Chapter Nine - Lucius & The Death Eaters
"Hello, Father,"
said Draco.
Lucius was still
looking like someone had force-fed him a lemon that happened to be taped to an enormous
brick. "Draco?"
"He really does
look like you, Lucius," said Voldemort, giving Draco a cursory stare. "Especially around the
eyes." He lifted his wand. "Pity I'll have to burn them out."
"My Lord," said
Lucius desperately, turning to Voldemort. "Please believe me--" For a wild moment, Draco
thought that his father was going to beg for his life. "Please believe me, I knew nothing of
"Strangely enough,
I do believe you, Lucius," said Voldemort. "You have always been deeply stupid and it does
not surprise me that you had no knowledge of your son's activities. But that does not change
the fact that he is a traitor and must die."
"If I might make a
suggestion, Master?" said Lucius.
"Father," Draco
Lucius ignored
"Make it quickly,"
said the Dark Lord.
"The Veritas
curse," said Lucius delicately. "It is possible, even likely, that Draco has some knowledge
of the whereabouts of the real Harry Potter...if this is a Polyjuice spell, he must have
needed to keep him nearby...."
Voldemort smiled
coldly. "An excellent idea." He took his wand out again and pointed it at
"Father--" said
Draco again.
hissed the Dark Lord.
So for the second
time in his life, the hooks sank into Draco's chest and split it open, and he choked with
pain and with the horror of being so exposed. It was even worse this time, maybe because this
time he was resisting. It was no use, though. Whatever he meant to say when he opened his
mouth, he knew the truth would come out instead.
Voldemort started
simple. "What is your name, boy?"
"Draco Thomas
"After me,
Lucius?" said Voldemort, "I had almost forgotten. How quaint."
"Where is Harry
Draco bit his lip
hard. But it was no use. "I don't know," he heard himself say. That was a relief, at any
rate. The cord that had bound him to Harry had snapped with the spell's dissolution; he no
longer had any idea where Harry might be.
"Why did you take
on his appearance and pretend to be him?"
"My father was
going to kill Hermione," said Draco. "I couldn't let that happen."
Lucius looked
surprised. "Was she really your girlfriend?"
"No," said Draco.
"She wasn't. She's Harry's best friend. "
"And you felt the
need to risk you own life for the life of someone else's best friend?" asked the Dark Lord.
"I love her," said
Draco, and felt himself go scarlet. He would have thought he would have been beyond
humiliation, but apparently not.
"My, how
embarrassing," said Voldemort, but he looked faintly amused. "Why don't you tell us, young
Malfoy, how you came to be in this house, with Harry Potter's best friend, whom you...
love, and Harry himself, presumably disguised as you?"
"No," said Draco,
fighting to get up on his hands and knees. There was something wet on his face; when he
reached up to rub it off, his hand came away red. Blood. He had bitten through his lip.
But he couldn't
get up. The pain in his chest was too intense, the feeling of being split open too strong. He
fell back to the ground.
"Father," he heard
himself say, and winced at how childish he sounded, "Father,
Lucius stirred
uneasily. "Perhaps you should hit him with the spell again, Master?" he
"Indeed," said
Voldemort, and did.
They were nearly
at the base of the stairs that led up to the drawing room when Harry gave an almighty yell
and pitched forward onto the ground. Hermione whirled around in
"Harry!" she
called. "Are you all right...?"
His response was
muffled. He seemed to be bent over as if in pain, an unhappy black lump huddled on the ground
with his hands over his face. She went towards him and he raised his head. "Hermione? Is that
She was about to
respond impatiently when the light from her wand fell on his face, and her retort turned into
a half-scream. She clapped a hand over her mouth and stared. "Harry...." she breathed. "It's
"Of course it's
me," he said irritably. "Were you hoping it was Lucius? Never mind, don't answer
"Shut up," she
said, "I'm serious, Harry, it's really're back, you
And he was. Untidy
black hair, green eyes, lightning-shaped scar and all. He dropped his hands from his face and
gave her a half-smile. "I kind of figured that," he said. "On account of the horrible pain
and the fact that I can't see anything."
Hermione couldn't
stop staring at him. It was so strange to see his face as his face again; his familiar
features once again animated by the intelligence that lived there and belonged there. There
was a moment of awkward silence as she gawked at him. Finally, she said, "It doesn't still
hurt, does it?"
He shook his head.
"No, but..." He trailed off. "I wish I could see."
She knelt down
next to him. "I can fix your eyes, Harry. Do you want me to?"
For a moment he
was silent, biting his lip. Then, reluctantly, he said, "I guess you'd
She knew why Harry
had never let her or anyone else fix his eyesight with magic before: his glasses had become
something of a trademark Harry Potter symbol, whether he liked it or not, and if he'd ever
gotten rid of them Witch Weekly would have had a field day. They'd already done stories on
how he cut his hair (in the bathroom, by himself, with nail scissors) and where he got his
clothes ("I just let Hagrid pick them out for me.") If he got rid of his glasses, it would
BIG HEAD? and Harry hated that sort of thing.
"It'll just be
temporary," she said gently. "A Correctivity Charm. Until we get your
"It's all right,"
he said, and closed his eyes.
