harry's hand flew out, without thought, to hold him back. He had an odd expression on his face,
as if he'd just sorted out the answer to an extremely difficult puzzle.
"Draco, you can't. If you change the past—"
"I never understood what made me do it that night. I knew it was you. I knew my family's
name was at stake and I hated you then. By all rights, I should have identified you and I
would have finally won. But I didn't, and now I think I know why."
"I don't... I don’t understand."
"Remember in third year, with the Dementors? You knew you could cast the Patronus because you'd
already done it, right? Harry, what if this is where it all started with you – with us. Maybe it
had nothing to do with what I wanted. Maybe it was fate, not my choice, that saved you."
"I don't believe in fate," Harry answered adamantly. "It's our choices that make us who we are, not
some random roll of the dice."
"I know you don't, but ... trust me on this, Harry. I know I'm right."
Harry's mind whirled. His future – the future of the entire world hung in the balance and it all
depended on whether or not he trusted Draco Malfoy. Logic told him no, but as he looked into pale
grey eyes, every instinct he had told him yes. He released Draco's arm and nodded. "I do trust
you." Draco's eyelids fell closed for a short moment, and when they reopened, Harry knew
that whatever Draco's reasons had been for walking away, the man still loved him.
He gave Harry a small smile before turning to the young boy before them. "Don't do it," he
whispered, moving closer. Harry could see the uncertainty in the boy's eyes. He could only imagine
what might be going through his mind. "Don't say it, Draco. You can't be sure it's him."
"Well, Draco?" asked Lucius Malfoy, even more eagerly than Harry had remembered. "Is it? Is it
Harry Potter?"
"I can't – I can't be sure."
"But look at him carefully, look! Come closer!"
Harry wanted to reach out to pull Draco back, but he seemed frozen in the moment as he watched his
friends struggle against their bonds, saw so clearly the terror in Hermione's eyes. The younger
Draco moved even closer to Harry's younger self, almost touching him as haunted grey eyes roamed
his face, squinting to look at his forehead.
"The Dark Lord has already lost," Draco continued, focusing intently on the bewildered boy. "Potter
will win this war and he will protect you as your father never could. Say you don't know him. Trust
"I don't know."
The words had no sooner left the boy's lips than the world around Harry swirled, dark mist dancing
around him as he felt himself falling. He reached out, searching for something solid to grab hold
of, but a warm arm found him instead, wrapping him in comfort. Draco's arms tightened around him as
they both fell as if in freefall from a broom. They landed with a dull thud on to hard stone.
"Harry! Are you okay?" Ron's voice seemed to be coming from a distance. "What did you do to him,
you bastard?"
Harry opened his eyes to find Nott pressed against the stone wall, Ron's wand digging into his
throat. Pansy rushed to Draco's side asking if he was all right. Harry glanced around the alley. It
was as though they'd never left.
"It's okay, Ron. We're fine."
Ron turned to him, his wand holding steadfast. "What was that spell? I've never heard—"
"We're fine," Harry repeated, hauling Draco with him as he pushed himself off the ground. His
attention went to Nott, who looked around in surprise, as though he expected the world to have
changed. "I suppose I owe you a debt of gratitude, Nott. Without your arrogant stupidity the world
would be a far different place." Nott and Pansy both looked at him as though he'd gone insane, but
when his eyes met Draco's, he saw nothing but relief.
"Indeed, it would," Draco agreed with a smirk. "I believe I owe you a few explanations, Harry.
Perhaps we could discuss them over dinner?"
Nott, Pansy and Ron all stared at them with identical bewildered expressions, but Harry wasn't in
the mood to explain. He reached out to take Draco's hand, hoping against hope that it wouldn't be
snatched away. Thankfully, it wasn't. "Ron, would you mind taking Mr Nott into custody for using an
extremely dangerous, and I suspect illegal spell. Tell Kingsley I'll be in to fill out my report a
little later. I'd like to talk to Draco alone for a minute."
"Draco?" Pansy stared at Draco, a multitude of unasked questions in her voice.
"It's all right, Pans. Can you make it back home okay? He didn't hurt you—"
"No. I'm fine. Are you—" she cast a wary glance in Harry's direction before turning concerned eyes
back to Draco. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Perfectly sure. I'll talk to you tomorrow, all right?"
They both watched as Pansy retreated down the street, casting occasional, curious glances over her
shoulder. Ron bound Nott securely and turned to Harry as if to say something, but then stopped as
though he'd thought better of it. "I'll just... I'll talk to you later then?"
Harry nodded, turning toward Draco as the pop of Apparation echoed in the alleyway. "Dinner?"