Hermione took her
wand out and touched the tip of it gently to each of his eyelids. Then she leaned forward and
put her fingers against his temples. "Stay still," she advised, and he took hold of her
wrists to steady himself. "Oculus," she said.
Harry jumped as if
he'd been stung, and opened his eyes. Then a reluctant grin spread over his face. "Hey," he
said. "Thanks, Hermione."
It was only about
fifteen minutes, but to Draco it seemed like several hours before Voldemort was finished with
him. He'd managed to detach himself, and heard his own voice speaking as if from a long
distance away, telling his father and the Dark Lord everything --- from the first moment he
had taken on Harry's appearance to his belief that Harry was now in the dungeons, rescuing
Eventually, when
he had no more to tell, the Dark Lord took the Veritas curse off him. The relief was intense,
but so was the sickening feeling of guilt.
"So," he heard his
father saying, "Perhaps we should seek the Potter boy in the chambers under the house,
"No need," said
Voldemort, looking pleased. "We must only wait. Harry Potter will come to us. He will come
for your son."
Lucius Malfoy
looked doubtful. "But my Lord...they are not even friends, Draco said as
Voldemort shook
his head. "I know Harry Potter," he said. "He is just like his father. He will come
for your son, Lucius. I guarantee it."
When they came up
into the drawing room, Sirius was waiting for them in his canine form. Harry opened his mouth
to say something, but Sirius shook his head quickly and indicated that they should follow
him. They padded after him down the hallways to Lucius' study, the door of which Sirius
opened with a paw, and went in.
Narcissa was
sitting behind Lucius' desk, just as she had been when Sirius had found her there, only her
head was on her arms and she was crying.
Sirius turned back
into a man so quickly that there was an audible *pop as he did so. He indicated Narcissa with
a jerk of his chin. "I had to tell her everything," he said to Harry and Hermione in an
undertone. "She's really upset." He glanced at Harry. "Turned back, have you? I thought you
Harry looked
surprised. "Why'd you think that?"
Sirius toed the
ground, looking deeply unhappy. "Voldemort's already come," he said, looking anxiously at
Hermione as he did so. "He went to find Harry..." Sirius sighed. "Well, I mean, he would have
known right away that Draco wasn't you, wouldn't he? He probably took the spell
Hermione looked
shocked and worried; Harry, however, showed no surprise, only resignation. "I thought that
might have happened," he said quietly. "My scar's been hurting now for about an
Hermione was
furious. "Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded.
Harry shot her an
irritable look, and she recalled that an hour ago, she and Harry had been kissing in the
dungeons, after which she had told him off with great vehemence. It probably hadn't seemed to
him like the right time to mention that his scar hurt. "Oh," she said, going red.
Harry turned back
to Sirius. "Do you think Draco's all right?" He shot an anxious glance at Narcissa and
dropped his voice. "Do you think he's alive?"
Sirius shrugged.
"Don't know. The Dark Lord might have killed him in a fit of rage. Then again, Draco is the
son of his closest and most powerful Death Eater. If Draco can convince them that he was
acting under the influence of the Polyjuice spell...if he gives the Dark Lord information
about you..."
"He wouldn't
do that," Hermione interjected sharply.
"Maybe not," said
Sirius cautiously. But neither Sirius nor Harry would look at her.
"Is Narcissa going
to be all right?" Harry asked finally, breaking the silence.
"I hope so," said
Sirius guardedly. "Lucius..." He said the name with immense hatred. "Lucius has had her under
all sorts of spells and charms for so long -- Coercion Charms, the Imperius Curse sometimes,
she's forbidden to have a wand, forbidden to lie to him, forbidden by pain of death even to
speak Lucius' full name in case she uses it in an spell."
Hermione shook her
head. "Wouldn't it just have been easier for Lucius to marry someone who actually liked him?"
she wondered aloud.
"Men like Lucius
don't do things because they are easy," said Sirius bitterly. "They do them because they want
to show how powerful they are. Lucius wanted to marry the most beautiful girl in school. And
he did."
"He should be in
Azkaban," said Hermione angrily.
"And we should be
rescuing Draco," said Harry.
"I'm going to have
to go face him," said Harry, looking grim.
"And do
what, Harry?"
"I'll trade," said
Harry, "I'll trade myself for Draco."
"Oh, yeah," said
Hermione angrily, "because Voldemort is so known for keeping his
"I think what
Hermione means," said Sirius, "is that he'll just kill you anyway. In fact, I'm sure he's
expecting you to do just what you suggested."
"Well, we can't
leave him to Lucius and Voldemort," protested Harry. " And the Death
"The Death Eaters
are not with them," said a faint voice. It was Narcissa, now sitting up and wiping at her
eyes. "They're in the downstairs ballroom, trying to get the Lacertus Curse
Sirius went over
and sat down next to Narcissa and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's all right," he said,
"He'll be fine." But he didn't sound particularly convinced of this.
Harry looked over
at Hermione for help, but she was looking extremely thoughtful. She walked over to the
opposite side of the room and took down a fat green book from a shelf -- Epicyclical
Elaborations of Sorcery.
Sirius turned
around and looked at her. "Hermione, what are you doing?"
"Shush," said
Harry, and put his finger to his lips. "Let her."
Hermione began
flipping quickly through the pages. "I just thought....maybe...if we could make it work....
It would be..."
Sirius looked
confused. Even Narcissa looked confused. But Harry just stood and watched her reading and
tried to be quiet. Finally she put the book down and turned to Sirius. "I have an idea," she
Sirius looked
"This is a good
thing," Harry reassured him. " Hermione has great ideas."
"But I'll need
your help, Narcissa," Hermione added.
Now even Harry
looked doubtful. But Narcissa straightened up in her chair. "What can I do?" she
Voldemort ordered
Lucius to watch his son, then crossed the room and stood by the window, looking out. This
effectively left Draco and his father alone together. If Draco had expected Lucius to be
apologetic about the horror that was being inflicted on his son, he was disappointed. He
merely looked Draco up and down coldly, and said, "You have saddened me,
Despite himself,
Draco was almost impressed with his father's total lack of remorse. It was breathtaking.
"Maybe you should ground me," he suggested.
Lucius frowned.
"And your flip sense of humour is not helping your case," he said. "If you behave in a
properly remorseful manner, the Dark Lord may forgive you. He had high hopes for you at one
point, Draco. He can be merciful. And if you were truly acting under the influence of
this Polyjuice spell..."
Draco shook his
head. "I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you again, Father," he said. "No desire to join up
with the Dark Lord here. I'm afraid I can't see what you see in him. Not the most stable guy.
Not the handsomest bloke, either," he added, as an afterthought.
"I don't know what
you hope to accomplish by defying me, Draco," said Lucius, sounding as aggrieved as an
ordinary parent discovering that his teenage son has borrowed the car and ploughed it into a
snow bank.
"If you don't know
that, Father," said Draco coldly, "than I'm not going to explain."
"And if you don't
stop defying me," said Lucius even more coldly, "I won't be your father any
After that they
sat in silence.
Harry, Hermione
and Sirius sat nervously in the study, not looking at each other. Narcissa had been gone five
minutes. When the door finally opened and Narcissa came back into the room, carrying a large
bundled object, Sirius was so pleased that he turned back into a dog, then back into a man,
then into a dog again in quick succession.
"Hang on there,
Sirius," said Harry, although he was obviously relieved as well. "Too much excitement, not
good for you."
Narcissa put the
bundle down on the desk and stepped back as Harry, Hermione and Sirius (back to human form
again) crowded around. "I told them I was taking it to Lucius," she said, sounding almost
pleased. "The more I resist, the easier it gets," she went on. "I feel like I could almost
say his name now."
Harry, Hermione
and Sirius stepped back quickly.
"But I won't," she
Hermione scooted
back to the desk and unwrapped the bundle, then sucked in her breath. A huge metal arm lay
outstretched in front of her, grim and ugly and horrible. Each of its seven metal fingers
ended in vicious blades and there were grotesque Dark-magic carvings all up and down its
hollow metal body. Despite being hollow all through the inside, it looked extremely solid and
Harry was staring
at it, revolted. "Is that the Lacertus arm?"
"It's horrible,
isn't it?" said Hermione, nodding.
"It’s a good thing
he's not going to wind up using that thing it on Draco after all," said Harry. "There's no
way you could get Draco to wear something that looked like that. Well," he added, with the
ghost of a grin, "maybe if you told him it was Armani."
"Oh, shut up
Harry," said Hermione absently. "We only have a couple minutes with this thing before
Narcissa has to take it to You-Know-Who. Let me work on it."
While Hermione
worked, Sirius drew Narcissa into the corner of the room. "You've done very well, very well,"
he told her. "We know it's hard for you--"
"I'm doing this
for Draco," she said, a little sharply.
"I know," said
"And when this is
all over," said Narcissa, "you know I'll have to stay here, don't you? I don't dare leave.
Not while Draco's father has that pendant."
"But won't Lucius
already think--"
Narcissa shook her
head. "He'll never think I've acted against him, not by my own will, not after seventeen
years. But if I left with you--"
Sirius looked
unhappy. "I understand."
Narcissa smiled.
It was the first time he had seen her smile in eighteen years. It reminded him of his
childhood. "It'll be all right, Sirius," she said.
"Yeah," he said.
If he hadn't hurt
so much all over his body, Draco might well have fallen asleep where he lay, on the ground in
the fencing room. He was exhausted. He hardly even heard the door open as Narcissa came into
the room.
She went up to
Lucius. "They wanted me to bring you this," she said, and unceremoniously handed him the
Lacertus arm.
Lucius looked
astonished. "What--why?"
"Harry Potter is
in the house," said Narcissa, with perfect truth. "He is coming up here
This woke Draco
up. He bolted upright and stared at his mother, who didn't look back at him. Something odd
was going on, he was fairly sure of that. It didn't seem likely to him that the Death Eaters
would have asked Narcissa to bring such a powerful and important magical object up to Lucius
without them. Not unless they had a reason she wasn't stating.