"Perhaps that was a bit presumptuous. I'll understand if you can't—"
"Shut up," Harry said softly, tugging Draco toward him. "You owe me an explanation, but it can
wait. This, on the other hand, can't." He leaned forward, brushing his lips against Draco's the way
he'd wanted to since the day Draco had packed his things and moved out of their flat. Draco melted
against him as if the last few months had never existed.
"Merlin, I've missed you," Draco mumbled as his lips left Harry's mouth and moved lower to trace
his jaw line.
"Then why did you leave?"
Draco pulled away just enough to look into Harry's eyes. "You always were the eager one, weren't
Harry looked away, embarrassed by his impatience. He'd said he could wait, and he could, but...
"I thought you'd be better off. I ... it wasn't fair that you were always fighting my battles for
"They weren't your battles, Draco, they were ours. I wouldn't have fought them if I
hadn't thought it was worth it."
"I know. I just ... I thought it would be easier this way."
Harry cocked his head and pondered Draco's words. It was true, there were things Harry wanted that
he'd never have with Draco. Kingsley had told him outright that the Ministry would never approve
his promotion so long as he "associated with Death Eaters." He'd never have kids of his own, and
the Daily Prophet would continue to run bogus stories about how Draco was attempting to
manipulate the Chosen One down a dark path.
One look into Draco's eyes told him none of that really mattered. Even with all the problems their
relationship had caused in the past, he'd been happier with Draco than he'd ever been. As much as
Harry hated to think fate had anything to do with the choices he'd made, maybe Draco had been right
about that. But regardless of whether it was fate that ruled his choices or choices that ruled his
fate, he knew what he wanted.
"I know the consequences, Draco, but it's my choice to make, not yours. You have to let me make it.
If that's the only reason you left, then you can move back in tonight and we can have dinner at
home like we used to."
When Draco smiled, Harry knew it was a choice he'd never regret.
2 The Impetus of
Fate Draco stumbled as Harry Apparated them back to his
flat. To their flat. God, he'd been such a fool. Why, the one time in his life he'd ever
consciously done something altruistic, did he have to fuck things up so badly? His knees
suddenly felt weak, and had it not been for Harry's arms wrapped tightly around his waist, he
felt they would have given out completely.
"Hold on there," Harry said calmly, warm breath smoothing over Draco's neck as Harry manoeuvred him
onto the sofa. "Are you okay?"
Draco sat cautiously, his entire body feeling as though it were only a hairsbreadth away from
falling apart. Fate. Fate was the fickle bitch who'd robbed him of his parents and his
childhood. Fate had no business nosing around his life and making his choices for him. Draco
swallowed the thick lump that formed in his throat. He looked up to see worried green eyes staring
down at him. "You look pale. Should I—"
"I always look pale, Potter. I'm a Malfoy, remember?" The tiny wrinkle between Harry's brows
deepened. "I just—" Draco squeezed his eyes tightly shut, feeling as though he were losing control
of something important. His hands were trembling, and he had no idea why. "I just need a minute,"
he said softly. He heard a rustle, then felt strands of hair being brushed from his face, felt
solid hands along his thighs and pressure between his knees. When he opened his eyes again, Harry
was staring at him from eye level, kneeling on the floor in front of him. Draco shook his head,
willing his emotions back in check. This couldn't be happening. He would not fall apart now.
It had been so hard to maintain control for those long hours. To be face to face with all
the things he'd lost, all the things he still wanted, and yet he'd known they weren't real. His
parents were dead, his home was nothing but dust, and Harry ... Harry was no longer his. He'd
pushed Harry away because fate had demanded it. Because he had deserved more than Draco could ever
give him. He always had. He always would.
"Draco, talk to me. Is it the spell? Do you need—"
Draco shook his head again, unable to form words. Harry was looking at him with such concern, his
hands gripped tightly onto Draco's hips as though he were afraid to let go, and all Draco wanted to
do was fall into his arms and cling to him, but he couldn't. Malfoys didn't cling. Malfoys didn't
break down. Malfoys didn't need anyone to hold them together. But Draco did. He needed Harry to
tell him it was all real. That what had happened at the Manor, what had changed the past into the
present that they now knew, was real. That fate had given them her blessing. But that was
ridiculous, because fate didn't take sides. Fate just was, and even if Harry didn't believe in it,
Draco did. He needed to. He needed to know his parents had died for a reason. That there was a
plan. That he had a path to walk and that he was on the right one. He needed, for the first
time in his life, to believe in something more than himself.
He stared at Harry, willing him to understand, because Draco knew he'd never be able to voice it.