Lucius was
obviously suspicious as well, but didn't want to say anything in front of Voldemort. He had
already shown once today that he couldn't control his own family, and likely wasn't keen on
making that point again. Instead, he lifted lift his left arm to his face and spoke into the
Dark Mark: "Wormtail. MacNair. Come. Bring them all."
Instantly, all
over the room, Death Eaters began to Apparate: Wormtail, MacNair, Zabini, Rozier, Parkinson,
and many others. People Draco had known since he was a child, had visited, whose children he
had played with. None of them looked at him, sitting bloody and wretched-looking on the
Voldemort turned
from the window. "Harry Potter is here," he said, flexing his long fingers. "He is outside
this room."
His voice lashed
the Death Eaters like a whip. They stood to attention, staring around them. Draco saw
Narcissa back out of the group quietly and leave the room through the back
There were
footsteps in the hallways, clearly audible. The double doors opened. First one, then the
other. Draco was gripping his hands together tightly, although he didn't realize
Sirius came in, in
the form of a dog. There was total silence. Hermione followed him, looking very pale and
unhappy. And after Hermione --- came Harry.
A sort of sigh
rippled through the Death Eaters, like wind in branches.
Harry was even
paler than Hermione, a sort of ashy white colour, but he looked resolute. He wasn't wearing
his glasses, which had the effect of making him look younger than he was. There was dried
blood on his hand, still, and on his robes --- some of his own, and some of
"I'm here," he
Voldemort stood in
the centre of his circle of Death Eaters and laughed. "And I know why," he said. "You have
come for him," and he pointed at Draco.
"Yes," said
"He isn't worth
it, Harry Potter," said Voldemort. "What do you think he has been doing here all morning
while you were busy rescuing your canine companion? He has been telling us everything. Ever
since I ended the spell that bound you two -- and I really must find out how that was done,
it was most ingenious -he has been singing quite an interesting
"I don't believe
it!" snapped Hermione. "You're lying! You could have figured out Harry was here without Draco
saying anything at all!"
Voldemort turned
his poisonous gaze on her. "You must have enjoyed your little interlude with young Malfoy in
the wardrobe a great deal," he said, "to defend him so staunchly."
Colour flooded
Hermione's face. Draco tried to catch her eye, but she wouldn't look at him. "Then--then you
tortured him," she said, but more uncertainly.
"I cannot imagine
why I would wish to torture him for the information that he spent a sordid half an hour in a
wardrobe with a stupid girl," said the Dark Lord. "No. He told me willingly, told me
everything. "
Hermione said
nothing, but tears had begun to flood silently down her face.
"It hardly
matters, in any case," said Voldemort, turning back to Harry. "I hold all the cards, you hold
none. I would hardly believe you could be so irredeemably stupid as to come here thinking you
could fight me. Only I knew your father, boy...and it is just the sort of thing he would have
done. More stupid than brave, the both of you."
Harry held up his
wand. "I have this," he said. "You don't dare duel with me while I have
"No," Voldemort
agreed, and snapped his fingers. Ropes sprang out of the air and wrapped themselves tightly
around Harry, binding his wand arm to his body. Voldemort walked up to him, plucked the wand
out of his hand, and threw it on the floor. "And now you don't have it any more." He stood up
and looked thoughtfully at Sirius and Hermione. "I could kill your friends," he said softly
into Harry's ear. "But it would be so much more fun to let you do
Harry said
nothing, only looked at the Dark Lord with hatred.
Voldemort snapped
his fingers again and the Lacertus flew out of Lucius' grasp and landed in his own
outstretched hand. Despite being so thin, the Dark Lord was very strong. He spun the Lacertus
in one hand as if it had been a baton, then lifted Harry's arm-- the one that was not bound
to his side -and shoved the Lacertus down over his wrist as if it had been nothing more than
an enormous, ill-fitting glove.
Harry screamed out
loud. The ropes binding him fell away, and he crumpled to the ground, not yelling any more
but writhing as if the arm were white-hot and burned him. Draco could see the metal rippling
and twisting as if it were melting, fitting itself to Harry's own flesh, spreading
white-metal tendrils all up and down his arm like vicious bracelets.
Draco clapped his
own hand to his arm in sympathetic pain. He didn't know he was doing it, but he did it just
the same.
Finally Harry sat
up. And even the Death Eaters gasped. Harry's arm had become a thing of metal and blades and
ugly death. The silver of the Lacertus arm had spread far enough over his body to grip the
left side of his chest. There was a sort of halo of black light around him --- a
reverse-halo, glimmering and dark. His skin glowed white under its negative light; his eyes
glittered like emeralds. He looked inhuman.
Draco heard
Hermione choke on a dry sort of sob.
"Harry," said the
Dark Lord in a purring sort of voice. "What are you?"
"I am nothing,"
said Harry, in an odd, distant voice. "I am yours."
The Dark Lord
grinned and turned to Lucius. "I'm not sure we even need the Imperius Curse here," he said.
"But better safe than sorry."
He raised his
wand, pointed it at Harry. "Imperio!"
Harry bent his
head as the jet of green light struck him. When he raised it again, his eyes looked even more
"Now," said
Voldemort. "Now. Harry, turn the Arm on...her." He pointed at Hermione. "Your little
girlfriend. Go ahead. Do it."
Harry turned. He
raised the arm, whose metal blade-fingers were closed into a fist, and pointed it at
Hermione, who stared at him with wide-open eyes. Then he said:
"And you said
I was stupid."
He whirled around
again, and this time the Lacertus was pointing straight at Voldemort and the little knot of
Death Eaters gathered around him. He started to walk towards them, slowly, as if it took
great effort. They all gaped at him.
"You know
the Imperius curse doesn't work on me," said Harry. "And you should know better than to arm
your enemy with a deadly weapon."
"It is hardly
deadly to me," said Voldemort sharply. "You idiotic boy."
"Maybe," said
Harry. "Maybe not."
And he opened his
The silver blades
whirred apart, and from his metal palm erupted a jet of bluish light. Its force was so great
that Harry staggered backward. Draco threw himself to the ground as a tongue of blue fire
whipped over his head, striking the far wall and knocking over a display case of antique
swords, which rained down with a clatter.
Harry fell on his
knees, but he was still directing the light towards Lucius and the Death Eaters. Draco saw
the light strike first one, then the rest of the Death Eaters and heard them scream as it
whipped around them like Voldemort's ropes had whipped around Harry. One by one, they were
jerked off their feet, Lucius included -- they howled, and vanished.
Voldemort was the
last to go. He seemed to be hanging on just from the sheer force of his hatred of Harry. But
Harry raised his arm and pointed it again at the Dark Lord, and he, too, was whirled
The blue light
vanished with him. And Harry crumpled to the ground as if he had been
Draco struggled to
his feet and started to run over to Harry. Hermione got there before he did, though, and
flung herself down next to him. He looked like he was out cold. She grabbed hold of the ugly
metal arm and began running her wand frantically over it.
Draco reached over
to help steady Harry's arm, but Hermione, looking white and desperate, snapped, "Don't
touch him!"
Draco jerked his
hand back.
There was a flash
of white light from the tip of Hermione's wand, and the metal Lacertus arm vanished. Harry
began to stir.
shoulders sagged in relief. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, not looking at Draco. "It's just
-- the arm was draining his strength, it would have killed him in a minute. I had to get it
off him."
wasn't the Lacertus curse," said Draco flatly. Why wouldn’t she look at
"No," said
Hermione, still looking down at Harry. "No. We changed it. But the arm is was still a very
dangerous Transfigured object, and using it could easily have killed
A large tear ran
down her nose and plonked onto Harry's face. Harry opened his eyes.
"Quit that," he
said hoarsely.
Hermione grinned
at him. Harry grinned back.
"You were amazing,
Harry," she said. "You really were."
Sirius, who had
come loping up, sat down by Harry and grabbed his hand. "That was fantastic," he said.
"Really fantastic, Harry, congratulations."
Harry sat up
slowly. He was still very pale, but colour was beginning to come back to his face. "We still
have to get out of here, though, don't we," he said matter-of-factly. "Hermione, you said the
spell wasn't permanent?"
She shook her
head. "It was just a very strong Whirlwind Charm in place of the killing spell the Lacertus
usually uses," she said. "It won't kill them at all -- but it'll keep them away for a good
long time. And eventually it'll dump them down somewhere random. I hope it dumps Voldemort
into the piranha tank at the zoo," she added angrily.
Draco thought he
should say something, but wasn't sure what. He probably ought to thank Harry for saving his
life. But Harry and Hermione were busy grinning at each other like idiots, and then there was
Sirius, whacking Harry on the back and treating him like he was some sort of hero. Well okay,
Draco admitted, Harry was kind of a hero. Although of course he wouldn’t have been in
a position to need his life saved if he hadn't been pretending he was Harry in the first
place, in order to save Hermione's life. For which she had not thanked him. In fact, she
hadn't even acknowledged it.
Feelings he
thought he had forgotten, left behind, came flooding back. Jealousy and rage and gnawing
fear. Neither Harry nor Hermione would look at him -- they thought he had betrayed them --
they were disgusted with him--
"Potter," he said
shortly. He reached into his pocket, took out Harry's glasses, and dropped them onto Harry's
lap. "Your specs."
Harry glanced up.
"Thanks, Malfoy," he said. But his eyes were wary.
This only
increased Draco's anger. "Go on," he said. "Ask me."
"Ask you what?"
said Harry, looking even warier now.
"If Voldemort
tortured me to get me to tell him where you were," Draco said. "You've been wondering. So
"Don't," said
Hermione sharply. But neither of them was listening to her. They were looking at each other,
green eyes locked on gray.
"Well," said
Harry. "Did he?"
"No," said
There was a long
Draco said, "You
saved my life, Potter." He jerked his chin toward Hermione. "But I saved her life.
Which in my mind makes us even."
There was another
"Fine," said Harry
at last. "We're even."
Hermione looked
from one of them to the other. Harry was still pale and shaking, but Draco looked as calm and
collected as though he'd just been through nothing worse than a bad haircut; although his
face and clothes were still very bloody.
"Draco," she
began, but he didn't even look at her.
"I don't want to
hear from you, Granger," he said shortly.