He'd never be able to explain the raw ache in his gut that seeing his parents had caused. He'd
pushed it away, deep down into the place his father had always taught him to store the things that
could be used against him, but now that place had erupted and all Draco could feel was pain and
uncertainty and confusion, but it made no sense. They were home. They were safe.
"Fuck, Draco." Harry let out a puff of breath, his confused expression dissolving into
understanding. "It's okay," he murmured as he leaned forward and wrapped Draco tightly in his arms.
"It's okay."
Draco wasn't sure how long they stayed that way, but he was sure it was long enough to make Harry's
knees ache. His equilibrium came back slowly, like clouds clearing after an autumn storm. Harry
must have felt the change because he leaned back to study Draco's face. "All right?"
Draco nodded, gnawing his lower lip.
"Are you hungry?"
Harry's lips twitched up on one side when Draco shook his head. "Can you speak? Or should I start
practicing sign language?"
Draco swatted him on the arm, eliciting a chuckle.
"You're allowed to let go sometimes, you know," he said softly. "It's all right to be human. I
won't tell anyone." Draco looked into Harry's earnest face and knew, for the first time in his
life, that it was true. That this man, the man he'd grown to respect, the man he'd fallen in love
with, wouldn't mock him for his weaknesses, wouldn't judge him for his faults.
"I'm sorry," he all but blurted out. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
Harry smiled at him. That same indulgent smile that Harry had always given him when he'd said
something completely obvious. And then Harry kissed him, slowly, tenderly, as if he were made of
glass. But it wasn't enough, because Draco had been aching for this for months. For Harry's
touch, for his smile, for that feeling he always got when he was in Harry's arms. How could he have
thought he could give that up?
Harry pulled away, warm breath ghosting over his cheek. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" he asked
softly. "You look ... thin."
"No," Draco answered firmly. "Not for food, anyway."
It must have been the answer Harry was hoping for, because his smile was beyond brilliant. When
Harry's lips touched his again, they were more demanding – almost needy – and Draco realised he
wasn't the only one who'd been starving. Draco's fingers moved without the need to think. He knew
this path well, could traverse it in his sleep, and had often over the last few months. His hands
glided under Harry's shirt, his skin almost hot enough to burn Draco's fingers. Or maybe it just
felt that way because it had been so fucking long since Draco had felt skin against his hands. He
tugged on the shirt, eliciting a slight chuckle from Harry as he moved away to pull it over his
head before diving back in to latch on to Draco's neck. "We should probably move this to the
bedroom, shouldn't we?" Harry mumbled against his skin.
Draco glanced toward the stairs that led to the bedroom – to their bedroom – and decided it
would take far too long to get there. "Later," he whispered as tugged on the loops of Harry's
jeans. Harry's knees cracked as he stood, but his fingers were nimble as they unzipped his fly and
pushed them off his hips, pants and all. Harry always did know what he wanted. If Draco had had the
time or inclination to think about it, he might have praised Harry for it, but as it was, all he
could think about was the cock that bobbed in front of him. Of how often he'd dreamt of this over
the last few months. Of how he never thought he'd get this chance again. And now that he had it, he
was never, ever letting it go.
"Draco," Harry mumbled, half-incoherently, as Draco swiped a wet line up the underside of his cock.
He'd always loved Harry's cock. Kissing it, sucking it, riding it like a fucking whore. And Harry
had always been willing to let him do whatever he wanted. Harry had always loved whatever he did,
because Harry had always loved him. Harry threaded the fingers of both hands into Draco's
hair as if he needed something to hold onto. "Draco. It's been a while. I want—"
Draco flicked his tongue one more time, sucking gently on just the tip of Harry's cock until he
tasted the bitter, salty flavour he loved so much, then pulled away and looked up at Harry
teasingly. His eyes had fallen shut, his glasses likely tangled in his shirt, wherever it had
landed. He looked more gorgeous than Draco had remembered. "What do you want?"
Harry's eyes fluttered open, staring at Draco with heat so fierce he feared he might catch fire at
any moment. He'd never seen that look in Harry's eyes before. He'd seen desire, lust, tenderness,
love ... but he'd never seen such need before. "You," he answered, his voice thick with
emotion. "Just you."
Draco pushed himself up from the sofa and cupped Harry's face in his hands. It was a tender gesture
– one he'd done countless times before – but it seemed to convey so much more this time. An
unspoken promise that he'd never be stupid enough to walk away from this again. When he kissed
Harry, Draco knew it was a promise he'd be able to keep. And as Harry tugged at his robes,
scattering buttons all over the floor, Draco knew he'd never regret it.