Draco bent down
and picked up his wand from the floor where it had fallen. Then he straightened up and jammed
it into his pocket -- he was still wearing Harry's clothes, frayed robes and all. He didn't
look at Hermione as he did all this, didn't see her face wretched with misery. "See you at
school, then," he said and walked away.
Hermione seized
Harry's arm. "Harry---he can't go---"
Harry just looked
tired. "Let him go if he wants to, Hermione."
She shook her head
violently. "We'll never get off the grounds without him -- there are seventeen hexes on the
front door alone and only he knows how to take them off---"
Harry turned to
Sirius. "Get him," he said.
Sirius dropped
down into canine form and leaped after Draco. He lunged onto his back and brought him
crashing to the floor. Draco rolled over, yelling, and Sirius sat on his chest. Harry got to
his feet and, followed by Hermione, approached them slowly.
"Call off your
dog, would you, Potter?" said Draco, eyeing Sirius with immense dislike. "I hate
"You want to be a
bit nicer to someone who's just helped save your life," said Harry.
"I thought we were
even," replied Draco.
"I didn't mean
me," said Harry. "I meant Sirius."
"Oh, shut up, both
of you," Hermione interrupted in great agitation. "We need to go. Draco -- you have to
come with us, we'll never get off the grounds without you."
"And this is my
problem because...?"
Draco's drawl was
back. The drawl Hermione remembered, that she hated.
Sirius suddenly
resumed his human form, stood up, and yanked Draco sharply to his feet. "I'll tell you why
it's your problem, my boy," he said, and snapped his fingers. Narrow ropes appeared out of
the air as they had for Voldemort earlier and whipped themselves around Draco's left arm,
binding it tightly to Sirius' right one. Before Draco could react, Sirius had reached out,
plucked his wand out of his robes, and pocketed it. "Because I'm making it your
Draco looked so
angry that his eyes were nearly black with fury. Then he grinned at Harry and Hermione. It
was a mean, mirthless sort of grin. "If that's the way you want to play it," he said,
"Why won´t you
just come with us because you want to?" demanded Hermione, her voice cracking. "We
haven't done anything but try to help you--"
"My father says he
isn't my father any more," said Draco. "The Dark Lord wants me dead, and when I get back to
school, I'll probably be expelled. If the point of this all was to show me how miserable it
is being you, Potter, then it worked."
Harry's eyes
flashed with anger. "None of this was about you, Malfoy, in the first
Draco looked like
he had been hoping Harry would say that. "Of course not," he sneered. "Because everything's
about you, isn't it, Potter? None of our lives would have been in danger if it wasn't for
"Harry can't help
being who he is," said Hermione in a trembling voice.
"Maybe not," said
Draco, "But he could help dragging his friends into his messes over and over again. What're
you going to do, Potter, when you slip up and one of them dies? It's just a matter of time,
the only question is whether it'll be Weasley, or the Dog Man here, or even
"Shut up, Malfoy,"
said Harry in a deadly voice.
"I don't think
Granger needs a lot of encouragement to die for you, either," Draco went on, eyes glittering,
"I heard you down in the tunnels, you two: Say it, Harry, say
"Shut up!" screamed Hermione, and Draco
"He's just trying
to make us angry enough so we'll let him go off without us," said Harry in the same deadly
voice. "Well, it won't work."
And he walked
away. Halfway to the doors, he stopped, bent down, and picked up one of the swords that had
fallen out of the smashed display case. He slid it through his belt, and turned and looked at
the other three. "We're going," he said. "Now."
It was going on
midnight, and the sky over Malfoy Manor was an inverted black bowl spangled with sequins. The
grounds were black and silver and deadly. Of course, if they hadn't had Draco with them, they
would have been terminally deadly. Bitter and vindictive he might be, but he was still a
Malfoy, and knew how to get around the grounds.
Sirius walked
ahead, pushing Draco slightly in front of him. Harry and Hermione followed behind. Harry was
quiet with the quiet of exhaustion. They skirted a number of obstacles, including a nest of
giant spiders which Draco pointed out and Sirius promptly Stunned with his
Hermione was
feeling wretched. It wasn't just that they were on the Malfoy family grounds, which was
terrifying, or that Harry was still looking white and ill and she was afraid that the
Lacertus charm, even in its altered form, had done him a lasting injury of some sort -- it
was also that Draco wasn't talking to her.
She had
wanted to thank him for having saved her life, but she couldn't, because he wouldn’t
talk to her. When she tried to approach him he waved her away. In fact he had only spoken to
any of them once, to ask if Narcissa was all right. None of them had the heart to tell him
about the Epicyclical Charm, even now, so Sirius hadn’t been able to give him much of an
answer besides his word that Narcissa was fine. This, of course, only pissed Draco off
Hermione kept
sneaking glances at Draco out of the corner of her eye. How could she have been so
wrong about anyone? She had been sure, positive, that it wasn't the Polyjuice spell,
it couldn’t be the Polyjuice spell...but the way he had looked at her, talked to her,
back in the fencing room, it was as if the past week had never happened and he hated her
They had come to a
low bridge over a narrow stream. Draco stopped dead. Harry, who hadn’t been paying attention,
was about to step on the bridge when Draco reached out a hand and caught at his
"I wouldn't walk
on that if I were you, Potter," he drawled.
Harry stepped back
quickly and looked at Draco with suspicion. "Why? What'll happen?"
procedure," said Draco, "is to leap fifty feet into the air and scatter yourself over a wide
area while screaming at the top of your lungs."
Harry looked at
him, and Draco grinned his obnoxious grin again. For a moment, it looked like Harry might
haul off and punch him in the eye. Draco kind of hoped he would, but was
"Right," said
Harry, taking a deep breath. "So it’s a bomb, then."
"I wouldn’t know
what you’d call it," Draco replied, looking bored. "I don't speak
"It's some sort of
Explosive Hex, let's just go around it, Harry," said Hermione, looking terribly
"No," said Harry,
still regarding the bridge thoughtfully. "Give him his wand, Sirius."
Sirius looked
doubtful. "Harry--"
"Give it to him,"
said Harry. He turned and looked at Draco. "Take the hex off,
"And if I
"Then we'll all
walk onto it and take our chances," said Harry. "You can go first."
Draco frowned.
Sirius took his wand out and pressed it roughly into Draco´s grip, keeping his own hand
firmly on his wrist.
Draco pointed his
wand at the bridge. "Raptus regaliter," he said.
There was a sharp
flash of light. Sirius took the wand back and they walked out onto the bridge, Sirius pushing
Draco ahead of him. Nothing happened, so Harry and Hermione followed.
Sirius had said
almost nothing to Draco since he had told him that getting off the grounds was now his
problem too. Now, however, he turned to him and said, "What did they use on you, boy?
Caught off guard,
Draco stumbled. "What?"
"I saw your face
when we came into that room, and again just now when Harry almost walked on that bridge,"
said Sirius. "You wouldn't have told Lucius bloody anything, you're much too proud for
starters. You forget, I was around back in the day when Voldemort was going around torturing
people and using Veritaserum like it was Pepperup Potion. I know what resisting Dark magic
looks like." He grabbed Draco's chin and forced his head up. "Bit through your lip, didn't
you?" he added, sounding approving. "Very good."
Draco wrenched his
head away. "What's it to you?"
"Not much," Sirius
admitted. "But it might mean a lot to them," and he gestured towards Harry and Hermione
behind them on the path.
"They wouldn't
believe me."
"Try them,"
suggested Sirius.
"No," said Draco.
"They were so ready to believe that as soon as the spell was off me, I'd turn right around
and stab them in the back," he added with intense bitterness. "Hermione looked like she was
going to spit on me. They didn't even ask."
"You didn't
exactly offer, either."
"If I was Harry,"
snapped Draco, "she wouldn't have to ask, she'd know."
"You're not
Harry," said Sirius with brutal honesty. "Not any more."
Draco jerked his
head aside so that Sirius couldn't see his face. "Harry the hero," he said in a tight voice.
"He gets to walk home with Hermione, and I wind up chained to the Dog
"Take a word of
advice from the Dog Man, then," said Sirius. "You're not doing a lot to further your own
cause at the moment. Just tell them the truth, Malfoy."
"I'm not sure I'm
a Malfoy any more," said Draco. "And I'm not Harry either. I don't know what I
Hermione had begun
to lose track of time when she heard Harry give a sudden whistle of amazement. She glanced up
and saw what he was looking at -- a huge chasm that bisected the ground in front of them. It
was narrow, possibly no more than thirty feet across, but it looked very, very deep. It wound
back and forth across the barren ground like an uncoiling serpent. There was obviously no way
around it.
"It's a bottomless
pit," said Draco, looking at it with some uneasiness. "Or it might be a Depthless Chasm, I'm
not certain. No...I'm pretty sure my father did say that he'd asked the landscaper for a
Bottomless Pit." Draco shrugged. "Either way, I wouldn't recommend falling into it. It might
have no bottom, but you'll be falling a long time."
"Trust your family
to have a Bottomless Pit, Malfoy," said Harry darkly. "Other people have shrubbery in the
garden. You have a Bottomless Pit."
"More unusual than
shrubbery," said Draco. "Handier, too."
bickering," said Sirius sharply. "How do we get across?"
"You can't," said
Draco, "If you were a Malfoy, you could walk over the chasm without a bridge. But you don't."
He cocked his head at Harry. "Well, maybe you do, Potter, care to chance
Harry shook his
head fervently. "No way."
"Of course," Draco
added, "if I had my wand...."
Sirius handed it
to him and held his wrist while he performed a spell. There was no flash of light, but a
bridge appeared -- more of a narrow walkway, really, that hugged the side of the chasm. It
was barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side.
"I don't much like
the look of that," said Sirius.
Draco shrugged.
"It's what we use when we have to get across with someone who isn't a Malfoy," he said. "It's
safe enough. It crosses the Pit farther down."
"You first," said
Harry to Draco, and they went.
They were about
halfway across, walking two by two along the narrow path, when they heard it. A sort of
whirring, thrumming noise directly overhead. Hermione glanced up, trying to see past the ten
feet or so of cliff that stretched above them, and saw that the others were doing the
"What is
that?" she said.
They all glanced
at Draco, who looked baffled. "No idea," he said shortly.
"Get back against
the cliff wall, everyone," said Sirius sharply, and they pressed themselves into the shadow
of the rock. After a few minutes, the noise died away and they started walking again,
although more slowly.
"That sounded
almost like...a helicopter," said Harry under his breath to Hermione. "But it can't be. Not
" It wouldn’t
work," she agreed. "Too much magic in the air."
"Some sort of
flying monster?" said Harry worriedly.
"It didn't
sound like any kind of animal--"
She broke off as
the whirring, grinding noise came whirling overhead again, this time accompanied by a flash
of intensely bright light. Whatever it was had circled around and returned. They huddled back
against the cliff. Then something suddenly soared over their heads---something big--if
Hermione hadn't known better, she would have thought it was a helicopter or a plane,
but it couldn't be---
"Get back here,"
said Sirius roughly, and Hermione realized that he was talking to Draco, who had moved
forward and was standing on the path, out of the shadows. The bright overhead glare turned
his hair to the colourless colour of lightning. He was doing something with his hands---but
his left hand was tied... wasn't it?
"Sirius!" said
Harry sharply. "He's got his wand-"
Sirius whipped
around. Draco jumped back, furiously tugging at his wrists. Somehow, in the confusion, he had
gotten his wand out of Sirius' pocket and freed himself. He yanked the last of the magical
ropes from his wrists and dropped them on the ground. He had a very odd expression on his
face --- half triumph, half despair.
"You can go on
without me from here," he said, turned, and ran back the way they had
Sirius dropped to
all fours in canine form and bolted after him.
Several things
happened at once.
Draco, hearing
Sirius behind him, skidded to a stop, whirled, and ran sideways - off the walkway and into
thin air. He hadn't been lying, he could walk on the air above the chasm. His feet kicked up
bright silver flashes as he ran, like a knife striking sparks from
Sirius, obviously
startled, gave a yelp of shock and began skidding to a halt.
Harry, seeing
Sirius' distress, started to run forward. And suddenly stumbled, his foot tangled in Draco's
discarded bindings. He pitched forward silently, rolled, and slid off the edge of the
walkway, out of view.
Hermione's heart
"Harry!" she
shrieked, running to the side of the walkway and casting about wildly.
"I'm here," said a
faint voice directly below her. "But I think my arm is broken."
Hermione fell to
her knees, crawled to the very edge of the path, and looked over. At first she saw only
darkness, which resolved itself slowly into a pattern of shadow and lesser shadow. She made
out Harry's white face, turned up to hers. He was gripping an outflung rock with one arm. His
other arm hung at a strange angle at his side. His legs were dangling out over the chasm --
deep and black and endless.
"Harry," she
breathed. She flung herself onto her stomach and inched forward until she could reach the
hand that was gripping the rock. She seized him by the wrist and hung on tightly. "You're all
right," she said frantically, "just hang on, Harry--" She turned her head, looking
desperately for Sirius, saw him about thirty feet away, watching Draco running through the
air to the opposite side of the chasm. "Sirius!" she screamed. "Sirius, come
There was a loud
cracking noise, and a piece of the rock Harry was gripping crumbled away. He skidded downward
about two feet, pulling Hermione with him. She threw the arm that wasn't holding Harry around
a rock and braced her knees. The gravel tore at her skin, but she stopped sliding
She looked down at
Harry again. There was nothing but her own strength keeping him from falling now, and she was
gripping his wrist so tightly that she could see her nails digging into his flesh. "Hold on,"
she said, her voice cracking alarmingly, "just hold on, Harry, Sirius is
She could see
Sirius loping towards them at top speed, racing with all four feet, and yet he didn't seem to
be getting any closer at all.
"I can't," said
Harry's voice below her.
She looked back at
Harry. He was very pale, the dirt and gashes standing out clearly on his white face, but he
seemed strangely calm. "I can't," he said again, and she saw that he was right, his hand was
slipping out of hers-she lunged forward, she was hanging half off the path now -- and caught
at his sleeve, seizing it in a death-tight grip.
"Harry," she said.
"Harry, please."
But she knew it
was useless. He couldn't pull himself up with his arm broken. He was dead weight on the end
of her arm and her shoulder was agony now. She was aware of the whirring, grinding noise
overhead again but she didn't dare look up.
"Hermione," said
He was smiling.
How could he be smiling at a time like this?
"I do love you,
you know," he said.
Or at least that
was what it sounded like he said. The whirring noise was loud in her ears and she couldn't be
gasped Hermione, numb with shock. "What did you say?"
Harry opened his
mouth to reply. There was the sound of ripping cloth, and his sleeve came off in her hand, as
it had to, as she had known it would. She saw his eyes widen in horror-- and then he was
falling, falling away from her, spiralling down into the impenetrable darkness
procedure," said Draco, "is to leap fifty feet into the air and scatter yourself over a wide
area while screaming at the top of your lungs." - Blackadder.
Lucius was
still looking like someone had force-fed him a lemon that happened to be taped to an enormous
brick. "Draco?" - The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Chapter 10